segunda-feira, 15 de janeiro de 2018

South Africa demands explanations from US after racist statement by Donald Trump

Presidenciável Donald Trump durante um evento da sua campanha eleitoral
The Department of International Relations and Cooperation of South Africa (DIRCO) said in a statement on Sunday (14) that it will convene US diplomats in their country following the statement by US President Donald Trump in which he called Haiti and the African nations of "countries of death".

On Thursday (11), US media reported that Trump would have particularly stated a certain dislike of immigrants for what he called "countries of the world". On Friday (12), the US leader said in his Twitter account that he did not say anything bad about Haiti.

DIRCO said in a statement, also posted on its Facebook account, that it will provide an opportunity for US diplomats to explain President Donald Trump's "disturbing comments" on African countries, Haiti and El Salvador.

According to the statement, the department would have seen Trump's tweet in which it is portrayed, however, it took into account the fact that the message refers only to Haiti, while the controversial statement attributed to the president was made on a larger number of countries, including Africans.

Trump's remark was criticized by several countries and international organizations such as the UN and the African Union, the continental organization of African countries.

United Kingdom sends 2 fighters to intercept Russian aircraft

Caças Eurofighter Typhoon da Força Aérea britânica

Two Eurofighter Typhoon fighters were dispatched to prevent a suspected invasion of Russian aircraft.

On Monday morning, the British Air Force dispatched two Eurofighter Typhoon fighters from Scotland to resist the presence of Russian aircraft near its airspace. According to the spokesperson of the Royal Air Force, this is an operation in progress and, therefore, more details have not been disclosed.

Two Eurofighter Typhoon fighters were dispatched to prevent a suspected invasion of Russian aircraft.

On Monday morning, the British Air Force dispatched two Eurofighter Typhoon fighters from Scotland to resist the presence of Russian aircraft near its airspace. According to the spokesperson of the Royal Air Force, this is an operation in progress and, therefore, more details have not been disclosed.

The Royal Air Force Eurofighter Typhoon has been dispatched to perform a quick reaction alert operation. Now they are in the northeast of the Netherlands. Belgian BAF F-16s are also in the area.

The first data disclosed do not reveal the model of the Russian aircraft. However, it is noteworthy that the French and Belgian Air Forces also participate in the situation that is under development in the airspace near the coast of Caithness county, in the north of Scotland.

Two Eurofighter Typhoon fighters were dispatched to prevent a suspected invasion of Russian aircraft.

On Monday morning, the British Air Force dispatched two Eurofighter Typhoon fighters from Scotland to resist the presence of Russian aircraft near its airspace. According to the spokesperson of the Royal Air Force, this is an operation in progress and, therefore, more details have not been disclosed.

The Royal Air Force Eurofighter Typhoon has been dispatched to perform a quick reaction alert operation. Now they are in the northeast of the Netherlands. Belgian BAF F-16s are also in the area.

The first data disclosed do not reveal the model of the Russian aircraft. However, it is noteworthy that the French and Belgian Air Forces also participate in the situation that is under development in the airspace near the coast of Caithness county, in the north of Scotland.

It is worth noting that this is not the first incident in which the British Air Force responds to the maneuvers of the Russian military. On 22 September last year, UK fighters carried out an emergency flight from Lossiemouth Air Force Base in Scotland to escort Russian fighter jets.

However, the Russian aircraft - whose type was not revealed - changed their trajectory and the interception was avoided.

In that connection, Russia's Ministry of Defense spokesperson explained that "all Russian Aerospace aircraft flights are conducted in strict accordance with international standards on the use of neutral airspace."

North Korea agrees to send orchestra to the Olympiad in the South

Norte-coreanos participam de exercícios de ginástica em Pyongyang
North Korea will send a 140-member orchestra to the 2018 Winter Olympics in South Korea. The decision was agreed following a meeting between Seoul and Pyongyang on Monday (15).

The group will make two presentations, one in Seoul and another in Gangneung.

The North Koreans are also negotiating with Seoul and forming a joint women's ice hockey team. The measure, however, needs the approval of the International Olympic Committee (IOC). There has never been a joint team in Korea in the history of the Olympics.

The Korean delegation will have a meeting with the IOC at its headquarters in Switzerland to discuss the possible joint team.

North Korea's involvement was in doubt, but Korea held its first meeting in about two years and agreed Pyongyang's participation in the Games, as well as measures to reduce military tension in the region.

According to analysts heard by the Associated Press, North Korea may be trying to fend off Seoul and Washington with this diplomatic approach to its southern neighbors. Other analysts say Kim Jong-un's goal is to demonstrate normality, despite its ballistic and nuclear program.

sábado, 13 de janeiro de 2018


Although the "right to culture" appears in the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and in many constitutions around the world, this is not always respected. Not a few countries where this right existed only on paper.

Whether for political or moral religious reasons, governments ban and censor famous books all the time. Make no mistake, this is quite normal in more radical countries. Ever thought you'd be banned from reading that favorite book of yours, imagine what a tragedy.

1 - Burger's Daughter, Nadine Gordimer

When the subject is censorship for political reasons, soon we are reminded of philosophical works or even real reports of people persecuted by dictatorships. At the time this book was released, it was deemed "a threat to the security of South Africa" by the authorities. Their import was soon banned.

2 - The Lord of the Rings, J. R. R. Tolkien

The great fantastic trilogy written by Tolkien was criticized by religious groups for their content considered pagan. In 2001, church members from New Mexico, USA, even burned a few copies of the book. The trilogy was accused of vindicating Satanism.

3 - The Wealth of Nations, Adam Smith

This is one of the books responsible for theorizing the foundations of the modern economy, and also one of the most criticized in all history. After concentrating his defense on the freedom of trade and property, the economist Adam Smith saw his work to be prohibited by the aristocracy of century XVIII by its critics to the mercantilism.

4 - Death Note, Tsugumi Ohba

"Death Note" is a famous Japanese manga that has suffered censorship with censorship. It was banned in China by local authorities. Do you want to know why? They wanted to protect the students' physical and mental health. The play could "mislead innocent children" and "distort your mind and your spirit."

5 - 1984, George Orwell

Orwell's work has already been considered by TIME as one of the most persecuted books around the globe. And no less. In 1950, Stalin called for censorship of the book in the Soviet Union for considering the work a direct criticism of his government. It seems somewhat contradictory, since one of the central themes of the book is criticism of censorship.

6 - Alice in Wonderland, Lewis Carroll

If you have read this book, you must surely be wondering what the work is forbidden in some places. Despite being a classic in the West, Alice in Wonderland suffered a series of censures in China around 1930. In Hunan Province, General Ho Chien censured the work because it considered that its anthropomorphic personages, animals with human characteristics, hurt morality and insult human beings, "calling them animals."

7 - The Animals Revolution, George Orwell
Another work of Orwell that underwent several critics. Soon after being finalized in 1943, the book already gave a speech, when no British publisher was prepared to publish it fearing repressions of the government. After being able to publish the first editions, Orwell had his work quickly prohibited in the Soviet Union and in other socialist countries. The book was also banned in Kenya in 1991 for its criticism of corrupt politicians, and in the United Arab Emirates in 2002 for containing images and texts contrary to Islamic morality.

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Diagnoses of mental disorders are made easier nowadays. Everyone knows or has already heard about what is anxiety, depression and several other problems that can aggravate the psychological human. These psychopathologies affect a large number of people and therefore, experts say that one in three people has suffered, suffers or will experience some form of mental disorder during their lifetime.

These disorders can affect millions of people and lead them to years of psychotherapy. In some cases, problems can be extremely rare. Well, we of the Unknown Facts have brought to our readers 7 mental disorders that can happen to you. Check out:

1 - Stockholm Syndrome

Stockholm syndrome is considered a psychological response in people who have had an abduction experience. The hostage can show signs of sympathy, loyalty or even volunteer to help the person. A great example of this syndrome was Patty Hearst, the daughter of a millionaire who was kidnapped in 1974. The girl seemed to sympathize with her corrupters.

2 - Diogenes syndrome

Diogenes was a Greek philosopher who lived in a barrel of wine. This syndrome is a condition characterized by extreme self-neglect, reclusive tendencies, and compulsive accumulation. It is found mainly in elderly people and is associated with the weight of age.

3 - Paris Syndrome

This syndrome is a condition that happens exclusively in tourists. She makes them have a mental break while they're in the famous city. It's basically a culture shock. This is more so with Japanese tourists, who are extremely surprised by the new reality that are involved.

4 - Stendehal syndrome
Transtornos mentais
It is a psychosomatic illness that causes rapid heartbeat, dizziness, convulsion, and even hallucinations. And this can happen when a person is exposed to art. The term can also be used to describe a reaction similar to an excess of choice in other circumstances, for example, when faced with immense beauty in the natural world.

5 - Jerusalem Syndrome

This is the name given to a group of mental phenomena that involves obsessive ideas with religious themes, delusions or even psychosis that are triggered or led to a visit to the city of Jerusalem. It is not unique to a single religion or denomination, but it affected Jews and Christians from different backgrounds.

6 - Illusion of Capgras

This is a rare disorder in which a person has an illusory belief that an acquaintance has been replaced by an identical-looking impostor. It is quite seen as in patients with schizophrenia, although it also occurs in people with dementia or after a brain injury.

7 - Cotard Delusion

Cotard Delusion is a rather rare psychiatric disorder in which a person believes that he or she is dead. And there are cases of people with delusions of immortality. The fact is that the person truly believes that he is dead.

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Quiosque do Clima recebe a visita de Brusadin

As boas práticas dos quiosques de praia em Itanhaém, no litoral sul de São Paulo, para evitar e reduzir o uso de resíduos descartáveis de plástico, como canudos, copos, pratos e talheres, foi o que mais chamou a atenção do secretário estadual do Meio Ambiente, Maurício Brusadin, que acompanhado pelo prefeito Marco Aurélio Gomes, inaugurou na quinta-feira (11/01) o

“Quiosque do Clima”, dentro das atividades do Projeto Verão no Clima. Também acompanharam Brusadin o secretário municipal de planejamento e Meio Ambiente Ruy Santos e o diretor de Meio Ambiente Willian de Souza Carrillo.

“É sempre um prazer visitar Itanhaém, que tem sido modelo na gestão ambiental, conforme a posição no Ranking do Município VerdeAzul pode atestar (9º lugar em todo o Estado, 1º na Baixada Santista). Ficamos satisfeitos em ver tantas pessoas engajadas em participar da limpeza das praias e da conscientização, além da receptividade do público. Parabenizo também os quiosques pela adesão ao Verão no Clima”, afirmou o secretário estadual Maurício Brusadin.

Instalado na praia do Centro, altura do nº 692 da Av. Presidente Vargas, este quiosque modelo (Quiosque Moai), instalou bituqueiras na praia e faz a gestão dos resíduos em parceria com a cooperativa de catadores.

Outro quiosque parceiro do Verao no Clima é o Requintes,na praia do Bopiranga. Para reduzir o lixo gerado, a proprietária Sonia Tamaki substituiu copos e bandejas descartáveis por materiais reutilizáveis e disse que os banhistas aprovaram a mudança.

Outra iniciativa que deu muito certo mistura consciência ambiental, criatividade e bom humor. O quiosque do Bezerra da Praia promove gincana e sorteios entre os banhistas que recolherem e descartarem corretamente o lixo. “Cada sacolinha cheia de lixo dá direito a um cupom e, na parte da tarde, fazemos o sorteio de porções, bebidas e outros prêmios, tudo para incentivar a população a cuidar de seu lixo.”

Brusadin destacou que A ideia é replicar esses modelos nos demais quiosques em todas as mais de 60 praias abrangidas pelo projeto, até o próximo verão.
O secretário também visitou o Instituto Gremar, que, entre suas ações, faz monitoramento ambiental e reabilitação de animais.

Google listens to you all the time! Learn how to find your dossier

Pessoas trabalhando em notebooks em frente ao símbolo do Google em Hanover, Alemanha (foto de arquivo)

Here's the bad news: Google follows you constantly and even records your conversations. The good news is this: you can delete all the files. Know how!

All the time, without attention, Google listens to users' conversations and keeps records on their servers. It's not about phone conversations, it's surveys you usually do.

In fact, the company does not keep it secret, but speaks of it in its Terms of Use that in fact no one intends to read.

In this sense, what is the purpose of Google? Provide the total information that has to do with you to your artificial intelligence, who learns best to understand you, and in theory proposes the most compatible Google products to you.

However, there are also considerable inconveniences. First, this information can be used by criminals if they are able to hack into your account. Second, the data can be used against you in case of conflict with the authorities. And finally, these records are useful for showing you targeted advertising.

Fortunately, you can erase all this data! Here, you can find search files that are taken by your phone's microphone when you connect to your Google account. If you do not see anything, it means you never said "OK, Google."

Already here, you'll find the complete dossier about you made by Google based on your Internet searches and sites you've visited. Thank God, you have the opportunity to erase everything right now!

"Invasión de venezolanos" alerta sobre racismo y xenofobia en Brasil

Imigrantes da Venezuela indo para a Colômbia.

Brasil nunca recibió tantos pedidos de refugio como en 2017. Fueron 33.865 solicitudes, un aumento del 228% ante 2016, de acuerdo con el Comité Nacional para los Refugiados. En suelo brasileño, algunas de estas personas sufren con el racismo y la xenofobia al buscar su inserción en la sociedad.

La mayor parte del flujo de refugiados está formado por venezolanos, con 17.865 solicitudes provenientes del país de Nicolás Maduro. En el caso de Brasil, la mayoría de los países de la región, Roraima registró el 47% de los pedidos de refugio en 2017, según datos obtenidos por el G1.

"Venezuela atravesa una grave crisis económica y social y, por lo tanto, humanitaria también, Brasil, por su proximidad, ha sido uno de los países buscados por los venezolanos. Estas personas tienen derecho, una vez que estén en territorio brasileño, de solicitar refugio ( ...) El problema es que por el exceso de pedidos, el análisis de los casos llega a tardar dos años ", dice Juana Kweitel, directora ejecutiva de la ONG de derechos humanos Conectas.

Los otros países que presentaron más pedidos fueron: Cuba (2.373), Haití (2.362), Angola (2.036) y China (1.462).

"Si sumamos refugiados reconocidos y solicitantes de refugio, tenemos algo alrededor de 50 a 60 mil personas y, considerando el tamaño del territorio brasileño y el tamaño de la población, porcentualmente es un número muy bajo.

Principalmente cuando se compara con otros países que han recibido una gran cantidad de refugiados. Por supuesto, cuando usted tiene estas personas concentradas en algunas regiones del país, esto trae dificultades y desafíos adicionales. Como es el caso de Roraima, dice el oficial de integración del Alto Comisionado de las Naciones Unidas para los Refugiados (ACNUR) Paulo Sérgio Almeida.

El funcionario del ACNUR subraya que el refugiado es diferente del inmigrante.

"Cuando hablamos de refugio, es un desplazamiento forzado de personas, ellas tienen que salir de los países para preservar sus vidas, sus integridades físicas y libertades, son personas que tienen la necesidad de buscar una nueva vida en otro país", afirma Almeida.

Maresa Bernardo trabaja con la inserción profesional de refugiadas y conoce detalles de la vida de estas mujeres. Ella es analista de planificación de la agencia de recursos humanos Fox Time, que forma parte del proyecto "Empoderando a refugiadas", del ACNUR. Según Maresa, muchas mujeres que son atendidas por Fox Time en São Paulo son africanas y poseen enseñanza superior.

Sin embargo, ellas suelen trabajar en vacantes de menor calificación técnica y en servicios como limpieza porque la validación de diplomas extranjeros es "muy burocrática".

"Hemos tenido una refugiada que pidió apagado y buscó ayuda porque sufrió racismo, así que hay algunos casos, principalmente por el origen africano, en que estas mujeres sufren racismo y se ven en esa situación de mujer, negra y refugiada", cuenta Maresa.

La directora ejecutiva de Conectas Juana Kweitel dice que la responsabilidad por la acogida de refugiados es compartida entre el Estado, por medio de políticas públicas, y la propia población brasileña en acciones como el combate a la xenofobia.

Brazilian 'Megan Fox' conquers the world with her fleshy lips and healthy life

Cláudia Alende, modelo brasileira

The similarity to the American actress Megan Fox brought international fame to the Brazilian model Cláudia Alende. The young Latin American has already outgrown the Hollywood star, at least on social networks.

Cláudia Alende began to gain fame in 2014, in the contest Miss Bumbum.

Alende stood out for her beauty and likeness to Megan Fox, and eventually won the second place.

Resultado de imagem para claudiaalende

Resultado de imagem para claudiaalende

Even though she did not take home champion crown, participation in the contest gave the model a lot of visibility and, consequently, several contracts of work with different brands of clothing, in particular with beachwear and underwear brands.

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The years went by and the beautiful Brazilian was gaining more popularity in Instagram. In June 2017, Alende ranked sixth on Forbes' list of the top 15 "influencers" on the global Instagram.

Resultado de imagem para claudiaalende

Resultado de imagem para claudiaalende

"Known for her beauty and commercial success, Claudia represents the image of a modern woman who can triumph in every aspect of life," the magazine wrote.

Currently, Cláudia Alende's Instagram has 10.3 million followers. Ironically, actress Megan Fox owns less than half of it: five million.

Resultado de imagem para claudiaalende

Besides working as a model, Alende also sings. The video for his song I'm Good at Being Bad, released on Youtube in December 2017, has reached almost 500,000 views in less than a month.

Trump spares nuclear deal against Iran, but imposes humanitarian sanctions

As bandeiras nacionais dos EUA e do Irã

US President Donald Trump will avoid imposing new nuclear sanctions on Iran for the last time and will require a follow-up agreement with European partners as well as an amendment to the US law attached to the nuclear deal with Tehran, on Friday.

According to the White House, this will be the last time Trump will waive sanctions as it pursues measures to strengthen the Joint Integrated Action Plan (JCPOA) of 2015.

A senior administration official said that Trump wants the Iran agreement to be strengthened with a 120-day follow-up agreement or the United States will unilaterally withdraw from the international pact.

Trump had tried privately to have to relinquish sanctions again in a country he sees as a growing threat in the Middle East. The agreement was reached during the presidency of former Democrat President Barack Obama.

The decision should be announced in a statement issued by the White House the day after Trump engages in lengthy discussions with US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, national security adviser H. R. McMaster, and other authorities over the agreement.

Trump argued backstage that the nuclear deal makes the United States look weak, a top US official said. The argument for keeping up, said the source, was to allow time to toughen the terms of the agreements.

The 2015 agreement between the United States and Iran has also been signed by China, France, Russia, Britain, Germany and the European Union, and the agreement to halt Iran's nuclear program has effectively terminated the agreement limiting Iran's nuclear program. these countries would have been unlikely to join the United States in returning to sanctions.

Humanitarian sanctions

While Trump approved an exemption from sanctions, the Treasury Department has decided to impose new targeted sanctions against 14 Iranian entities and individuals for human rights abuses and support for Tehran's weapons programs. The list includes the head of the judiciary in Iran, Ayatollah Sadeq Larijani.

The folder said in a statement that Larijani, an intimate ally of the supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, is "responsible for ordering, controlling or otherwise directing, committing serious human rights abuses against people in Iran or Iranian citizens or residents" .

In addition, a Chinese national has been sanctioned for acting on behalf of Wuhan Sanjiang Import and Export Co LTD, a company that is already under sanctions for doing business with an Iranian company "owned or controlled" by the military.

Other sanctioned entities included another Chinese company, Bochuang Ceramic Corp and an Iranian firm that sought to provide a chemical compound used to transmit electrical signals.

Путин надеется, что отношения между Россией и Украиной нормализуются в будущем

Presidente rússo, Vladimir Putin, duranta coletiva de imprensa conjunta com Sergio Mattarella, presidente da Itália

Президент России Владимир Путин сказал, что ситуация в отношениях между Россией и Украиной сегодня не нормальная, и выразил надежду, что они нормализуются в будущем.

«Что касается наших отношений с Украиной в целом, то отнюдь не нормально, что вместо конструктивного развития отношений между двумя соседними и братскими странами, которые на самом деле представляют одни и те же люди, есть ситуация, которую мы наблюдаем сегодня» , Сказал Путин во время встречи с различными российскими СМИ.

Президент выразил надежду, что после урегулирования конфликта в Донбассе «рано или поздно отношения нормализуются», и добавил, что ситуация в Донбассе начинает рассматриваться как замороженный конфликт, и «никто его не интересует, даже в России ".

«Я хотел бы сказать еще раз: Россия была бы удовлетворена, если бы Минские соглашения были полностью выполнены, а не выборочно, как хотелось бы, но таким образом, чтобы это принесло пользу всем, кто живет в Донбассе», - сказал он, когда он упомянул , в частности закона об особом статусе местности.

В апреле 2014 года Украина начала военную операцию в Донбассе, где отказ от насильственной смены правительства в Киеве в феврале того же года вызвал провозглашение так называемых народных республик Донецк и Луганск.

По данным ООН, военные действия привели к смерти более чем 10300 человек.

Минские соглашения, подписанные в сентябре 2014 года и феврале 2015 года, изложены руководящие принципы для урегулирования конфликта в переговорах, но еще не привели к устойчивому перемирию.

Former British MP: 'Trump's comments expose poor US leadership'

Donald Trump Urinals are all the range in some bars in the UK.

George Galloway, a former British MP and one of the protest organizers awaiting Donald Trump during the president's scheduled state visit, commented to the editors about the cancellation of the trip and the Republican's position during his time in the Oval Office.

"I was one of the organizers of Stop the War, possibly the biggest demonstration in British history," Galloway said. "Two million people before the [Iraq] war in 2003. Now we had the prospect of organizing an even larger demonstration, but canceled after Donald Trump's absurd declaration." Because he did not like the new US embassy property, he decided not to come ".

Galloway also ironically commented on the fact that it was Republican George W. Bush - not Obama, as he accused Trump - of authorizing a change of diplomatic facility.

"There are a lot of things to blame for Obama, but the new embassy south of the Thames, which Trump obviously thinks is a bad part of London, is a bad example. I do not care if it's a good or bad deal, but I feel like we were deprived of the opportunity to send a worldwide message of rejection of Donald Trump's foreign policies, his endless stream of excretions on Twitter, and of course his latest racist outburst, which was rightly condemned around the world, "he protested, referring to the supposed comment of the president classifying Haiti, El Salvador and several African nations as "countries of death".

The former parliamentarian then discussed the turbulent history between the US and Haiti, dating back almost from the beginning of the first black republic of the world. The island was under US occupation from 1915 to 1934. The US also enacted an embargo against the repressive military dictatorship until after 1986, often cited as one of the causes of Haiti's current economic weakness.

"The words of Donald Trump have no such ugly precedents," Galloway said. "But the actions of the United States against Haiti over the centuries - and I'm not talking about years or decades - were even worse than the most horrible words Donald Trump could invoke."

Galloway, however, said he saw a positive point in Trump's command. "It's a good thing that the American leadership is as horrible as it is today. It would have been worse if Hillary Clinton had been an American leader because that would have given her an unjustified sense of respectability for a set of really bad worldviews."

Rewarding Gadgets: World's Top 3 in Sex Dolls

Boneca sexual Roxxy durante a mostra nos EUA, em 9 de janeiro de 2010 (foto de arquivo)

Following the presentation of the new sexual doll, dubbed Solana, which allows users to change their very realistic face for another, our essay proposes to get to know the other most famous sex dolls, at least virtually.


This sophisticated robot will prove once again that "intelligence is sexy" nowadays, because this doll is programmed to be rational, capable of making jokes and declaim poems in case the owner wants it. In addition to being able to maintain a pleasant conversation, Harmony has 18 defining traits of her personality, since a person can choose between "shy" and "frigid" to "sexual" and "daring".

As for its initial purpose, its "intimate parts" allegedly will be super-realistic, including warm skin and genitals that can be easily removed and dishwasher-safe. In addition, this android is so similar to a human being that can even live an orgasm during intercourse.

The creators said the doll has 42 nipple options and even an optional "bonus" in the form of a trans penis. It is said that Harmony is "the girl with whom all man has always dreamed", creating an alternative form of relationship due to his artificial intelligence, which makes him memorize everything that man talks about his habits, preferences and aversions.


Samantha is another realistic android love that, as the inventors promise, can be seduced and is so attractive that men fall in love with the machine. The doll can respond to voices as well as touches, as it has numerous sensors on its face, hands, breasts and genitals. However, like Harmony, Samantha was not just bred for "perdition," so she is also able to debate philosophy and science and allegedly have a great sense of humor.


The world's first sex robot, available since 2010, comes with Al, articulated skeleton and customizable hair, eyes and skin color. In addition, it has heart rate and circulatory system thanks to its sensors. Roxxxy has far more capabilities than a regular sex doll: it connects wirelessly to the Internet, allowing you to send emails to its owner and receive software updates. In July 2017, the company TrueCompanion that produces the devices launched a new personality, Frigid Farrah, who is "reserved and timid" and "does not like that you touch your intimate parts."

According to The New York Times, "It is your job to rape for only $ 9,995

Bonus: Made of plastic, it's fantastic

In February 2017, Barcelona unveiled the opening of the first sex doll brothel in Europe that allows its visitors to perform "their wildest fantasies". The LumiDoll establishment offers realistic "girls" produced from thermoplastic elastomers, which are a soft polymer, and the prices of such dolls start at approximately $ 2,400. Meanwhile, the price of a session is about $ 120 for half an hour and one can also order a "home service" for $ 340 (a little more than. It is reported that each doll is disinfected with "soap special antibacterial ".

Bonus 2: Robots strippers

The international Consumer Electronics Show 2018 was rich in robotic presentations. Thus, the Las Vegas strip club hosted android dancers, which in fact seems more bizarre than exciting.

3 steps needed to end the Pentagon's failed strategy in the Middle East

Militares americanos no Iraque, foto de arquivo

Lately, the North Korean nuclear crisis has received a lot of attention from the US and the military option is not even ruled out. However, before thinking of new wars, the country should address another issue of its foreign policy that is the failure of the US strategy in the Middle East, says the country's media.

In an article for The National Interest, former military and senior investigator for the Defense Priorities analytical center, Daniel L. Davis, believes the situation in the Middle East is misunderstood by US officials.

Thus, the amount of US troops stationed in Afghan territory is enough to prevent the downfall of the government and nothing more, while Washington continues to seek to end terrorism in the region. By maintaining its military presence there, the Trump administration simply extends the same useless policy that has been in place since 2001.

As for another country in the region, Iraq, US Secretary of State James Mattis said that although the international coalition had successfully liberated all Iraqi regions from the terrorist group Daesh, banned in Russia and elsewhere, newly liberated areas remain vulnerable.

For this reason, US forces continue to remain in their territory.

On the other hand, US General Joseph Votel said his troops would stay in Syria "for an indefinite period" to prevent a resurgence of terrorist clusters and help local Kurdish and Arab militias to establish control over the territory.

However, columnist Daniel L. Davis expressed some skepticism on the subject.

"Having experience in providing training service to an Iraqi border battalion, I can say that training in Syrian-run militias has no possibility of preventing any 'resurgence', let alone 'establishing control,'" he said.

The columnist added that the military presence in Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan will never bring stability to the region nor will it enhance US security.

The best way to preserve the vitality of the US Armed Forces is to end the long failed missions, the author concludes.

In addition, it presents a series of measures that Washington should take to end these failures that require a lot of money and take numerous human lives.

First, Davis proposes to withdraw from Afghanistan. According to the military, "the US must warn Kabul about the cessation of the military operation within a specified time," for example, about 24 months. In this way, the Afghan government would have plenty of time to prepare for and take responsibility for national security.

Second, the author suggests that the White House should order the Pentagon to withdraw all US troops and all of the US military from Syria within 90 days.

Finally, the columnist considers it vital that the president of the United States request the preparation of a plan for the withdrawal of his Armed Forces from Iraq during six months.

Once these steps are finalized, the analyst is in charge of refuting the dominant idea that the withdrawal of US troops would "create a vacuum" and that a country opposed to the United States would arise that would "fill it" endangering national security from the USA".

In the first place, it is hard to imagine that any country is willing to take the vacant post, writes Davis. In addition, it is clear that chaos is not a newly established state in the Middle East. On the contrary, such chaos existed during the Reagan era and will exist in the future, while military presence does not improve the situation, according to the author.

In conclusion, the analyst emphasizes that US military activity in the Middle East is a failed mission and says the country's authorities must realize this and end the destructive policy of the past two decades.

Otherwise, the United States' financial resources and military potential will be depleted until one day the country will not be able to "face the real threats."

Claudio Manani (Editor- NewsPaper Educatch)

Canada is attracting Chinese criptomoedas miners


China has become one of the largest cryptomedical mining communities, but the country's authorities are reportedly likely to introduce regulatory measures on crypto-coin farmer operators soon.

As a result, some of the largest mining companies seek to expand overseas. Bitmain Technologies, one of the largest Chinese bitcoin miners, plans to enter Quebec, Canada.

Company spokesman Nishat Sharma told Reuters that Bitmain Technologies is discussing prospects of this deal with Quebec's regional authorities. In addition, the company plans to expand to Switzerland.

Bitcoin mining consumes huge amounts of energy because computers must solve mathematical problems to authenticate crypto-currency transactions that are stored in the blockchain. This process requires a lot of energy.

Stephane Paquet, vice president of the Montreal International company that promotes foreign investment, called Canada the place for "green bitcoins".

According to data from utility company Hydro Quebec, the province has an energy surplus of 100 Terawatt-hours over ten years. A Terawatt-hour feeds about 60,000 homes in Quebec for a year. Quebec is rich in energy, so this province is attracting Chinese miners.

"We, and from what I understand many of our peers, are already making plans to go abroad," said Li Wei, executive director of ZQMiner, a Wuhan-based company that sells bitcoin mining equipment and has mines in three Chinese provinces.

David Vincent, Hydro Quebec's director of business development for distribution, has stated that at least three or four of the top five criptomoedas miners are working with his company.

Currently, miners want to find existing services in Quebec that already have buildings and other necessary infrastructures.