quinta-feira, 30 de novembro de 2017

Novos conselheiros paulistas tomam posse no Conama

O secretário Maurício Brusadin tomou posse na manhã desta quarta-feira (29), em Brasília, como membro do Conselho Nacional de Meio Ambiente (Conama). Como primeiro suplente foi indicado o secretário adjunto Eduardo Trani  e como segunda suplente, a assessora de gabinete, Lúcia Sena.

No discurso de posse, durante a 127ª reunião ordinária do Conselho, Brusadin falou sobre a proposta encaminhada pela Secretaria do Meio Ambiente e Cetesb para a nova fase do Proconve – Programa de Controle de Poluição do Ar por Veículos Automotores, como contribuição à consulta pública promovida pelo órgão federal sobre as novas fases do programa de controle de poluentes emitidos por veículos novos, que reduzirá ainda mais as emissões de gás de efeito estufa.

US security: no interference from Russia in the 2016 elections

Eleições nos EUA 2016

After conducting numerous investigations, the US Department of Homeland Security officially announced that Russia was not involved in the US presidential elections that occurred in 2016.

There was no interference in the 2016 US presidential election, the deputy secretary of the Department of Homeland Security's Department of Homeland Security's Department of Homeland Security Christopher Krebs said Wednesday during the meeting of the US House of Representatives .
"Most of the activity was simply monitoring. It happens all the time through the networks ...

It is not considered an attack. None of the 21 states analyzed were attacked, "he said.

For this reason, stresses the official, to define such activity as an attack, is an "exaggeration."

In addition, he said that "it was not necessarily the electoral system that was monitored."

Interference that did not exist but cost sanctions for Moscow

Since the end of the 2016 US presidential election, several countries in the West (Europe and the US) have accused Russia of interfering in the electoral process.

Moscow has repeatedly denied any interference, for its part, in the US or any other country's elections.

Despite this, Washington and several EU countries have continued to insist that there are Russian "hackers" who would have interfered in elections in other countries. However, they have failed to provide any proof of their accusations, but to impose restrictive measures of all kinds against Russia.

Opinião: Brasil pode aproximar México ao projeto euroasiático a partir do BRICS

Os ministros Luis Videgaray, das Relações Exteriores do México, e Aloysio Nunes, das Relações Exteriores, durante entrevista coletiva no Palácio Itamaraty

Analista político mexicano, Lorenzo Carrasco, que reside no Rio de Janeiro, compartilha sua opinião sobre as relações entre Brasil e México no atual contexto internacional.

O chanceler mexicano, Luis Videgara, ao se encontrar com o presidente Temer e o chanceler Aloysio Nunes, manifestou a vontade que Brasil e México intensificassem o intercâmbio comercial.

"O México sempre pensou dentro da caixa das relações com os Estados Unidos, especialmente a partir do Tratado de Livre Comércio. A partir de Salinas de Gortari, o governo pensava que ia ser do primeiro mundo simplesmente por ter chegado a esse acordo", disse à redação Lorenzo Carrasco, presidente do Movimento de Solidariedade Ibero-Americana.

"Quando chegou Trump, isto foi questionado imediatamente, porque ele acusa México de tomar vantagem do NAFTA, o que é falso. Mas foi bom, para que o México descobrisse que se identifica mais com o resto da América Latina do que com os EUA", acrescentou.

Carrasco lembrou que este ano foram realizados vários encontros entre o México e o Brasil, o que, segundo o analista, é muito importante, pois há uma relação histórica entre os dois países. Levando em consideração a "impopularidade muito grande, tanto de Temer no Brasil como de Peña Nieto no México", esses países têm que cooperar mais amplamente.

Para o analista, Brasil tem dois aspectos importantes: primeiro, ele é evidentemente o líder e uma das economias mais importantes da América do Sul e, segundo, é membro do BRICS e pode ser um elemento importante nessa mediação.

"O Brasil, como membro do BRICS, pode aproximar a economia mexicana a todo o projeto euroasiático, que é onde se vai jogar a recuperação econômica global. Daí a importância de aproximar a Aliança do Pacífico com o Mercosul", disse Carrasco.

Segundo Carrasco, tudo isso tem uma "geometria muito clara" em termos da busca de relações com a região euroasiática, especialmente, por exemplo, com a Rússia, que propôs mesmo ao México uma aliança.

Departament Stanu USA zatwierdza sprzedaż pocisków rakietowych do Polski za 500 milionów dolarów

Lançadores múltiplos de foguetes HIMARS dos EUA

Departament Stanu USA zaaprobował sprzedaż pocisków powietrze-powietrze i wyrzutnie pocisków wielokrotnych do Polski o wartości 500 milionów dolarów - powiedział Pentagon.

Pentagon wydał dwie zawiadomienia w tym zakresie, aby powiadomić Kongres o możliwej sprzedaży.

"Departament Stanu podjął decyzję o zatwierdzeniu ewentualnej sprzedaży systemu High Godners Launcher o wartości 250 milionów USD do Polski" - czytamy w oświadczeniu.

W osobnym oświadczeniu Pentagon poinformował, że Departament Stanu zatwierdził sprzedaż 150-milimetrowych pocisków średniego zasięgu średniego zasięgu średniej prędkości AIM 120C-7 (Amraam) o wartości 250 milionów dolarów.

17 listopada USA zatwierdziły sprzedaż systemu obrony powietrznej Patriot-3 za 10,5 miliarda dolarów do Polski.

Polska wraz z Estonią, Łotwą i Litwą jest jednym z krajów, w których znajdują się wielonarodowe bataliony NATO w ramach rosyjskiej polityki powstrzymywania.

Rosyjskie Ministerstwo Spraw Zagranicznych już potępiło umieszczenie amerykańskich baterii rakietowych w Polsce w ramach amerykańskiego planu budowy sieci pocisków rakietowych w Rosji. Moskwa uważa roszczenia NATO za "groźby mityczne".

Exposed 1st intelligent condom that promises to avoid pregnancy and STDs (PHOTO)

Empresa britânica, British Condoms, revela primeira imagem da camisinha inteligente i.Con

Have you compared your sexual experience to that of other people? If so, then no longer need it, as the smart condom i.Con came up to calculate how good you are at the time of sex.

That's right, scientists have created the first smart condom that, according to distributor British Condoms, offers not only the user's average circumference and temperature, but also calculates worn-out calories and keeps details about skills at the time of sex, for example , average penetration velocity.

Although the discussion of the device began in early 2017, the company published images only on Tuesday (28).

The device was designed to stand on the condom at the base of the penis with "nano-chip and sensors" to measure and record the details of the sexual act. All data is transferred to the owner's smartphone via Bluetooth, and you can share your performance with friends or even the world.
According to British Condoms spokesman John Simmons, the invention will bring an element of joy to the bed as well as prevent slipping of condoms or unplanned pregnancies. What's more, the device will be able to detect sexually transmitted diseases.

The device will begin to be sold from January 2018, but it is already possible to order it.

Adam Leverson, general engineer of the i.Con project, highlighted whether it is an innovation capable of measuring every aspect of sexual performance. Another detail that will not go unnoticed: the condom shines in the dark.

"Smart Condom" i.Con: Measuring performances, telling you about STDs

With a one-year warranty, the smart condom will cost $ 81, regardless of shipping rates.

Compte français en tant que service dans l'armée en Crimée a changé sa vie

Yann Avril presta juramento à Federação da Rússia em 25 de dezembro de 2010

Un Français à double nationalité, Yann Avril, a parlé dans une interview de son service dans l'armée russe.
Sa mère est russe, son père est français, il a été éduqué en France, mais plus tard il s'est rendu compte qu'il voulait vivre en Russie.

Quand il a été appelé à l'armée, il a décidé que ce serait une excellente occasion de vérifier les stéréotypes sur les Russes, de mieux les comprendre et de s'intégrer dans la société.
Yann a servi comme lance-grenades au 542e bataillon d'infanterie navale à Sébastopol en 2010-2011. Après avoir servi dans l'armée, il est diplômé en France mais vit maintenant à Moscou.

Afin de faire connaître la Russie aux Français comme il l'a vu de ses propres yeux, Yann a lancé une chaîne YouTube, où il parle de sa vie dans la capitale russe et discute de questions liées à la Russie.

Yann Avril com seus amigos depois dos exercícios
Yann Avril avec ses amis après les exercices

Il dit qu'il y a encore un service militaire obligatoire en Russie et il pense que c'est une opportunité pour les Russes. Cependant, sa famille et ses amis n'ont pas compris son désir de servir dans l'armée russe, se souvenant des horreurs qui racontent le service.

Mais Yann, s'adressant à notre correspondant, a répondu: "Je suis un citoyen de la Fédération de Russie, je dois faire le service militaire, ce n'est pas un choix, c'est un must".

En France, par exemple, depuis 1996 le service militaire n'est pas obligatoire, et Yann compare le service dans l'armée avec l'école. Il dit qu'en France, contrairement au service militaire, l'éducation scolaire est obligatoire et, parfois, ils enseignent de mauvaises choses, comme fumer ou se battre.

«Quand on devient grand, on ne se sent pas désolé d'avoir été à l'école, on peut en dire autant de l'armée ... Quand on sert dans une bonne unité, on ne le regrette pas une seconde!

Il explique que le service militaire obligatoire enseigne beaucoup de choses importantes, telles que vivre dans la société et être responsable.

20 quilos de equipamento e não é tudo
20 kilos d'équipement et ce n'est pas tout

Yann passa toute une année sans permission à quitter la caserne et participa à des manœuvres en Crimée parmi de jeunes militaires de toutes les régions de Russie de diverses couches sociales. Après avoir étudié le Code militaire entre une demi-heure de sommeil et des exercices physiques, il s'est rendu compte que l'étude du droit à l'Université de Paris était beaucoup plus facile.

Fear of 'Russian threat': NATO must defend Sweden and Finland if attacked

Resultado de imagem para Medo da 'ameaça russa': OTAN deve defender Suécia e Finlândia se forem atacadas

NATO must defend Sweden and Finland in case of armed aggression, even though neither country is a member of the alliance, a senior NATO official said on Wednesday at an event highlighting growing concerns about the military's threat. Russia.

Commodore Hans Helseth, a special adviser to the Joint NATO War Center in Norway, said that the two nations' growing ties to the Western alliance increased their risks and that NATO had a moral obligation to help if the nations were attacked.

"In its view, NATO should simply for moral reasons and other reasons come to the assistance of the two countries," said Helseth at the Berlin Security Conference.

The official also said that NATO remains open to receiving the two nations as members if they want to join the group.

Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Norway and Iceland agreed this month to step up defense cooperation and exchange more air surveillance information, part of a broader effort to build their defense to counter Russian activities.

Officials from Finland and Sweden spoke at the conference about their concerns about Russia's military buildup in the Arctic and northern Europe in general, citing what they called the "annexation" in 2014 of the Crimean region - served as an alert.

The two countries participate in NATO military exercises, but are not covered by Article V of the NATO founding treaty, which says that an attack on a member is an attack on everyone. Both countries know the steps to join the alliance, but this would create a reaction in Moscow, which opposes any expansion of NATO.

A senior Russian Foreign Ministry official on Tuesday called for efforts to rebuild ties with European countries, including more communication between military experts.

But Helseth said there could be "no return to business as usual" with Russia, given its annexation of the Crimea and its role in supporting violence in eastern Ukraine, as well as the support of Syrian President Bashar Assad and use of "hostile attacks in the cyber domain".

US general warns of 'Russian threat'

Top NATO and member military leaders attend the two-day event in Berlin on their efforts to build a greater deterrent to any military aggression by Russia.

US Lieutenant-General Ben Hodges, who heads US Army forces in Europe, said that Russia missed a great opportunity to ease the situation with the West by not being more transparent about military exercises this year.

The US and NATO officials say that Russian forces far surpassed the Zapad 2017, held in Belarus, the limit of 13,000 men beyond which a country is required to invite military observers. Russia says Western officials are exaggerating the scope of exercise.

Hodges said western nations had achieved an unprecedented level of information sharing during the exercise in Sweden at the same time and said they expected it to continue even as NATO expands its own capabilities to rapidly move forces to the eastern flank.

He cited concerns about Russia's recent activities, including the purchase of 2,000 vehicles for the transport of tanks by road and moves to take advantage of the melting of ice in the Arctic. "Russia is not sitting around waiting to see what happens," he said.

Hêzên Emerîkayê li Kurdistana Kurdistanê çi dikin?

Soldado dos EUA no Iraque (foto de arquivo)

UPC cîgirê Mihemed Hadji Osman li ser bajêr Kerkûkê xuya kir ku leşkerek leşkerî ya Amerîkî ragihand. Tirkiyê Sputnik bi siyasetmedar re axivî û li ser armanca vê perwerdeyê pirsî.

"Şeva dawîn (29) li bajarê Kerkûkê komên leşkerî yên ku ji bingeha eskerî ya Kaiwan ve girêdayî bûye, hate xuya kirin", Tirkiye Sputnik Hadji Osman got, got ku komên leşkerî yên Amerîkî bi balafir û otobusan re li bajarê xwestina Kurdên Îraqê rûniştin. Desthilatdarên Îraqê desthilatdariya xwe qedexe kir.
Cîgirê şirove kir ku leşkerî bisekine ku parastina mafên Kurdan.

"Hêvî berî, me li Bexdayê digel yek ji berpirsiyarên Dewletên Yekbûyî yên Amerîkî re û ji wî pirsî û ji wî re got ku komên leşkerî ji hêzên hêzên koalîsyona Kerkûkê ve bigire." 16ê cotmehê, gava hêzên Îraqê kontrol kir bajar piştî ku Kurd neketin hewldanên xwe serbixwînin, li Kerkûkê mafên Kurdan ji hêla rayedarên Iraqê ve têne binpêkirin.

"Herweha, binpêkirinên îdarî yên îdîakirin ev eşkere kirin, ew [Iraqî] zevî û gelek maqûl kirin." Hadji Osman got.

"Armanca sereke ya koma vê leşkerî ye ku komîteya navxweyî ya ku ji hêzên hêzên Kerkûk ve ava dibe ... ku divê parastina nifûsa Kerkûkê ji zordar û zordariyê, herweha jî ewlehiyê û aramiyê li parêzgehê misoger bikin."

Cîgirê bîr kir ku di Kerkûkê, 2003-ê, piştî hêza heman rengî bû ku "rastiya encamên girîng" nîşan dide.

Вскоре у России будет система, способная разбить спутники

Satélite na órbita terrestre (imagem ilustrativa)

В рамках новой программы вооружений на 2017 и 2018 годы Россия разработает собственную систему спутникового слежения, Рудольф. Об этом сообщил заместитель начальника 46-го Центрального научно-исследовательского института Министерства обороны Олег Ахасов во время презентации своего доклада, посвященного новой программе.

Ранее несколько российских оборонных компаний и представители министерства неоднократно заявляли о разработке противоспутникового оружия. Однако о системе Рудольфа было впервые объявлено.

Ахасов добавил, что в дополнение к этой мобильной системе Россия разрабатывает наземную мобильную радиоэлектронную систему для уничтожения спутников связи.

Кроме того, в планы российской программы вооружений входит создание стратегической ракетной системы «Сармат», многофункционального самолета Су-35С, тактической перспективной гиперзвуковой ракеты и зенитной ракетной системы С-500, среди прочих видов оружия.

Hund verschlingt pornografische Sammlung, die sein Besitzer seit 10 Jahren sammelt

Der Hund namens Momo zerstörte innerhalb von Stunden die Sammlung von pornografischen Materialien, darunter Kassetten, Schallplatten und Magazine, die der Besitzer 10 Jahre lang gesammelt hatte.

Gemäß dem Eigentümer von Momo wurde der Welpe beim Essen des Plastiks nicht verletzt, berichtet das Life.ru-Portal.

Zur Strafe bereitete der 28-Jährige Steaks vor Momo zu, ohne ihm ein Stück zu geben.

Der Besitzer betonte, dass sein Hund einen ungehorsamen Charakter hat und dazu neigt, verschiedene Dinge zu zerstören. Momo hat schon ein Notebook, einen Fön, eine Kommode und sogar einen Motorradhelm kaputt gemacht.

Mysterious Himalayan inhabitant: revealed source of the Abominable Snowman

Estátua do Abominável Homem das Neves

US scientists have uncovered the myth about Yeti, which would have inhabited the Himalayas.

According to the Guardian, the creature Yeti was, in fact, a bear of one of three different species: Asian Black Bear, Blue-Tibetan Bear, and Himalayan Brown Bear. Each of these species inhabits different altitudes from the mountains, and the people who live in the area could have confused the animals with the Abominable Snowman.

Scientists came to such a conclusion after analyzing artifacts from private collections and museums, including a monastic relic that would have been obtained from the leg of a Yeti. Finally, it was discovered that the artifacts are the remains of 23 different bears.

According to the paper, the recent research was not the first to be carried out, but complements earlier investigations that examined bones, dental arch, skin, and excrements previously considered a Yeti.

Russia: US case seeks pretext to destroy North Korea, 'let them openly say'

Lançamento do sistema de míssil Hyunmoo II durante manobras conjuntas da Coreia do Sul e dos EUA em local desconhecido, julho de 2017

According to Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, the United States appears to have wanted to deliberately provoke Pyongyang to undertake "sudden new action".

He pointed out that the last steps on the part of the USA reveal this.

"It seems that everything was done deliberately for Kim Jong-un to lose his patience and to dare to take another precipitous action," stressed the minister.

He explained that in September the US suggested that the next maneuvers would be held only in the spring, that Pyongyang could take advantage of this break and also "not take any sudden action" and that this situation could create a basis for trying to establish the dialogue.

"We were hopeful with this attitude, but suddenly, in October, they carried out extraordinary maneuvers, and then [did others] in November, and announced that in December they will also do it," said the head of the Foreign Ministry in an interview with journalists .

Lavrov added that Americans should "explain to all of us what they seek to achieve." If the US seeks a pretext for the destruction of North Korea, then they have to say it openly, Lavrov believes. "Then we'll decide on our reaction," he pointed out.

The Russian chancellor also stressed that Moscow does not support the idea of tightening pressure on Pyongyang through sanctions. "At its core, pressure with sanctions has run out," Sergei Lavrov concluded.

Earlier, US President Donald Trump said Washington would impose new restrictions on Pyongyang in response to yet another missile test. The US has also called for a North Korean blockade.

North Korea launched the Hwasong-15 missile, which covered a distance of 950 kilometers and fell 210 kilometers off the coast of Japan, on Wednesday morning (30).

Pyongyang has said it now has a means to launch a nuclear charge to anywhere in the United States. Many countries, including Russia, have condemned North Korea's actions.

Pyongyang announces first PHOTOS of its latest missile launch

Lançamento do míssil balístico intercontinental Hwasong-15 que teve lugar na noite de 28 para 29 de novembro

North Korea has published photographs of the launch of the Hwasong-15 intercontinental ballistic missile that took place on the night of 28 to 29 November.

In the images it is possible to observe the initial moments of the launching of the missile.

In addition, the photos show the North Korean leader, Kim Jong-un, happily observing the successful test that was held in the city of Pyongsong.

Lançamento do míssil balístico intercontinental Hwasong-15 que teve lugar na noite de 28 para 29 de novembro

The North Korean missile Hwasong-15 was launched on Wednesday morning from an area north of Pyongyang. The projectile covered a distance of 950 kilometers and, during its flight, reached an altitude of 4,475 meters.

Líder norte-coreano Kim Jong-un perto do novo míssil balístico intercontinental Hwasong-15

According to Japan's Ministry of Defense, the missile split before falling about 250 kilometers east of the Japanese city of Aomori, the country's exclusive economic zone. Also according to Tokyo, the projectile "is capable of carrying not only nuclear weapons but also biological and chemical weapons."

According to Kim Jong-un's government, the Hwasong-15 test was "successful" and the missile "can reach all parts of the US".

Líder norte-coreano, Kim Jong-un festeja lançamento bem-sucedido do míssil Hwasong-15

Kim Jong festeja lançamento bem-sucedido do míssil Hwasong-15

terça-feira, 21 de novembro de 2017

Why Washington refuses to condemn terrorist attack on Russian embassy?

Edifício da embaixada russa em Damasco, Síria (foto de arquivo)

Washington blocked the Moscow proposal, condemning the terrorist attack on the Russian embassy in Damascus. Political science expert Stanislav Tarasov in an interview described Washington's actions as a waiver of all ethical standards.

The United States blocked the Russian proposal on the terrorist attack against the Russian embassy in Damascus, the Fyodor Strzhizhovky, a spokesman for the Russian permanent representation at the UN, told the UN Security Council.

"It is not the first time that the leaders of the so-called 'coalition' have demonstrated double standards in relation to the terrorist attacks, of which Russian facilities have been targeted," said Strzhizhovky.

On Monday (21), the Russian embassy in the Syrian capital was attacked. No official of the diplomatic mission was injured, but the walls of the facility as well as elements of the infrastructure were badly damaged.

The Russian Foreign Ministry described the attack as a provocation and expressed the hope that "Western colleagues will prove highly active on Syria" in the UN Security Council, "and that they have the courage not to remain silent, but to give their assessment of the incident that put the lives of Russian diplomats in danger. "

Political science expert Stanislav Tarasov believes the US attitude violates diplomatic standards.

"As for Washington's stance on foreign policy, he behaves rather oddly, refusing all ethical standards in the diplomatic world." It is worth noting how they acted in relation to our Consulate General in San Francisco. The cynicism that has been introduced in international politics will have serious consequences, "said the expert in an interview with the editorial board.

According to Tarasov, such Washington actions can be explained by the US internal crisis.

"There are problems within the US establishment, between the White House and the State Department, and between the State Department and the Pentagon." This attitude of the Americans is a demonstration of the grave crisis that the United States is experiencing, "he said. analyst.

Deadlocked, sagt Merkel, dass neue Wahlen in Deutschland kommen

A chanceler da Alemanha, Angela Merkel

Mit dem Scheitern der Verhandlungen für eine neue Koalition in Deutschland Premierminister Angela Merkel zeigte an, dass neue Wahlen in dem Land, in einem Szenario jemals in 70 Jahren in dem europäischen Land gesehen nehmen.

Die Maßnahme - wenn sie bestätigt wird - ist jedoch keine Garantie für den Erfolg eines neuen Mandats des Kanzlers.

In Interviews am Montag auf die deutschen Medien zeigte Merkel, dass das Fehlen einer Vereinbarung Ihren konservativen Block beteiligt, die Demokraten liberalen Pro-Business-Liberal (FDP) und die Umweltschützer Grünen bestanden hauptsächlich durch Migration Frage, die erhöhte Zweifel über die Zukunft des Premierministers, der seit 12 Jahren an der Macht ist.

„Meine Ansicht ist, dass Neuwahlen der beste Weg wäre“, sagte Merkel der ARD-TV-Sender nach einem Treffen mit Bundespräsident Frank-Walter Steinmeier. Der Kanzler schloss die Bildung einer Minderheitsregierung aus. Der einzige Weg, so Neuwahlen unter Beteiligung der Sozialdemokraten (SPD) zu verbreiten, sie besiegten am 24. September.

Die SPD berichtete jedoch ebenso wie nach der Niederlage bei den Parlamentswahlen, dass sie keine Regierungskoalition bilden will. Besiegt von Merkel, stimmte Martin Schultz dem Premierminister zu und erklärte, Neuwahlen seien der richtige Weg für Deutschland.

Laut einer aktuellen Umfrage befürwortet die Hälfte der deutschen Wähler Neuwahlen. Die Befürchtung, dass die konservative Rechte der Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) eine neue Stimme erhalten könnte, wurde durch Umfragen der Lokalpresse bestritten, die darauf hinweisen, dass heute das Ergebnis ähnlich dem 24. September sein würde, mit einem leichten Gewinn zu den Grünen.

Merkel hat bereits gesagt, dass, sobald eine neue Wahl bestätigt wird, sie wieder der Kandidat sein wird, der den Prozess um das stärkste Land in der Europäischen Union führt.

"Wenn die Neuwahlen stattfinden, sollten wir das akzeptieren. Ich habe vor nichts Angst", sagte er.

Фото танцю "Український секрет" поширюється через Інтернет

Exército da Ucrânia

Нещодавно невідома фотографія дизайну "секретного" танку "Український Нотатки" з'явилася в російських ЗМІ, повідомляє "Оборонний блог".

Нова фотографія Примітки зображує вид спереду танка в військовій сфері поблизу міста Харків (на сході України). Фото вважається доказом існування дизайну таємного танка.

Об'єкт 477A або Примітка - це український проект танку нового покоління, розроблений морозовським заводом з 1993 по 2000 рр., Повідомляє Блок захисту.

Примітка насичена баштою з 152-мм гарматою, яка автоматично заряджається. Башта має 42 раунди боєприпасів. Головна гармата дозволяє запускати керовані далекомірні протитанкові ракети. Танк також оснащений вторинною зброєю, включаючи 30-мм кулемет.

Корпус оснащений модульною броньовою системою із сталі, титану, кераміки та композиційних матеріалів. Його бічні і передні частини покриті реактивним щитом, що дозволяє додатково захистити проти протитанкових гранат.

Танк також оснащений керованою протитанковою системою протиракетної оборони, ракетами та протитанковою зброєю.

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¿Cuántos días de vida quedan para la tripulación del submarino argentino desaparecido?

Desenho do submarino argentino ARA San Juan na bandeira nacional da Argentina

Hace seis días no se recibe ninguna notificación del submarino argentino ARA San Juan, que desapareció en la zona sur del mar Argentino. ¿Cuánto tiempo las personas a bordo pueden esperar para el rescate?

Su tripulación está compuesta por 44 personas; con el paso del tiempo, las posibilidades de encontrarlas vivas y salvarlas disminuyen.

En el peor de los casos, la tripulación del submarino desaparecido tiene sólo otro día de vida, según anunció el lunes el portavoz de la Marina de Argentina, Enrique Balbi, citado por el diario Clarín.

¿Qué cantidad de alimentos había en la embarcación?

Si el submarino por algún accidente se encuentra en la superficie y está con su escotilla abierta, "no tendrá problemas con oxígeno". En cuanto a alimentos, siempre hay dos tercios más de lo que se necesita para los días de misión. "Es decir, hay comida para 10 días, que, cuando se ahorrar, podría durar 30 días", subrayó el portavoz.

Sin embargo, si el ARA San Juan se encuentra en el fondo del océano, las posibilidades de supervivencia de la tripulación disminuyen para una semana. "Cuando no se puede salir a la superficie, la fase accidental alcanza proporciones perjudiciales", destacó Balbi.

El buque perdió el contacto el 15 de noviembre y hace seis días permanece desaparecido.

'Calling North Korea's sponsor of terrorism is door to military action'

Líder norte-coreano Kim Jong-un perto do míssil balístico Hwasong-14

By designating Pyongyang as a sponsor of terrorism, US President Donald Trump has opened a door to potential military action aimed at denuclearising the Korean peninsula under the pretext of "not talking to terrorists," the experts told RT.

On Monday (20), Donald Trump stressed that his designation "will impose new sanctions and punitive measures against North Korea and the people involved, and supports a campaign of maximum pressure to isolate the bloody regime."

However, analysts do not think that more punitive measures against Pyongyang will help improve relations between the US and North Korea, taking into account that North Korea has been expelled from the list of countries that sponsor terrorism in 2008 as part of administration of George W. Bush to achieve progress in the negotiations for denuclearization.

Sourabh Gupta, an Asia-Pacific political scientist, told the RT that "it's just one more step in the direction of military action."

Eric Sirotkin, a human rights lawyer, believes that "the US is frustrated that it can not change what is happening in North Korea without military action."

As for the designation of the country sponsoring terrorism, the statement is almost unfounded. The only case that could support the statement is the murder of Kim Jong-un's half brother, who was killed on February 13, while Sirotkin is sure there is no evidence to include the regime on the list of sponsors of terrorism. "We may disagree with their human rights, we may believe in the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons, but in fact this does not correspond to the definition," he concluded.

He added that for the US, "it is a door to avoid dialogue and diplomacy and maintain instability in the country ... It is an attempt to humiliate and isolate, and perhaps not to dialogue with Pyongyang because 'we do not deal with terrorists.'"

segunda-feira, 13 de novembro de 2017

Abolish sovereignty? American military intervene in the Amazon for the first time

Rio Amazonas

"The region is going through a very chaotic and unclear situation regarding these events, and the United States logically takes advantage of the instability," said analyst Raúl Zibechi on the context in which the military exercises are held Amazon Log 2017 , that for the first time gave the access of American troops to the Amazon.

Between November 6 and 13, about 1,500 Brazilian soldiers, 150 Colombians, 120 Peruvians and 30 Americans participate in the controversial maneuvers, rejected by the Armed Forces of Brazil, because they understand that this entails giving up control of the main reservoir of biodiversity before The americans.

With 5 million square kilometers, 60% of the Amazon is in Brazil.

"The Brazilian army has always been and continues to be very zealous about the sovereignty and control of the Amazon. In this sense, the presence of the US military in this territory has generated a very important rejection by the Armed Forces:

"It's up to the Brazilians to control it, and that's out of the question," explains Zibechi to Sputnik Mundo, speaking of the geopolitical impact of initiatives such as Amazon Log 17.

In addition, the analyst characterized the national context that surrounds the respective maneuvers, that is, the current Brazilian government's policy, stressing that it is a government that "is privatizing this [the Amazon] en masse", and above all allows access by international companies to the country's natural resources, including the pre-salt.

"Natural resources have a direct relationship with national sovereignty because it is not pure conservationism: it is about reaffirming sovereignty over resources, water, biodiversity, issues in which American companies have had and have a special interest. It's not a minor issue, it's a very strong theme, "he warned.

"It is a strategic zone for Brazil, especially since it is the triple border between Peru, Colombia and Brazil, is an Amazon region, with a strong population growth, with strong migration from Venezuela ... It is an equatorial zone, which means everything which has to do with the aerospace sphere, this zone will always be appreciated by all the powers, "he summarized, adding that the region, above all, has always been very rich in mineral resources, including rare ones, which has provoked numerous conflicts between nations.

Is Putin the secret weapon of the US Democrats against Trump?

Resultado de imagem para imagem de trump com putin

Certain political forces in the United States are intended not to allow Donald Trump to advance in improving relations with Russia.

The bilateral meeting between US Presidents Donald Trump and Russia's Vladimir Putin during the APEC summit was canceled. However, several experts point out that the two presidents have managed to achieve some rapprochement between their countries.

It seems that such development of bilateral relations is not appreciated by some representatives of the US Democratic Party who are making efforts to shake this process.

MEP Ray Finch of the United Kingdom Independence Party says Putin and Trump "understand that neither can solve any of the world's problems without at least the consent of the other party."

However, the politician believes that in the US there are certain forces that do not allow progress due to animosity towards the Republican president.

Democrats "do not want to accept the legitimacy of Trump's presidential victory" and "use Russia and Putin as a means to attack" the US president, the British politician says, adding that rivalry between the two countries "does no good to anyone ".

At the same time, political analyst Seyyed Mostafa Khoshcheshm also believes that there are political forces who want to "deteriorate relations with Russia" and will not allow Trump to "move towards closer relations with Moscow."

In his view, these forces "continue to accuse Russia of the election of Donald Trump, although he was elected by the Americans who were not satisfied with the White House and the political elite of the country."

The split between power groups in the United States only shows the "weakness" of the current Washington Administration, in turn, believes Russian affairs analyst Martin McCauley.

Maduro: Venezuela nunca declarará quiebra

Presidente da Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro

El presidente de Venezuela Nicolás Maduro declaró que su país nunca entrará en quiebra.

"Están especulando que Venezuela declarará quiebra. Nunca, la quiebra nunca llegará a Venezuela", dijo el presidente durante su programa de televisión "Los domingos con Maduro".

Añadió que Venezuela siempre tendrá una estrategia "clara" que por el momento consiste en "renegociar y refinanciar toda la deuda externa".

En los últimos tres años Caracas liquidó más de 72 millones de dólares de la deuda externa, indicó un comunicado pulicado en el sitio del Gobierno de Venezuela, a pesar de la "guerra económica y la caída del precio del petróleo".

"Ante la guerra y las sanciones que el imperio norteamericano desencadenó para que el país cayera en quiebra, el Gobierno Bolivariano no se rendirá en la batalla por la independencia del socialismo y la economía", concluyó.

Anteriormente, el presidente venezolano había declarado que su administración trataría de reestructurar la creciente deuda externa del país, destacando que Venezuela pagaría todas sus deudas.

Expert: Against Trump, any charges

O presidente dos EUA Donald Trump

Former CIA director John O. Brennan has stated that US President Donald Trump may be afraid of Russian President Vladimir Putin. Political scientist Sergei Kozlov, in an interview at the hearing, commented on this statement.

On Saturday, Trump said his Russian counterpart was offended by accusations of "Russian interference" in the US presidential elections in 2016. He also described the history of "Russian interference" as an artificial obstacle in relations between the countries.

The former CIA director then said that Trump might for some reason be afraid of Putin, or of what he can do, or of what can be revealed after investigations into the alleged "Russian interference."

Russian political scientist Sergei Kozlov said in an interview with the editorial board that John Brennan aims to contribute to the pressure campaign on the US president.

"The words of the former CIA director that Putin managed to 'scare' Trump fit very well into the views the US establishment has. Trump is under heavy pressure from neo-liberal globalist elites, and they seek every means of in order to cause a negative impression of Trump between the establishment, between the media, any accusations serve, including the unfounded ones, in which case they are the latter, "said Kozlov.

Прэзідэнт Рэспублікі Беларусь аб дзейнасці НАТА: сведка «тварам да твару»

Soldado da OTAN durante manobras Silver Arrow 2017 na Letônia, 29 de outubro de 2017

Беларусь і Расія сведка «тварам да твару» актывацыйны блізка НАТО да яе межаў, заявіў беларускі прэзідэнт Аляксандр Лукашэнка на сустрэчы з губернатарам расійскага рэгіёну Калінінграда, Антон Алиханов.

Акрамя таго, Лукашэнка падкрэсліў, што не падзяляе Расію і Беларусь «межаў», паведамляе аддзел навін.

«Я спадзяюся, што мы працягваем развіваць нашы адносіны, як звязаныя асобы, таму што мы з'яўляемся часткай адной і той жа краіны. Не дзяліць Расею і Беларусь межамі, але мы стараемся, каб пабудаваць нешта агульнае, называецца Расія і Беларусь Саюз», адзначыў беларускі лідэр.

«Тое, што адбываецца на мяжы з Беларуссю з'яўляецца дакладным адлюстраваннем ад мяжы з Калінінградскай вобласцю. Мы бачым твар да твару, твар да твару, актывізацыі НАТА,» сказаў ён

«Я не магу сказаць, што яны любяць нас так шмат, што вы не любіце ці любіце нас, каханне ці Расіі або Беларусі», дадаў прэзідэнт.

Прэзідэнт падкрэсліў, што беларусы і расейцы павінны разлічваць, толькі адзін з адным, і запэўніў, што Расея заўсёды можа разлічваць на Беларусь.

Алиханов, які першая ўступіла ў пасаду губернатара Калінінградскай вобласці ў адказ падзякаваў прэзідэнту за прыём і адзначыў, што ў Беларусі братоў, якія жывуць у Расіі. Супрацоўніцтва паміж Менскам і Калінінградскай вобласцю, для яго, з'яўляецца першым у аграрным сектары. Але ёсць перспектывы ў многіх іншых сферах, а таксама.

سوف يدمر المتمردون الحوثيون السفن الحربية السعودية إذا لم تفتح الرياض أبوابها

Militantes houthis recém-recrutados na capital iemenita Sanaa mobilizando mais combatentes para lutar contra as forças pró-governo em várias cidades do Iêmen, janeiro de 2017

هدد المتمردون الحوثيون اليمنيون بتدمير السفن الحربية والنفط من المملكة العربية السعودية إذا لم ترفع الرياض حصارها الذي يهدد حياة الملايين في البلاد التي مزقتها الحرب.

ونقلت المصيرة عن الحرس البحري والبحري اليوم الاحد ان "السفن الحربية المعتدية والنفط وحركاتها لن تكون في مأمن من نيران القوات البحرية اليمنية اذا كانت تحت قيادة قيادة عليا".

وفى وقت سابق قال المتحدث باسم الحكومة المتمردة العميد شرف غالب لقمان ان "جرائم العدوان المنهجى" و "اغلاق الموانئ" تجبر القوات الحوثية على "استهداف جميع مصادر تمويل المعتدي". واضاف ان البلاد مستعدة "لمواجهة العدوان المتزايد من جانب الولايات المتحدة والمملكة العربية السعودية قريبا".

جاء هذا التهديد بعد اجتماع قادة البحرية والساحلية والدفاع مع اللواء يوسف المدني يوم السبت (14). وفي اليوم نفسه، نشر الزعيم الحوثي عبد الملك الحوثي في الفيسبوك قائلا إن "الملاحة الدولية ستظل آمنة كما كان من قبل"، مشيرا إلى أن "فقط أولئك الذين يهاجمون بلادنا" سيتم استهدافهم.

وكان التحالف العسكري الذي تقوده السعودية اعلن الاسبوع الماضي اغلاقا مؤقتا لجميع المعابر البرية على الحدود اليمنية والموانئ الجوية والبحرية ردا على الصواريخ الباليستية التي اطلقت ضد الرياض في الخامس من تشرين الثاني / نوفمبر.

وعقب الاغلاق، اعربت بعض وكالات الامم المتحدة عن قلقها ازاء مصير المدنيين فى البلاد حيث يعانى سبعة ملايين شخص من الجوع بينما يعتمد آخرون على المساعدات الانسانية وسط وباء الكوليرا القاتل. وتغطي المساعدات الإنسانية نحو 90 في المائة من احتياجات اليمن اليومية.

وحذر المتحدث باسم الامم المتحدة ستيفان دوجاريك من ان الحصار السعودي "له اثر سلبي للغاية على الوضع الذي يمكن وصفه بانه كارثي".

ويقوم التحالف السعودي بتنفيذ بعثة عسكرية ضد المتمردين الحوثيين الشيعة في اليمن منذ عام 2015. ووفقا لإحصاءات الأمم المتحدة، فإن الصراع الذي دام ثلاث سنوات قد قتل بالفعل أكثر من 5000 مدني.

Opinion: In relations between Trump and Kim 'everything went wrong'

Sósias do mandatório dos EUA, Donald Trump, e do líder da Coreia do Norte, Kim Jong-un

US President Donald Trump has not ruled out a possibility of friendship with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un. However, what lies behind this drastic change of the head of the White House? Russian political expert explains.

Earlier, US President Donald Trump said he was trying to be friends with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, hoping to succeed at some point.

"Why did Kim Jong-un decide to offend me by calling me 'old', even though I never called him 'soft and fat'? I want to be your friend so much, maybe one day will work!" Twitter.

Over the past few months, leaders of the two countries have exchanged mutual offenses, even talking about the use of force.

Russian political expert Aleksandr Safonov said in an interview with the editors that the change, perceived in the statements of the US president, is forced.

"As Trump fanned out for a tougher option in order to resolve the crisis in North Korea, he came up against resistance from other major players in the region. Apparently not only China's resilience but could have faced cautious Japan and the new South Korean authorities, "he said.

"For this reason [Donald Trump] was forced to change his approach during the game, ie to make his position more flexible, to show at least the public that he is ready to negotiate, and that he does not put direct pressure on his partners , but, yes, he is willing to listen to them and respect his opinion, "he explains.

All this occurs, Safonov points out, due to the fact that "without approval from other countries in the region, it is simply impossible for the US to solve the North Korean problem."

Nevertheless, the Russian expert himself is sure that the leaders of the United States and North Korea have no chance of establishing good personal relations.

"I think there are no chances, and both sides understand that very well. But Trump needs to make a good face despite not wanting to, because this is another defeat that seriously affects his positions within the US."

"There is a good chance that he thought he would take tougher measures to resolve this issue, but everything went wrong, and now he has to let everyone know that he has expressed himself for peace from the beginning."