sexta-feira, 25 de maio de 2018

Temer autoriza uso de forças federais para liberar rodovias

Resultado de imagem para Temer

Presidente diz que "minoria radical" está impedindo que grevistas cumpram acordo anunciado pelo governo, que usará sua autoridade em defesa da população. "Vai correr sangue", prevê líder de associação de caminhoneiros.

Em pronunciamento no Palácio do Planalto nesta sexta-feira (25/05), o presidente Michel Temer anunciou que o governo federal autorizou o uso de forças federais de segurança para liberar as rodovias parcialmente bloqueadas pelos caminhoneiros em greve desde o início da semana.

A decisão foi tomada após Temer ter se reunido com ministros no Gabinete de Segurança Institucional (GSI) para uma "avaliação de segurança" no país, convocada após os grevistas terem mantido a paralisação apesar de um acordo anunciado pelo governo federal na véspera.

De acordo com o presidente, o uso das forças federais faz parte de um "plano de segurança imediato". "O governo tem a coragem de dialogar; agora terá coragem de usar sua autoridade em defesa do povo brasileiro", argumentou ele.

Segundo o Ministério da Segurança Pública, forças federais incluem Exército, Marinha, Aeronáutica, Força Nacional de Segurança e Polícia Rodoviária Federal (PRF). Temer solicitou aos governadores que sigam o plano nos estados, convocando também seus policiais militares.

"Não vamos permitir que a população fique sem os gêneros de primeira necessidade, que os hospitais fiquem sem insumos para salvar vidas e crianças fiquem sem escolas. Quem bloqueia estradas de maneira radical será responsabilizado", declarou Temer.

Em entrevista ao jornal Folha de S. Paulo, o presidente da Associação Brasileira dos Caminhoneiros (Abcam), José da Fonseca Lopes, declarou que "ninguém vai conseguir tirar o caminhoneiro" das estradas e que, se for empregada "força policial muito forte", pode "correr sangue".

Nesta quinta-feira, os ministros da Casa Civil, Eliseu Padilha, da Fazenda, Eduardo Guardia, e da Secretaria de Governo, Carlos Marun, anunciaram um acordo com representantes de caminhoneiros para suspender a greve por 15 dias.

A PRF, no entanto, informou nesta sexta-feira que não identificou nenhuma desmobilização nos locais de paralisação de caminhoneiros nas rodovias brasileiras afetadas.

Em seu pronunciamento, Temer afirmou que uma "minoria radical" está impedindo que muitos grevistas cumpram o acordo e voltem a transportar mercadorias, apesar de as autoridades, segundo ele, terem atendido às principais demandas da categoria.

"O acordo está assinado e cumpri-lo é naturalmente a melhor alternativa. O governo espera e confia que cada caminhoneiro cumpra seu papel", disse o presidente.

A decisão de suspender a paralisação não foi unânime. Das 11 entidades do setor de transporte, em sua maioria caminhoneiros, que participaram do encontro, duas recusaram a proposta: a União Nacional dos Caminhoneiros (Unicam) e a Abcam, que sozinha representa cerca de 700 mil trabalhadores.

Nesta sexta-feira, a associação divulgou um comunicado afirmando que, ao contrário de outras entidades "que se dizem representantes da categoria", ela "não trairá os caminhoneiros". "Continuaremos firmes com o pedido inicial: isenção da alíquota PIS/Cofins sobre o diesel", diz a Abcam.

No âmbito do acordo, a Petrobras prometeu manter a redução de 10% no valor do diesel nas refinarias por 30 dias, enquanto o governo vai costurar formas de reduzir os preços. Com isso, o preço de referência nas refinarias ficará em 2,10 reais por esse período.

A estatal também manteve o compromisso de custear esse desconto, estimado em 350 milhões de reais, nos primeiros 15 dias. A quinzena seguinte será patrocinada pela União.

O governo ainda prometeu uma previsibilidade mensal nos preços do diesel até o fim do ano sem mexer na política de preços da Petrobras, além de subsidiar a diferença do preço em relação aos valores estipulados pela estatal a cada mês. 

Por fim, o governo se comprometeu a zerar a Contribuição de Intervenção no Domínio Econômico (Cide) para o diesel até o fim do ano, além de negociar com os estados pelo fim da cobrança de pedágio a caminhões que trafegam vazios, com eixo suspenso.

Uma nova rodada de negociações entre as duas partes está prevista para daqui a 15 dias, período no qual a greve deveria se manter suspensa. Além disso, a Advocacia-Geral da União (AGU) obteve ao menos 19 liminares proibindo a obstrução de rodovias federais.

Os impactos da greve

Desde o início da semana, caminhoneiros em vários estados do Brasil suspenderam os transportes e bloquearam parcialmente as rodovias. Caminhões carregados ocupam gramados e postos de combustíveis em protesto aos sucessivos reajustes do preço do diesel.

O setor de transporte de carga rodoviário representa mais de 60% de tudo o que circula no país, incluindo itens essenciais, como alimentos e combustíveis. 

É difícil estimar quantos caminhoneiros deixaram de trabalhar desde o início da paralisação, mas os reflexos estão por toda parte. Aeroportos alertaram que não há estoque de combustível suficiente para aviões abastecerem seus tanques nos próximos dias, o que levou ao cancelamento de voos.

Grandes cidades anunciaram a redução da frota de ônibus no transporte público também por falta de combustível, e o desabastecimento de produtos básicos preocupa supermercados e feiras, principalmente quanto à disponibilidade de frutas e legumes, que são de abastecimento diário.

Em algumas montadoras, por exemplo, as atividades estão suspensas temporariamente por falta de peças. Grandes redes de fast food também reclamam que itens como carnes e pães não chegaram na data esperada. Muitos produtos de origem animal estão sendo descartados.

segunda-feira, 14 de maio de 2018

British leg help amputation to make money on TV show

TV show (imagem referencial)

The amputation of a leg helped a Briton, who participated in the TV show "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?" to win £ 125,000, Sky News reported on Sunday (13).

Gareth Kendall lost a leg in May 2012 following a road accident in Scotland, where he and his wife planned to go on holiday. The accident occurred on the road near the town of Inverness.

During the show, the presenter, Jeremy Clarkson, asked the name of the lake on whose bank are the ruins of the medieval castle of Urquhart. When the response options came up, Kendall said, "I know why I lost my leg

When the spectators reacted loudly to his words, Kendall specified, "Not in the castle! In Inverness, if I remember, near this lake there are ruins of a castle, then I will opt for Loch Less."

When Kendall took the money, Clarkson confessed that to him, "this was the best episode in all history" of the program. The winner himself said he remembered the lake because it was the exact destination of his planned trip before the accident.

Diese Säugetiere sind vom Aussterben bedroht, indem sie viel Sex praktizieren

Um antequino

Zwei kleine Arten von Beuteltieren, die dafür bekannt sind, sich in suizidalen Paarungsgewohnheiten zu engagieren, wurden offiziell in die australische Endangered Species List aufgenommen.

Nach Angaben des hat die australische Regierung den Schwarzschwanz-Zwerg-Antechinar und den Silberkopf-Vorraum in die Liste der Tiere aufgenommen, die besonderen Schutz benötigen.

Neben den Herausforderungen des Klimawandels, des Verlustes von natürlichen Lebensräumen und wildlebenden Tieren besteht für die australische Beutelmaus auch ein Risiko für ihre seltsamen sexuellen Gewohnheiten.

Jährlich sterben Männer vor dem Marathon-gestressten Jahr des Geschlechtsverkehrs, der bis zu 14 Stunden dauert und laut Wissenschaftlern mehrmals wiederholt werden muss. Darüber hinaus bleiben die wenigen Beuteltiere dieser überlebenden Arten steril.

"Ihre Haut fällt, sie sehen sehr krank aus, manchmal entsteht Brandwunde, weil ihr Immunsystem nicht mehr funktioniert", sagte die Biologin Diana Fisher. Darüber hinaus können sie innere Blutungen und Desintegration von Körpergewebe haben.

Die beiden Arten wurden im Jahr 2013 entdeckt, was insgesamt 15 Arten von Vorzimmern in Australien ergibt. Die Entdeckung gehört Andrew Baker von der Queensland University of Technology und seinem Team.


Engenheiro efetuando correções eletrônicas de um robô no laboratório de bonecas da EXDOLL

中国机器人公司DS Doll最近发布的视频为消费者提供了该公司计划在全球市场销售的下一代性玩偶的感觉。





据DS Doll的营销总监Sam介绍,增加移动成员的可能性依然存在,类似于EX-Lite娃娃的机制。目前,原型仅仅是一个半身像,但整个身体也在开发中。





As breach in Brazilian legislation protects parents accused of pedophilia

Criança com um livro

Adopted in 2010, the Parental Alienation Act provides that a parent who feels that his or her child is being used by the spouse as an instrument to harm him / her may enter court.

However, experts and mothers accused of being alienators, who were heard by our editors, dispute the way the law has been applied in Brazilian courts.

"I've come to the point where it's no use hiding. I've been there for a year and nine months without any contact with my son, I do not even know where my son is." Justice prevented me from having any kind of contact with him the claim that I have mental problems. "

Rebekah's reason for being estranged and having contact with her son was that she had been charged as an alienator after the boy reported to her that he was being sexually abused by his ex-husband's father.

"When he was almost two years old, he began to report a few pranks that his father made with him. On that occasion, I was already in the process of divorce, I told my father what the son had said and he had an extremely aggressive reaction to physically assault me, "he told the newsroom.

Rebecca sought a forensic psychologist who gave a report that the boy was undergoing a process of desensitization, that is, that the father was acting in a way to make the child naturalize pedophile behavior, but had not yet had an abuse itself. She even tried to seek justice, but got no response.

During the July vacation, the son spent fifteen days with each parent. Back from the time she stayed with her father, Rebecca said he had had anal exfoliation and told her what had happened. "He told her everything, what happened, how he had to stay, what position his father was hurting him, that he was crying, that he asked to stop and his father would not stop."

Shortly thereafter, she sought the tutelary council that sent her to a police station. When Rebeca arrived at the scene, she said that the delegate was about to begin her activities. "The delegate summoned the forensic psychologist who had evaluated my son, called the school my son was studying because the school had also witnessed that my son was exhibiting erotic behavior that was not commonly presented by children his age."

"It happened on a Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. When it was Saturday, my house was invaded by police officers, with a gun in hand, they broke into my door and entered my house. .

Using the Parental Alienation Act (Law 12.318 / 2010), the ex-husband accused Rebecca of inducing her son to harm his relationship with his father. Even before the investigation was completed in Criminal Justice, the lawsuit filed by the father went to the Family Court, there it was quickly concluded and Rebecca was banned from seeing her son ever since.

Origin of the concept

The concept of parental alienation was created in the 1980s by American psychiatrist Richard Gardner. He published a book called "The Parental Alienation Syndrome: A Guide for Mental Health and Legal Professionals". There he writes the most controversial point of his theory. According to Gardner, parents have the power to "implant false memories" in children.

Gardner's theory was not accepted by the medical community of the United States at the time. Both the American Psychiatric Association and the American Medical Association did not recognize parental alienation as a syndrome.

The analyst Martins, who published the book "Syndrome of the parental alienation: A new theme in family judgments", notes in an interview to the editorial staff that accusations of abuse are always and that it is necessary to analyze each individual case, but explains that the concept of parental alienation has not been scientifically proven.

"This theory is not supported, it has never been scientifically demonstrated, it does not appear in the manuals of psychiatry that are used by professionals in the area to identify clinical pathologies, but this law strangely passes quickly in Brazil, despite some attempts at criticism," he says.

A survey made by Analícia Martins from 400 judgments involving the expression "parental alienation" shows that cases in which the background is a report of abuse are minority in the Brazilian Judiciary.

"In fact, we have a lot of situations that appeared in these cases, most of them did not mention the mention of child sexual abuse, that is, it seems to me that it can actually be used, but you can not say that this is most cases of conjugal litigation, "explains the teacher.

Although a minority, Rebeca's story is not the only one, she joined a group of 80 other mothers who suffered similar alienation processes. One of them is Joana *, who was suspected of abuse when the child was 4 years old.

"She began to present a series of symptoms, could not hold feces, returned to urinate in bed, felt the people in the street, took off her clothes and showed the genitals to anyone," he says.

The child went on to reveal that he was being abused by a relative of Joana, but then he also talked about it in therapy.

"She was already doing therapy because of these strange behaviors, and in therapy she revealed that she was abused by her father. She reported since she had to attend his sexual relationship and even participate," he told the newsroom.

Joan is now forced to see her son on assisted visits inside a courtroom. "At the first hearing I had in court, it was said that I was making up and did not want to investigate the abuse. While I made a complaint to the police the parent made a complaint in the Family Court and it was in the Family Court that I was convicted and today I am considered alienating. "

Joana already had reports from two other private professionals who also confirmed the abuse.

In an interview with Sputnik Brasil, Cristiana Cordeiro, a judge of the Court of Rio de Janeiro, sometimes the judges in Brazil end up dispensing a technical opinion made by a specialist, besides, according to her, the Brazilian Justice has a macho trait to label the mothers as having psychological disorders.

"We have a certain culture in Brazil that a judge ends up in many situations ending up dispensing a more technical opinion, because in many places in Brazil the judges do not have a complete team with psychologists, social workers who can give him a bigger foundation about what is really happening in the dynamics of that family.Then when the judge, or because he is armed with this knowledge that he does not have or because he does not really have anyone to turn to, he ends up assuming the role of defining what is what "he said.

The law was passed in Brazil in 2010 after a strong campaign by parent associations. Analdino Rodrigues Paulino, president of Apase (Association of Separate Parents and Mothers), one of the main organizations that fought for the approval of the law, defends the law as a way to protect the men after separation processes.

"We have in Brazil dozens of laws protecting women and damaging men.It is very dangerous for men to be involved with a woman who is inconsequential.Whatever she says against you, you are going to respond judicially for the complaint she made "he says.

According to him, it is very common in terms of relationships that women enter with lawsuits to harm men. "Usually who is exchanged for another does not forgive, hence the wrath of women, for example, to make a false accusation of abuse, a false accusation of Maria da Penha."

Apase has a Facebook page with 5,000 followers and even produced a documentary to show the reasons why the NGO finds it important to approve the Parental Alienation Act.

"That's why we fight to make the Law of Shared Guidance and Parental Alienation. To guarantee the minimum right for parents not only have to pay the pension and can not see the child," he said.

Public defender Paula Sant'Anna Machado de Souza, who is the assistant coordinator of the Center for the Promotion and Defense of Women's Rights (NUDEM), of the Public Defender of São Paulo, disagrees with this position and says that this is not what has been observed in Brazilian courts.

In an interview for our newsroom, she said that there were other legal provisions, such as the Child and Adolescent Statute (ECA), that make the Parental Alienation Act not necessary.

"If the child is suffering, if it is in a situation of family conflict, we have, for example, the ECA statute that guarantees protective measures." So we ask ourselves who is this law of alienation? What is the gender that this law is seeking to do? Are these results of abrupt reversal also not a violence against these children? What made us think that this law is not being thought in a way that guarantees the child's own well-being? " .

Resultado de imagem para iamgens de crianças sofrendo pedofilia
Who is the alienated?

Paula Sant'Anna Machado de Souza sees that there is even a distortion of the very concept of parental alienation.

"Because we are often confused, in theory, the person who suffers from alienation is the child, not the father or the mother. The child has to suffer from it. Actually, what we feel is that there is a misrepresentation of the very concept of alienation, "he said.

Another problem with the law brought by specialists is the fact that not always a person accusing the spouse of abuse means that she is alienating the child. Many times she just wants an investigation done.

The public prosecutor of Rio de Janeiro, Beatrice Marinho, coordinator of the book "Psychology in Legal Practice - Child in Focus", says that there are in fact many false reports of sexual abuse, especially the so-called incestogenic abuse, when the accused is the father or the mother but that not necessarily the fact that one of the parties make a complaint means that the child is being alienated.

"When a report of abuse happens, you have these two alternatives, either being true or being false." Now you do not want to understand that it means that it has been abused or it is alienated because sometimes there are other possibilities, there are people who make these denunciations , although false, they do not intend to alienate, but intend to protect, because who is denouncing really have reasons to believe in that abuse, which I think is a failure of Justice. false denunciation of an alienation, "he explains.

It is precisely the desire for the investigation of a suspected abuse that led Renata * to be accused of alienating and losing custody of her son. "The only reason I lost custody of this child was to have fulfilled our duty as a mother to report a suspicion, a clue or abuse."

She said that her son had strange behavior every time he returned from visits with his father. He was about 3 years old and complained of anus pains and said that his father committed abuse when the two of them showered together. For two years, Renata can only see her son in a room, supervised by law enforcement officials every 15 days.

"My son came back from his father's visit crying, vomiting, his eyes dilated and then when I asked if his father had moved him he said yes and it hurt a lot. Then my son regretted saying and put his hand on I asked him a little more and he told me: 'It hurts like this, first it grows, from there it grows, getting, getting ...' ".

After the conversation, Renata took her son to a specialized hospital and decided to request an investigation of the case. "The father filed a lawsuit asking for custody, saying I was crazy, that I was threatening him and his wife. According to the father, I said I could do something with my son to harm him."

Political clash arrived again in Brasilia

This week, a group of mothers accused of alienators went to Brasilia to denounce to the CPI of Mal Treatments of the Federal Senate the bad applicability of the Law of Parental Alienation. The chairman of the commission, Senator Magno Malta (PR-ES), said that in practice the law may be rather used in favor of abusers.

"We have a maelstrom of mothers living in their despair today, unfortunately people of evil have everywhere, including in the judiciary, which has an absurd sentence of judges recognizing the crime, but giving a sentence favorable to the criminal is a greatness. position on this, "the senator told the Senate.

Magno Malta says the CPI's final report will propose revising the current legislation. Also in progress in the National Congress is Bill 4488/2016, authored by federal deputy Arnaldo Faria de Sá (PP / SP), provides that mothers or fathers accused of parental alienation may be imprisoned for up to three years. The project also punishes those who, in any way, participate directly or indirectly in the actions of the offender.

"The law is of crucial importance in honor of the principle of integral protection, imputing to those who commit any act that aims to destroy ties of affectivity, "he said in 2016.

The draft, however, did not receive a favorable opinion from Mrs Shéridan (PSDB / RR), rapporteur of the proposal, but can still be voted on by the CSSF.

* Names have been changed to preserve the identity of women

Des astronomes préviennent qu'un astéroïde «perdu» s'approche de la Terre

Asteroide se aproximando da Terra (imagem referencial)

L'astéroïde WC9 de 2010 a été aperçu pour la première fois le 30 novembre 2010 avec l'aide de Catalina Sky Survey, un programme de recherche visant à trouver des comètes, des astéroïdes et des objets proches de la Terre de l'Arizona State University, à Earthsky.

Les astronomes n'ont pu suivre le corps céleste que jusqu'au 1er décembre, date à laquelle il a disparu du champ de vision. Cependant, après presque huit ans, l'équipe de l'observatoire a retrouvé le corps.

L'astéroïde s'approchera de la Terre le 15 mai 2018, en passant par une distance de 203,453 km, soit environ la moitié de la distance entre notre planète et la Lune, dont le diamètre peut varier entre 60 et 130 mètres. Ainsi, cela pourrait être l'une des plus grandes approximations d'un astéroïde de cette taille déjà enregistré.

Selon les astronomes, l'astéroïde a une taille moyenne mais est plus grand que la météorite de Tchéliabinsk, qui est tombée en Russie en 2013 causant des dégâts et blessant environ 1 400 personnes.

Jupiter und Venus verlängern die Umlaufbahn der Erde und beeinflussen unser Klima

Vista da Terra desde o espaço (imagem ilustrativa)

Alle 405.000 Jahre verursacht der Gravitationseinfluss von Jupiter und Venus einen Anstieg der Erdbahn um 5%. Dieses Ereignis verursacht den Klimawandel auf unserem Planeten.

Eine Gruppe von Wissenschaftlern an der Rutgers University hat gezeigt, dass die Anziehungskraft anderer Planeten das Erdklima beeinflusst. Insbesondere sind es Jupiter und Venus, deren Gravitationseinfluss alle 405.000 Jahre die Umlaufbahn der Erde erreicht, so die Studie, die in der Zeitschrift Proceedings der Nationalen Akademie der Wissenschaften (PNAS) veröffentlicht wurde.

Dieser Einfluss bewirkt, dass sich die Umlaufbahn unseres Planeten von "perfekt kreisförmig" zu einer 5% igen Verlängerung verschiebt. Dies wiederum beeinflusst das Klima der Erde.

Forschungsleiter Dennis Kent sagte in einer von EurekAlert veröffentlichten Erklärung! dass das Ergebnis der Forschung "beeindruckend" ist, da vor den mathematischen Berechnungen nur die letzten 50 Millionen Jahre untersucht werden konnten, während es nun möglich ist zu analysieren, was vor 215 Millionen Jahren passiert ist. Gleichzeitig erklärt der Zyklus von 405.000 Jahren "Veränderungen des Klimas, der Umwelt, der Evolution von Dinosauriern und Säugetieren und Fossilien auf der ganzen Welt".

Spezialisten erhielten die Ergebnisse nach der Entnahme von Gesteinsproben aus der Trias, also von 215 bis 209 Millionen Jahren im Bundesstaat Arizona. Darüber hinaus wurden Proben von New York und einem See, der in der Vergangenheit den größten Teil des Bundesstaates New Jersey bedeckte, analysiert.

Das Ergebnis zeigte, dass dieser 405.000-Jahr-Zyklus "das regelmäßigste astronomische Muster ist, das mit der jährlichen Drehung der Erde um die Sonne in Beziehung steht", sagte Kent.

As 250 Siberians became the first Native Americans

Um nativo americano

The first group of people to reach the American continent was only 250 individuals, a new genetic study reported.

These people emigrated to America from Siberia (present-day Russia) 15,000 years ago, explained Nelson Fagundes of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, one of the study's researchers, published in the journal Genetics and Molecular Biology.

According to the scientist, ascertaining the size of the founding groups is very important because it determines the amount of genetic diversity that is transferred to the descendants of the group. This, in turn, can alter the effectiveness with which natural selection eliminates the bad genes.

"Large populations have a very efficient selection, while in small populations, slightly harmful genes can spread, which may increase genetic susceptibility to some diseases," Fagundes told Live Science.

To reveal the size of the founding group of the continent's population, Fagundes and his colleagues studied DNA samples from 10 Native American individuals from Central and South America, 10 people from different Siberian groups and 10 people from China.

Scientists know that genetic variation within a sample is directly related to population size. This, coupled with the fact that genetic divergence between two populations (such as Native Americans and Siberians) increases over time, allowed researchers to connect DNA data in computer simulation models and determine the original size of the founding group, explained the study leader.

According to the models, the original group consisted of 229-300 people, which led to the final estimation of about 250 people. That number was so small that it would create a "genetic bottleneck," meaning that there was little genetic variation in the population, Fagundes explained.

However, it has been so long since the original group arrived in America that the Native Americans as a whole have had time to regain their diversity through new genetic mutations. More than that, some North American natives have formed unions with people from later migrations, which has also contributed to genetic diversity, the study concludes.


Meninas japonesas vestidas de quimono no Dia da Maioridade (arquivo)


72歳の政治家である加藤漢字によれば、すべての女性に少なくとも3人の子供がいなければならない。 彼女の理論によると、女の子が結婚して子供を産んでいないとすれば、後には他の人々の子供のために払う税金に依存して、養護老人ホームで終わるだろう。

立法者の悪い声明は厳しく非難された。 最も声高な声の1つは、内相と自由党民主党のNP野田誠子氏のことでした。同氏は同僚がこのようなコメントで日本の出生数を増やせなかったと述べました。

加藤漢字によって提起された論争は、日本国民の低出生率に基づいている。 昨年は、この国で約94万1000人の子供しか生まれず、1899年に公式の国家記録が始まって以来、最も小さくなっています。

한국, 북한 핵 실험 중지 결정을 칭찬하다.

This satellite image released and notated by Airbus Defense & Space and 38 North on April 12, 2017, shows the Punggye-ri nuclear test site in North Korea

한국 정부는 평양의 유일한 핵 실험 센터 인 풍계리 (Ponggye-ri)를 해체 할 계획을 환영했다.

김의균 청와대 대변인은 기자 회견에서 "이는 두 나라 사이의 약속을 지키려는 뜻밖의 행동을 통해 기꺼이하겠다"고 말했다.

토요일, 북한 언론은 여당이 23 일과 25 일 사이에 핵 실험장을 철거하기로 결정했다고 보도했다.

이번 결정은 6 월 12 일 예정된 도널드 트럼프 미국 대통령과 김정일 국방 위원장 간의 역사적인 정상 회담보다 앞서 나온 것이다.

Resultado de imagem para kim jong un

미국 대통령은 이미 풍계리를 "영리하고 은혜있는 제스처"라고 부르는 북한의 폐쇄 계획을 환영했다.

"북한은 5 월 23 일부터 25 일까지 풍계리 핵 시설 폐쇄 계획을 발표했다. 우리는 환영한다"고 성명을 발표했다.

북한 지도자는 4 월 말 한국의 문재인 대통령과 정상 회담에서 풍계리 부지를 해체한다고 발표했다. 김 위원장은 이날 발표에서 북한의 핵무기 개발이 완료됨에 따라 시험장이 더 이상 필요하지 않다고 설명했다.

북한은 지난해 9 월 마지막 핵 실험을 실시했다. 국제 사회는 북한의 핵 및 탄도 미사일 시험을 반복적으로 비난하고 북한에 핵 프로그램을 억제하기위한 제재 조치를 가했다.


Veículo chinês AG600, foto postada pela agência de notícias Xinhua, em 23 de julho de 2016. Representante da agência comunica que a maior aeronave anfíbia do mundo será destinada a missões marítimas e ao combate de incêndios





中航工业2016年7月在中国广东省完成了飞机制造。 该飞机有四台涡轮螺旋桨发动机,最大航程约2,800公里。 在十二月,该机成功完成了首航。

Засуджений антисемітизмом, український консул буде покараний, каже міністр

Pavlo Klimkin, ministro das Relações Exteriores da Ucrânia
Міністерство закордонних справ України порушило дисциплінарне провадження проти свого консула у німецькому місті Гамбург після звинувачень у антисемітизмі.

Інформація була опублікована в заяві міністра закордонних справ Павла Клімкіна.

"Антисеміти і ті, хто провокує етнічні розбрати, не можуть відбутися в цивілізованому суспільстві або в міністерстві закордонних справ. Державний секретар Міністерства закордонних справ Андрій Зайяц відкрив дисциплінарне провадження. Давайте розглянемо всі подробиці ", - писав Клімкін у Twitter пізньої неділі (13).

Українські ЗМІ повідомили в неділю (13), цитуючи відомого українського блоггера та журналіста-слідчого Анатолія Шарія, що дипломат країни, Василь Марушинець, виголосив коментарі з листами ненависті на Facebook.

Analyst: Comparison of vehicles of two leaders is an inferiority complex symptom

                                  Resultado de imagem para carro de Putin 2018

Newsweek magazine published an article comparing US President Cadillac Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin's limo of the Kortezh project.

The publication highlights that the presidents have developed "interesting relations", contrary to the traditional US foreign policy and "surprised the world." However, according to the author of the article, love for luxury limousines "unites the two leaders".

Analyzing the Russian car, Newsweek highlights the resemblance to the British luxury limousines Rolls Royce Phantom and Rolls Royce Ghost.

Newsweek details that the Kortezh has a V12 engine, more powerful than the V8 in the American limousine. In addition, Trump's car, dubbed "The Beast", is a ton and a half heavier.

"Putin's Aurus is certainly equipped with more advanced technologies in interactivity and safety, but it is unlikely to exceed the oldest and most powerful car of his American colleague," says the author of the publication.

According to Fox News, the new version of The Beast may be released later this year. The contract value is $ 15 million. The new car will outperform its predecessor by several parameters, Newsweek notes.

"Probably Russia will not be ahead for long," the author sums up.

In an interview given to the Russian service to our editors, political scientist Vladimir Olenchenko commented on the publication of the American magazine.

Resultado de imagem para carro de Putin 2018

"Americans are characterized by a trend toward competitiveness.

For them, it is always important to compare and emphasize that the country intends to be the leader. Apparently, this is a kind of inferiority or stimulus complex, "says the expert.

He adds that the Aurus of the Kortezh project is a new, beautiful and comfortable car and therefore comparing the Cadillac and the Kortezh the Americans want to emphasize that they are able to do better.

Russian President Vladimir Putin took office on his last term on May 7. He left the Kremlin in his new car, a limousine of the Kortezh project. Russian President Dmitry Peskov's spokesman said Putin planned to continue using the car. The Kortezh project involves the creation of a series of automobiles for senior officials - limos, sedans and minivans - on a unique modular platform.

Check out unusual region that would become the new stage of military tension between Russia and the US

Resultado de imagem para Confira região incomum que se tornaria novo palco de tensão militar entre Rússia e EUA

The Arctic could become the scene of "military tension and competition" due to worsening relations between Moscow and Washington, according to a report by the US Congress Research Center.

The report's authors are concerned about strengthening Russia's positions in the Arctic. For US analysts, the US should increase its military presence in the region "to defend its interests," the RT reported.

"The resumption of tensions in relations with Russia after the Crimean reunification of its territory in March 2014 and the significant increase in military potential and Russian operations in the Arctic in recent years raise concerns among observers that the region will once again be stage military tension and competition, as well as concerns that the US has the military resources needed to defend its interests in the region, "reads the report.

The authors of the report recalled that the region was previously "stage of the military race" between the US and USSR, when both countries sent submarines and nuclear airplanes to the Arctic.

However, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the region's importance to the Pentagon "declined significantly."

US analysts underline that, after Russia's return to the Arctic, the United States has decided to strengthen its positions in the region.

Over the next few years, the Pentagon plans to increase the number of military personnel in the region. Previously, NATO acknowledged the backwardness of Alliance member countries compared to Russia.

sexta-feira, 11 de maio de 2018

العلا ، أنقاض الصحراء السعودية تتعافى من الماضي المنسي

تقع مدينة العلا ، وهي منطقة صحراوية جرفتها الرياح ما قبل الإسلامية ، في قلب جهود المملكة العربية السعودية للحفاظ على البيئة ، التي توصلت إلى اتفاق مع فرنسا لتطوير مجمع سياحي في هذا الموقع الأثري المهم.

Al-Ula é uma área rica em vestígios arqueológicos, considerada a jóia da coroa das futuras atrações da Arábia Saudita, enquanto o reino austero se prepara para emitir vistos turísticos pela primeira vez, abrindo uma das últimas fronteiras do turismo global. O príncipe herdeiro da Arábia Saudita, Mohammed bin Salman, assinou um acordo histórico com Paris para o desenvolvimento turístico e cultural da região noroeste, que já foi uma encruzilhada de civilizações antigas. Na imagem, um homem caminha entre os túmulos de Khuraiba, um dos sítios arqueológicos da região.
1 منطقة العلا هي منطقة غنية بالبقايا الأثرية ، التي تعتبر جوهرة التاج لأماكن الجذب المستقبلية في المملكة العربية السعودية ، في حين أن المملكة المتقدة تستعد لإصدار تأشيرات سياحية لأول مرة ، وفتح واحد من آخر حدود السياحة العالمية. وقع ولي العهد السعودي الأمير محمد بن سلمان اتفاقية تاريخية مع باريس من أجل السياحة والتنمية الثقافية في المنطقة الشمالية الغربية ، والتي كانت في يوم من الأيام مفترق طرق للحضارات القديمة.

في الصورة ، يمشي رجل بين مقابر خريبة ، أحد المواقع الأثرية في المنطقة.

"A cidade de Al-Ula é um museu a céu aberto", diz Anazi, um dos guias que trabalha com os vestígios arqueológicos, "há muita história aqui esperando para ser descoberta". Na imagem, a vista aérea de montanhas do arenito talhadas no deserto de Al-Ula, no noroeste da Arábia Saudita.
2 "مدينة العلا هي متحف في الهواء الطلق ،" يقول أنازي ، أحد المرشدين الذين يعملون مع البقايا الأثرية ، "هناك الكثير من التاريخ هنا ينتظر أن يتم اكتشافه". في الصورة ، المنظر الهوائي لجبال الحجر الرملي المنقوش في صحراء العلا في شمال غرب المملكة العربية السعودية.

As formas da arte rupestre poderiam ajudar a desvendar os mistérios de civilizações antigas na Península Arábica. A área, aproximadamente do tamanho da Bélgica, serviu como uma importante estação de passagem de beduínos pela rota comercial que liga a Península Arábica, no norte da África e a Índia. Na imagem, um saudita caminha entre vestígios arqueológicos do povo nabateu, uma tribo árabe do Sinai, que existiu na Antiguidade Clássica.
3 يمكن أن تساعد أشكال الفن الصخري في تفتيت أسرار الحضارات القديمة في شبه الجزيرة العربية. كانت المنطقة ، بحجم بلجيكا تقريباً ، بمثابة محطة عبور بدوية مهمة على طريق التجارة الذي يربط شبه الجزيرة العربية في شمال أفريقيا والهند. في الصورة ، تمشي السعودية بين بقايا الشعب النبطي الأثرية ، وهي قبيلة عربية من سيناء ، كانت موجودة في العصور القديمة الكلاسيكية.

Dentro da área arqueológica de Al-Ula, encontramos Madain Saleh, primeiro lugar declarado Patrimônio da Humanidade na Arábia Saudita pela Unesco. Este lugar foi construído há mais de 2.000 anos pelo povo nabateus, os mesmo que construíram Petra, na Jordânia. Na imagem, a tumba de Qasr al-Farid encravada na areia em Madain Saleh (Arábia Saudita).
4 في منطقة العلا الأثرية ، نجد مدائن صالح ، المكان الأول الذي أعلن عن موقع للتراث العالمي في المملكة العربية السعودية من قبل اليونسكو. تم بناء هذا المكان منذ أكثر من 2000 عام من قبل الشعب النبطي ، نفس الناس الذين بنوا البتراء في الأردن. في الصورة ، تم وضع قبر قصر فريد في الرمال في مدائن صالح (المملكة العربية السعودية).

"Todo dia algo novo é descoberto", diz Jamie Quartermaine, especialista em arqueologia de um coletivo de Oxford. "O potencial é infinito". Na imagem, um grupo de visitantes em frente a um túmulo esculpido em arenito em Madain Saleh (Arábia Saudita).
5 "كل يوم يتم اكتشاف شيء جديد ،" يقول جيمي كوارترماين ، خبير علم الآثار في مجموعة أكسفورد. "إن الإمكانات لا نهائية." في الصورة ، مجموعة من الزوار أمام مقبرة محفورة في الحجر الرملي في مدائن صالح (المملكة العربية السعودية).

Detalhe de inscrições em arenito no complexo arqueológico de Al-Hijr, perto de Al-Ula (Arábia Saudita). Os túmulos, alguns com inscrições pré-islâmicas e desenhos como cenas de caça, são o legado da tradição artística dos nabateus.
6 - تفاصيل نقوش الحجر الرملي في مجمع الهجر الأثري ، بالقرب من العلا (المملكة العربية السعودية). المقابر ، وبعضها بنقوش ورسومات ما قبل الإسلام مثل مشاهد الصيد ، هي إرث التقاليد الفنية النبطية.

Vista geral das montanhas do arenito no deserto de Al-Ula (Arábia Saudita).
7 نظرة عامة على جبال الحجر الرملي في صحراء العلا (المملكة العربية السعودية).

O acordo franco-saudita visa preservar o local do dano pela erosão e também de atos de vandalismos que foram cometidos na área. Na imagem, um homem saudita na entrada de um túmulo em Madain Saleh, um Patrimônio Mundial pela Unesco, perto da cidade de Al-Ula (Arábia Saudita).
8 تسعى الاتفاقية الفرنسية السعودية إلى الحفاظ على موقع الضرر عن طريق التآكل وكذلك أعمال التخريب التي ارتكبت في المنطقة. في الصورة ، رجل سعودي عند مدخل قبر في مدائن صالح ، موقع التراث العالمي من قبل اليونسكو ، بالقرب من مدينة العلا (المملكة العربية السعودية).

Antes do plano de conservação começar em colaboração com o país dos gauleses, todos os vestígios arqueológicos devem ser contados. Na imagem, vista do complexo arqueológico de Madain Saleh na Arábia Saudita.
9 قبل أن تبدأ خطة الصيانة بالتعاون مع بلد الغال ، يجب حساب جميع البقايا الأثرية. في الصورة ، منظر المجمع الأثري في مدائن صالح في المملكة العربية السعودية.

Durante dois anos a área será inspecionada para datar todos os vestígios arqueológicos. A parceria com a França começou em março e conta com scanners de terreno a partir de satélites, tecnologia de helicópteros, drones e sensoriamento remoto. Na imagem, inscrições nos restos arqueológicos de Al-Hijr em Nabateu, a noroeste da cidade de Al-Ula (Arábia Saudita).
10 لمدة عامين سيتم تفتيش المنطقة حتى الآن جميع البقايا الأثرية. بدأت الشراكة مع فرنسا في شهر مارس الماضي ، وهي تضم أجهزة مسح الأرض من الأقمار الصناعية ، وتكنولوجيا المروحيات ، والطائرات بدون طيار ، والاستشعار عن بعد. في الصورة ، نقوش على بقايا الحجر في النبطية ، شمال غرب مدينة العلا (المملكة العربية السعودية).

Um jornalista tira uma foto da entrada de um dos túmulos esculpidos em arenito em Madain Saleh (Arábia Saudita).
11 ﺻﺣﻔﻲ ﯾﻘطﻊ ﺻورة ﻟدﺧول أﺣد اﻟﻧﺣﺎرات اﻟﺣﺟرﯾﺔ ﻓﻲ ﻣدﯾن ﺻﺎﻟﺢ (اﻟﻣﻣﻟﮐﺔ اﻟﻌرﺑﯾﺔ اﻟﺳﻌودﯾﺔ).

Arqueólogos também usaram o Google Maps para encontrar centenas de "portas" de pedra construídas na rocha no remoto deserto da Arábia Saudita, que pode datar até 7.000 anos. Eles também descobriram evidências de 46 lagos supostamente existentes no deserto de Nefud, no norte da Arábia Saudita, que, segundo especialistas, ajuda a legitimar a teoria de que a região oscilava entre os períodos de desertificação e um clima mais úmido. Na imagem, vista aérea de um complexo de túmulos escavados na areia do deserto em Madain Saleh, perto da cidade saudita de Al-Ula.
12 استخدم علماء الآثار أيضًا خرائط Google للعثور على مئات "البوابات الحجرية" المبنية على الصخور في الصحراء النائية في المملكة العربية السعودية ، والتي قد تصل إلى 7000 عام. كما عثروا على أدلة على وجود 46 بحيرة من المفترض أنها موجودة في صحراء نفود في شمال المملكة العربية السعودية ، والتي يقول الخبراء إنها تساعد في إضفاء الشرعية على النظرية القائلة بأن المنطقة تتأرجح بين فترات التصحر والمناخ الرطب. في الصورة ، منظر جوي لمجمع مقابر محفورة في رمال الصحراء في مدائن صالح ، بالقرب من مدينة العلا السعودية.

Espera-se que o Al-Ula comece a receber turistas de todo o mundo dentro de três ou cinco anos. O lançamento, de acordo com funcionários sauditas, será descrito como um "presente para o mundo". O turismo é uma das apostas da Arábia Saudita para manter sua economia na era pós-petróleo. Na imagem, um visitante nos vestígios arqueológicos de Khuraiba (Arábia Saudita).
13 ومن المتوقع أن تبدأ العلا باستقبال السياح من جميع أنحاء العالم في غضون ثلاث أو خمس سنوات. سيتم وصف الإطلاق ، وفقًا لمسؤولين سعوديين ، بأنه "هدية للعالم". السياحة هي واحدة من المخاطر السعودية للحفاظ على اقتصادها في مرحلة ما بعد النفط. في الصورة ، زائر في بقايا خريبة الأثرية (المملكة العربية السعودية).

Opinion: Macron est la dernière chance de l'UE

Macron recebe medalha pelo Prêmio Carlos Magno
Macron reçoit une médaille pour le prix Charlemagne

Il a seulement été un an dans le bureau, mais est un digne lauréat pour le prix Charlemagne. Avec un discours impressionnant et passionné, le président français Emmanuel Macron a montré qu'il avait des objectifs très clairs pour l'Europe, qui veut et peut changer les choses. Ou au moins le politicien de 40 ans réussit à voler et à voler, comme l'a montré la résonance de son discours dans la ville allemande d'Aix-la-Chapelle. Vos idées sont répercutées.

C'est clair quand il dit que l'Europe ne peut pas être faible face aux défis politiques internes et externes. L'Europe, at-il dit, doit agir pour se renouveler - et maintenant. C'est la thèse centrale d'Emmanuel Macron. Et l'Europe ne peut pas avoir peur. Avec ces mots, Macron s'adressa aux Européens hésitants.

Pour lui, la solidarité entre Européens, que ce soit en matière migratoire ou économique, doit être restaurée. De plus, le nationalisme doit être rejeté et un ordre mondial multilatéral pris en compte. Macron se voit comme le contrepoint du président américain. Il est l'anti-Trump européen.

Ce n'est pas dans le discours d'Aix-la-Chapelle ou dans l'interview exclusive de DW que Macron a mentionné ces objectifs pour la première fois, mais il les a répétés avec fermeté et conviction. L'engagement politique européen est dans son sang. Son appel, que l'Europe ne doit pas diviser, est sincère et digne de confiance. Le Brexit et le nouveau nationalisme en Pologne, en Hongrie et maintenant en Italie sont les derniers signes. Macron, qui a remporté l'élection avec un discours clairement pro-européen, pourrait être la dernière chance de l'UE.

Particulièrement remarquable au prix Charlemagne était que la chancelière fédérale Angela Merkel a été d'accord avec le bénéficiaire sur presque tous les points. Il a promis que l'Allemagne et la France réformeront l'UE ensemble. Mais les suggestions de Macron sont concrètes; ceux de Merkel, toujours incohérents. Elle a promis qu'à la fin du mois de juin, au sommet de l'UE, ce sera différent. L'Allemagne et la France conviennent également que l'Union européenne doit jouer un plus grand rôle dans la politique étrangère, maintenant aussi au Moyen-Orient. L'accord avec l'Iran doit être maintenu autant que possible. Merkel a répété le discours que l'Europe ne peut plus utiliser les Etats-Unis comme garantie de sécurité et de défense.

Dans son discours, Macron a de nouveau clairement indiqué que l'évolution de l'UE aurait son prix. L'Allemagne, a-t-il souligné, devra retirer son veto au transfert de richesses des pays riches vers les pays pauvres. Et la France doit briser le tabou et être prête à accepter un changement dans le contrat de l'UE.

C'est une approche courageuse, mais Macron a admis: quiconque ne risque pas ne mord pas. Faire des promesses aux invités européens du prix à Aix-la-Chapelle, le président a déjà accompli. Il est maintenant nécessaire de convaincre les sceptiques en Pologne, en Hongrie, en Italie et ailleurs. Ce sera plus difficile que de faire un discours. Le même jour, le Premier ministre hongrois, Viktor Orban, a parlé de «la fin de la démocratie libérale». Cela donne des frissons. Macron, l'espoir de l'UE, doit sauver le projet européen. S'il ne peut pas, qui le fera? A Aix-la-Chapelle, c'était clair: nous avons besoin de plus de Macrons en Europe.

Bernd Riegert est le correspondant de DW à Bruxelles.

Les coraux d'Amazonie s'étendent à la Guyane française

Os corais da Amazônia cobrem uma área de cerca de 56 mil quilômetros quadrados, maior que o estado do Rio de Janeiro

Les coraux de l'Amazonie en Guyane française: ils couvrent une superficie d'environ 56 mille kilomètres carrés

Des fragments du récif corallien nouvellement découvert dans l'Atlantique près de la région de l'embouchure de l'Amazone ont été trouvés non seulement au Brésil, mais aussi dans les eaux de la Guyane française.

Les structures ont été localisées par des chercheurs à bord du navire Esperanza, donné par Greenpeace pour la mission scientifique, ont annoncé vendredi les participants à l'expédition.

« Nous avons enregistré des images de certains coraux et les espèces de poissons. Les futures analyses nous en dire plus sur la présence du panache du fleuve Amazone, les sédiments et les micro-organismes dans la région », a déclaré Gizele Duarte Garcia, chercheur à l'Université fédérale de Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ).

Les coraux étaient situés entre 95 et 120 mètres de profondeur dans deux zones différentes, à environ 150 kilomètres de la ville de Cayenne en Guyane française. Annoncé en 2016 dans un article publié par des chercheurs brésiliens dans une revue scientifique, le récif n'avait été situé jusqu'à présent dans les eaux brésiliennes.

En 2013, des blocs pour l'exploration pétrolière ont été vendus aux enchères dans la région connue sous le nom de Foz do Amazonas bassin par l'ANP, le pétrole national, du gaz naturel et les biocarburants. La société française Total, qui a acquis des blocs à l'époque, est la plus avancée dans le processus de licence avec IBAMA.

« La révélation rend encore plus important de protéger ces zones d'exploration pétrolière. Avec les forts courants qui existent dans la région de la mer, un déversement de pétrole dans la plate-forme totale située au Brésil pourrait également atteindre et endommager le récif dans la partie de la Guyane française » , dit Helena Spiritus, biologiste chez Greenpeace.

À la fin d'avril, le ministère public d'Amapá a conseillé à Ibama de ne pas autoriser l'exploitation du pétrole dans la région. Outre Total, BP recherche également des licences.

Selon IBAMA, la décision sur la licence n'a pas encore le temps de partir.

Couloir sous-marin

Pour les scientifiques, les coraux de l'Amazonie peuvent servir de couloir de connectivité entre deux grandes régions: les Caraïbes et le Brésil.

"Ici, dans le récif amazonien, nous trouvons une partie de ce que nous trouvons au Brésil et un peu de ce qui se passe dans les Caraïbes, donc nous avons ici un chevauchement d'organismes qui se produisent dans les deux régions", a déclaré Ronaldo Francine-Filho. chercheur à l'UFPB (Université Fédérale de Paraíba) qui a participé à la première partie de l'expédition.

Jusque-là, on croyait que le fleuve Amazone, par le volume gigantesque d'eau douce qui se jette dans la mer, a fonctionné comme une barrière géographique. Le récif peut signifier un lien.

"La découverte de fragments en Guyane française renforce la thèse de l'étude qui montre que les coraux de l'Amazonie font partie d'un vaste biome entre l'Atlantique des Caraïbes", complète le biologiste Greenpeace.

On estime que le récif couvre une superficie de 56 mille kilomètres carrés, plus grande que l'état de Rio de Janeiro.

Corais da Amazônia (Greenpeace)

Proteção de águas subterrâneas é tema de workshop

Evento é fruto de parceria do governo do Canadá com a Secretaria do Meio Ambiente, CETESB, Fundação Florestal e Instituto Geológico

A Secretaria do Meio Ambiente sediou de 7 a 9 de maio o I Workshop 2018 on Groundwater Protection (I Workshop 2018 sobre Proteção de Águas Subterrâneas), evento realizado em parceria dos governos do Estado de São Paulo e do Canadá, organizado pela Assessoria Internacional da Secretaria do Meio Ambiente. Durante o evento, foi desenhado um projeto de pesquisa e intercâmbio com a Universidade de Waterloo.

O objetivo da ação é otimizar procedimentos e estratégias para avaliar, monitorar, remediar e proteger as águas subterrâneas no estado de São Paulo, por meio da cooperação técnica e científica da Secretaria do Meio Ambiente, CETESB, Fundação Florestal, Instituto Florestal, Instituto Geológico, USP e Unesp com o Water Institute, da Universidade de Waterloo (UW), no Canadá.

Da universidade, vieram os especialistas no tema Roy Brouwer, diretor executivo da Water Institute e professor de economia; Neil Thompson, professor de engenharia civil e ambiental; e Philippe Van Cappellen, professor de ciências ambientais e catedrático em pesquisa em eco-hidrologia. As palestras dos visitantes foram proferidas na segunda e quarta-feira, dias 7 e 9, no auditório Francisco Thomaz van Acker, da Escola Superior da CETESB.

O segundo dia do evento foi reservado para uma viagem dos participantes aos municípios de Itirapina e São Carlos, em São Paulo. Foram visitados um lixão abandonado e um assentamento em São Carlos, para a observação do impacto ambiental da contaminação nas águas subterrâneas, e, também, a Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos.

O secretário Maurício Brusadin participou da mesa de abertura ao lado do cônsul do Canadá em São Paulo, Stéphane Larue, do diretor-presidente da CETESB, Carlos Roberto dos Santos, do diretor da Fundação Florestal, Rodrigo Levkovicz, e da diretora do Instituto Geológico, Luciana Martin Rodrigues Ferreira.

“Para nós é importante todo e qualquer acordo com vistas à busca do aprofundamento do conhecimento científico, em especial com o Canadá, país que, como o Brasil, é signatário do Acordo de Paris”, disse Brusadin na abertura do evento. Prosseguiu dizendo que “o tema da água é de tamanha relevância para o nosso estado, sobretudo após a crise hídrica que fez com que nosso governo ampliasse os investimentos nesta questão em duas frentes: obras de engenharia e Programa Nascentes, que já recuperou o equivalente a 12 mil campos de futebol nas áreas de nascentes”.

Com relação às águas subterrâneas, Brusadin disse que logo que chegou à SMA recebeu indicadores que apontaram uma leve piora nos índices de qualidade das águas subterrâneas do estado. “Esses índices me preocupam muito, pois estamos diante do maior aquífero da América Latina e um dos maiores do mundo. Infelizmente, o Brasil ainda não trata de maneira correta suas águas subterrâneas. Para resolver esse problema temos que recorrer à ciência, pois sem ela não temos como avançar”.

O cônsul Stéphane Larue falou que a Universidade Waterloo é líder global em pesquisas interdisciplinares ligados aos assuntos da água. Seu corpo pedagógico para o tema conta com cerca de 150 professores e pesquisadores das seis faculdades e 19 departamentos da UW.

Larue lembrou que a parceria entre Canadá e o estado de São Paulo é rica. “Em 2014, oficializamos um protocolo de intenções nas áreas de tecnologias limpas, inovação, ciência, mobilidade urbana, transporte, infraestrutura, cultura e desenvolvimento social. Desde aquela assinatura, nosso consulado e o governo do Estado de São Paulo participam de um Grupo de Trabalho que se reúne uma vez por ano para a discussão dos projetos colaborativos sobre esses temas. O workshop é mais um resultado concreto e positivo deste GT”.

O cônsul finalizou dizendo que “o Canadá é líder mundial na gestão do tratamento de águas. Empresas, universidades e centros de pesquisas canadenses têm reputação de excelência reconhecida mundialmente. Portanto, é gratificante para nosso governo poder facilitar essa troca de experiência e pesquisa sobre a questão das águas subterrâneas entre o Water Institute e os parceiros aqui de São Paulo”.

Texto: Dirceu Rodrigues
Fotos: José Jorge

Why is Brazil obligated to pay default from Mozambique and Venezuela?

Notas de dólares norte-americanos

Won on Monday a debt of R $ 1.3 billion that the governments of Venezuela and Mozambique can not afford. The Brazilian government had to change the budget to honor the commitments of works contracted by these countries with international banks and the BNDES (National Bank for Economic and Social Development).

During Lula and Dilma Rousseff's efforts, these loans from BNDES were part of the strategy to secure the African and Latin American market for large Brazilian contractors.

Some contracts were not paid, however, and the account fell on the Brazilian government, due to the FGE (Export Guarantee Fund) insurance.

That is, if Brazil does not repay the debt, it will be in default for the international financial system and will have difficulty performing almost any financial operation in this area.

In view of the consequences, the government did not have much difficulty approving these resources at the congress on May 2, but it has heard many criticisms.

One of the arguments would be that, after all, whoever pays the duck is the Brazilian taxpayer, since the resources for the operation will be withdrawn from the FAT (Workers' Assistance Fund), in the unemployment insurance program.

Economist Mauro Rochlin, professor of MBA courses at the Getúlio Vargas Foundation, in conversation with the Brazilian newsroom, played down these criticisms.

"It was not a timely choice, there is a legal provision for this, which is the source to be used for this kind of situation, so this was not a discretionary choice of government, but it is an imposition of the protocol relating to the operation" , explained the economist.

The total debt is about R $ 1.5 billion, and the Union provides about R $ 1.3 billion for the Guarantor Fund to honor the commitment.

"Brazil does this out of necessity. Since it does not comply with this guarantee given to the operation, the country is in default before the international financial community and will have many difficulties to participate in financial operations within the framework of this international system," said the interlocutor of the NewsPaper Educatch.

In addition, a part of the criticism in the press, when covering the subject, was directed against the governments of the PT, under the auspice of which the operations happened. According to Rochlin, however, it is difficult to judge the government's intention at the time of release of resources. "The idea was to enable the sale of services to third parties," he said.

"If we tried to support the country's commercial transaction, the countries [Mozambique and Venezuela] were not in default, and at the time of the release of resources, what is questionable is the strategy itself, if it was the best form."

As for the political weight of the re-allocation of funds, the economist considers the subject as a "minor issue". According to him, "can not compare with the need to approve pension reform. It is a case that does not directly hurt the population."

"In terms of the national budget, even if they are not insignificant, it is not a value that will unbalance the budget. The national budget provides for expenditures of approximately 1 trillion and 500 billion reais - the general budget of the Union - that is, only in the Federal sphere, so when we talk about 1.5 billion reais it's a relatively small amount. "

CIA: Geisel autorizou execuções durante ditadura

Esta foto de arquivo mostra um encontro entre o presidente dos EUA, Jimmy Carter, e o presidente do Brasil, Ernesto Geisel, durante uma recepção em 29 de março de 1978

Segundo memorando secreto da CIA, tornado público pelo Departamento de Estado dos EUA, o general Ernesto Geisel, presidente do Brasil entre 1974 e 1979, autorizou a política de execuções contra os que se opunham à Ditadura Militar.

O memorando de 11 de abril de 1974, assinado pelo então diretor da CIA Willian Colby e endereçado ao secretário de Estado Henry Kissinger, afirma que Geisel orientou o então chefe do Serviço Nacional de Informações (SNI), João Figueiredo (também presidente entre 1979 e 1985), que as execuções deveriam continuar, informou Agência Brasil.

Geisel e Figueiredo concordaram que o chefe do Centro de Inteligência do Exército deveria consultar o general Figueiredo para executar "subversivos perigosos". De acordo com o memorando, Figueiredo defendeu a continuidade das execuções e Geisel pediu para refletir sobre o assunto no final de semana, antes de tomar uma decisão.

O documento foi publicado em dezembro de 2015, mas foi amplamente divulgado nas redes sociais nesta quinta-feira pelo professor Matias Spektor, coordenador do Centro de Relações Internacionais da Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV). No Facebook, Spektor escreveu: "este é o documento mais perturbador que já li em 20 anos de pesquisa: Recém-empossado, Geisel autoriza a continuação da política de assassinatos do regime, mas exige ao Centro de Informações do Exército a autorização prévia do próprio Palácio do Planalto".

Segundo o documento, o general Milton Tavares de Souza, da CIE, afirmou, na reunião com Geisel, que cerca de 104 pessoas que entraram na categoria de subversivos foram sumariamente executadas pela organização no ano anterior. Os militares acertaram também que o CIE deveria dedicar quase todos os esforços ao combate da “subversão interna”.

Segundo Spektor, esta “é a evidência mais direta do envolvimento da cúpula do regime (Médici, Geisel e Figueiredo) com a política de assassinatos”.

O memorando de número 99 faz parte de uma série intitulada Foreign Relations of the United States (Relações Exteriores dos Estados Unidos) e documenta a história das relações dos Estados Unidos com a América do Sul entre 1973 e 1976. O documento original está arquivado no escritório do diretor da CIA em Washington. A transcrição está disponível online em um site do governo federal norte-americano.

Big Mac in Pyongyang: Kim wants to use summit with Trump to get US investments

Ronald McDonald

The historic summit between the leaders of North Korea and South Korea has spurred the country's appetite for US investment, according to a South Korean official, according to the Daily Express newspaper.

After the two Koreas gave the green light for a new era of peace, following the summit between President Moon Jae-in and leader Kim Jong-un, South Korean special adviser Moon Chung-in even suggested opening McDonalds fast food outlets in Pyongyang.

Once unimaginable, the possibility should not be totally discarded as soon as the long-term tensions between North Korea and the West cool down.

"They want the US investment to come to North Korea. They want to get US sponsors and multilateral consortiums who want to invest in North Korea," he told a news conference.

The South Korean official, in charge of foreign affairs and national security, added that even a version of the Trump Tower could appear in "modern" North Korea in the future.

The comments were made shortly after the heads of the two neighboring countries held the inter-Korean summit and pledged to achieve complete denuclearization of the Korean peninsula.

The two leaders agreed to hold multi-party talks involving the US and China. Pyongyang and Seoul will also hold high-level military talks later this month.

Resultado de imagem para kim jong un

The North Korean leader is also expected to meet with US President Donald Trump in the coming weeks. The most recent information is that the historic meeting can be held in Singapore or Mongolia.

Trump confirmed that the event was being planned. "Things are going really well, the time and place of the meeting with North Korea is being defined," the US president recently tweeted.

김정은은 문재인과 전화 통화를하면서 트럼프와 만날 예정이다.

Trump Kim Moon

이 전화는 새로운 전화 회선을 통해 이루어질 예정이며 지난 달의 역사적인 정상 회담에서 두 명의 한국 지도자가 국경에서 만난 역사적인 정상 회담에 설치되었다. 한국 정부 관계자는 현지 언론과의 인터뷰에서 이같은 내용의 첫 번째 전화가 될 것이라고 밝혔다.

"전화는 가까운 장래에 이루어질 것"이라고 문재인 한국 사무소의 한 관리는 전했다.

한편 마이클 폼 페오 (Michael Pompeo) 미 국무 장관은 국무부가 발표 한 일간 일정에 따라 금요일에 한국과 캐나다 측과 회담을 가질 예정이다.

미국 외교부 수장은 워싱턴에있는 국무부의 강경환 외교 통상부 장관을 만날 예정이다. 그는 캐나다의 Chrystia Freeland 장관과 회담을 가질 예정이다.

한국 정부는 앞서 양 장관이 한국 비핵화 문제와 도널드 트럼프 미국 대통령과 김정일 북한 국방 위원장과의 회담을 싱가포르에서 논의 할 것이라고 밝혔다 , 6 월 12 일.

White House reveals reasons for choosing Singapore to meet with North Korean leader

People doing cooper in Singapore

Singapore was chosen to host the historic meeting between US President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un for security and neutrality, said White House deputy press secretary Raj Shah , aboard Air Force One.

"Singapore has ties to the United States and North Korea," Shah said on Thursday when asked to explain the location's choice. According to him, the city can "ensure the safety of President Trump and the safety of Kim Jong-un as well as provide neutrality."

Earlier this Thursday, Trump announced via Twitter that he will meet with Kim Jong-un in Singapore on June 12.

Shah stressed that the first meeting between Chinese and Taiwanese leaders also took place in Singapore a few years ago.

The White House spokesman added that the details of the meeting, such as its duration, still need to be discussed.

On Wednesday, Secretary of State Michael Pompeo said he was planning a one-day meeting between Trump and Kim with the opportunity to extend the event if necessary.

UK and Israel want Russia to prevent further attacks from Iran

Presidente Vladimir Putin da Rússia (R) se reúne com presidente do Irã, Hassan Rohani, à margem da Assembleia Geral das Nações Unidas, em Nova York, 28 de setembro de 2015

British Prime Minister Theresa May and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Thursday that Russia should use its influence in Syria to prevent further attacks by Iran in the Middle East, a government spokesman said. by way of a statement.

Earlier today, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said its warplanes had attacked Iranian positions in Syria overnight, an attack that would have fired dozens of rockets into Syrian territory in response to Iranian attacks on Syria. FDI.

"They agreed that it is vital for the international community to work together to contain Iran's destabilizing regional activity and that Russia should use its influence in Syria to prevent further Iranian attacks," the spokesman said after talks between Theresa May and Benjamin Netanyahu.

The spokesman added that May had condemned the Iranian attacks against the IDF and supported Israel's right to protect itself "against Iranian aggression."

This is not the first statement from UK officials calling on Russia to use its influence over Syria to prevent escalating violence.

Other declarations of the kind were made by Foreign Minister Boris Johnson and also by the UK's Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Jonathan Allen.

Dangerous snakes from Australia can become even more poisonous?

Uma serpente

The wildlife expert from the Australian state of Victoria studied theories that poisonous Australian snakes could become even more deadly.

Nick Petropoulos recently posted a video on YouTube in response to information that venomous Australian snakes, such as brown snake, taipans and red-bellied black snake, in the case of harmless python-mongrel breeding, can produce "hybrids" reports the Daily Mail.

"It is known that hybrids of reptiles occur in captivity among many species, although in most cases among species of the same genus," he says.

According to Petropoulos, poisonous snakes and pythons are as close as dogs and sea lions and ferrets, that is, they are taxonomically separated.

"Because of these levels of separation, hybrid animals between the two species are unheard of," he said.

"Humans are closer to monkeys than the pythons of poisonous snakes," he said. It also insists on denying those who say that hybrid snakes exist, as this is not genetically possible.

"Do not believe what others tell you. People in rural areas believe that because that's what their parents and grandmothers said," he said.

За рубежом разрабатываются методы скрытия ядерных испытаний, говорится в заявлении российской обороны

Local do teste nuclear no mapa

Российские военные эксперты в области контроля ядерных испытаний отмечают, что существуют передовые конструкции, чтобы скрыть ядерные взрывы за рубежом, сообщил в пресс-службе начальник Специальной контрольной службы Минобороны России полковник Игорь Токарев.

Он отметил, что из-за этого в России разрабатываются новые методы мониторинга таких событий.

Он сказал, что в соответствии с договором о запрещении испытаний ядерного оружия в атмосфере, под водой и в космосе страны с ядерным оружием начали проводить только подземные испытания, которые могут быть обнаружены только с помощью сейсмического мониторинга. «Технически проще проводить такие тесты завуалированным образом, и в этой области развиваются события, которые совершенствуются», - сказал Токарев.

Военные также отметили, что такие испытания могут проводиться в сейсмически активных районах, где в условиях тектонических процессов трудно дифференцировать и идентифицировать характер конкретного сотрясения.

В заключение Токарев отметил, что Россия разрабатывает новые специальные методы контроля любой ядерной деятельности, в которой используются обе модели природных геофизических источников, такие как землетрясения и взрывы обычных взрывчатых веществ.

In human DNA of the Bronze Age was found deadly virus


A team of Danish scientists found traces of hepatitis B in human DNA dating back to the Bronze Age 4,500 years ago, Science Alert reported.

According to the portal, this is the earliest evidence of the existence of this virus.

Earlier, the earliest evidence of hepatitis B found so far, announced earlier this year, was only four and a half centuries old and was detected in the remains of a child who lived in medieval Italy.

The team of scientists, led by geneticist Eske Willerslev of the University of Copenhagen and colleagues at the University of Cambridge, analyzed the genomes of 304 individuals who lived between 7,000 and 200 years ago and found signs of the hepatitis B virus in 25 of these individuals .

The technique of gene extraction used by scientists also revealed that a possible migration route from the devastating Prytania of Justinian, which struck the Byzantine Empire in the sixth century, originated in Mongolia.

Completely stealthy: trip on one of the USA's most scary submarines

Submarino estadunidense USS John Warner

Learn the secrets of the American submarine USS John Warner, who launched six Tomahawk missiles against Syria last month. Daniel Brown, a columnist for the Business Insider newspaper, presents to the public several videos showing the interior of the fearsome ship.

US submersibles are highly secretive and rarely demonstrated to the public. However, journalist Daniel Brown was able to board the Warner accompanied by Major Mark Eichenlaub.

The USS John Warner is divided into three levels. The upper level houses most of the cabins for the crew, the middle level is the operating space and the lowest level is where the nuclear reactor and other engineering devices are located.

Eichenlaub showed the journalist the dormitory of the executive directors. In addition, he was taken to the section of Navy SEALs, the main force of special operations of the United States Navy.


"In fact, this is how we would get the [SEALs] from the submerged vessel." A group of seamen would be here, a total of 14. The chamber would fill with water until it coincided with the outer pressure of the sea. of the ship, the hatch would open and they could swim out of a full chamber into the open sea, "writes the journalist.


Then they went to the most secret area of the submarine: mission control.

When the journalist entered that section, all monitors were off. The sonar computers, launch control and navigation focus here.


Warner has no periscope and uses photonic masts installed in the outer tower that provide the water view for any monitor on the ship.

Eichenlaub also showed the checkpoint launch of torpedoes and cruise missiles.

The following video shows the two navigation control systems.


Finally the journalist glanced at the torpedo room. Mark 48 Advanced Capacity torpedoes can fly at over 80 km / h, but their top speed is technically confidential, says Daniel Brown.


The USS John Warner submarine is 115 meters long, 10 meters wide and approximately 15 meters high. The ship also has displacement of 7,800 tons and can reach depths of more than 240 meters.