terça-feira, 31 de outubro de 2017


Membros da mídia em frente ao prédio onde foram encontrados nove corpos desmembrados, na cidade de Zama, Japão, 31 de outubro


10月31日には、冷凍庫で見つかった27歳の白石隆弘を逮捕し、8人の女性とマンションの男を解体した。 1つの部屋には、身体が解体された鋸が見つかった。

不吉な発見は、23歳の女性の失踪後10月24日に始まった調査の中で行われた。 地元のメディアによると、彼女はアパートの近くの白石と歩いている警備カメラの映像で見られていた。



الجدار مع قبلة ترامب في نتانياهو يظهر في الضفة الغربية

Mural com beijo de Trump e Netanyahu chamou a atenção de turistas na Cisjordânia

ظهرت جدران تحمل صورة الرئيس الاميركي دونالد ترامب، وتقاسم قبلة مع رئيس الوزراء الاسرائيلي بنيامين نتانياهو، على الجدار الامني الاسرائيلي حول مدينة بيت لحم في الضفة الغربية المحتلة.

واستلهم بعض السياح، مستوحاة من الروح المعنوية، صورا أمام اللوحة يوم الأحد الماضي، مقلدا قبلة القادة الأمريكيين والإسرائيليين.

كان مؤلف الجدارية فنان الشارع الأسترالي المعروف باسم لوشسوكس. في مقابلة مع رويترز، قال انه في خلق عمل فني، وقال انه يريد لفت الانتباه إلى الفلسطينيين المحتجزين في "سجن داخلي".

وتحمل اللوحة تشابها مذهلا مع العمل الشهير على حائط برلين من قبل الفنان الروسي اندريه فروبل الذي مثل قبلة الاخوة السوفياتي ليونيد بريجنيف ونظيره الالماني الشرقي اريش هونيكر.

كان لوكسوكس قد زينت في السابق جدار الفصل في القدس مع جداريتين أخريين مع ترامب. وتظهر إحدى اللوحات أن الرئيس الأمريكي يقبل برج مراقبة إسرائيليا، بينما يجد الآخر في ترامب نفسه في الوصول إلى الجدار والتأمل، "سأبني شقيقا"، مشيرا إلى خطته لإقامة جدار على الحدود الأمريكية مع المكسيك.

وقال الفنان "الجدار هو رسالة بحد ذاتها". "لست بحاجة إلى كتابة" فلسطين الحرة "أو شيء من هذا القبيل، وهو أمر واضح حقا [...] يتجاهله الناس".

يقول لوشكس: "أنا فقط أرسم ما أرسمه عادة، وربما يبدأ الناس في النظر إلى الخلفية والنظر إلى الأسوار والأسلاك، والنظر إلى الناس عالقين هنا، وربما يعمل بشكل أفضل".

وكان السفير الاميركي لدى اسرائيل دافيد فريدمان اعلن في ايلول / سبتمبر الماضي ان ترامب ونتانياهو طوروا علاقة "هائلة" باعتبارهم "قادة حاسمين".

وقال فريدمان: "إنه لمن دواعي سروري أن أكون معهم، إنهم يتحدثون مثل زوجين من الأصدقاء، وأنه من المرح أن تكونوا في غرفة المعيشة معهم لأن المحادثات لطيفة حقا، وأنهم مضحك، انهم ودية".

واشاد نتانياهو الذي كان يقيم علاقات باردة بل وعدائية مع الرئيس الاميركي السابق باراك اوباما مؤخرا بترامب لعدم اعادته تأكيد الاتفاق النووي مع ايران ودعا الى تغيير الرئيس الاميركي "الشجاع".

Brazil is denounced for religious intolerance

Colares de Umbanda, religião brasileira declarada patrimônio imaterial do Rio de Janeiro

Representatives of African-born religions presented last Monday, 30, a petition in the São Paulo City Council denouncing Brazil in the Inter-American Court of Human Rights for the growing number of cases of religious intolerance.

The event mobilized hundreds of priests and supporters in the Noble Hall of the Legislative House to bring society's attention to the problem and increase adherence to the movement, according to the Chamber's advice.

According to data from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) released in early 2017, Brazil had almost 700 reports of religious intolerance between the years 2011 and 2015. Of this total, 71.15% of the cases were against African religions -Brazilians. Rio de Janeiro is the state that leads in number the aggressions, followed by Minas Gerais and São Paulo.

According to the Secretariat for Human Rights and Policies for Women and Seniors in Rio (SEDHMI), from July to early October 2017, there were 41 cases of religious intolerance in the state. The region of Baixada Fluminense was responsible for about 30% of the denunciations received, while traffickers were responsible for 10% of cases of intolerance, forcing priests to destroy their own terreiros.

In this regard, Sputnik Brasil spoke exclusively with lawyer Hédio Silva Júnior, former secretary of Justice of São Paulo and one of the leaders of this movement against religious intolerance in the country. According to him, although more evident in the Southeast region, this is a phenomenon that spreads throughout the country.

"This is a result of the discourse of religious hatred, the use of television and radio, which are concessions of public services, for the propagation of hatred, discrimination and religious intolerance.This trafficker who goes there and enters is a mere performer" , said the lawyer.

Hédio explains that the problem in relation to this issue is not the lack of legal framework, since there is a set of laws in Brazil made to curb this type of attitude.

"The Constitution itself dictates that the purpose of the media - hence radio and TV - must be educational and affirming social values.

The National Security Law provides that it is a crime to condone religious hatred. The Racial Equality Statute provides that it is the obligation of the public power to prevent the spread of religious hatred. The Penal Code, in short, a series of laws prescribe sentences, including high penalties for the use of radio and TV for the propagation of religious hatred, "explained the expert, noting that one of the arguments being brought to court refers to the Brazilian authorities in the face of this growing problem.

An eventual conviction of the Inter-American Court would have full validity in Brazil, a signatory of the Pact of San José of Costa Rica, which may imply compensation for the victims and changes in the conduct of this matter.

"The most important thing here is a sentence that condemns Brazil to take the Constitution and the legislation seriously," opined Hédio Silva Júnior. "Absolutely, nothing is done. The Brazilian state is a state that is silent on this issue."

Media: US begins to realize Russia's supremacy in the new Cold War

Capa da The Economist mostra Putin como czar

The US has only just begun realizing that the "new cold war" is in fact already under way and that the Russian president is winning it, writes the Swedish newspaper Svenska Dagbladet quoted by the RT.

To date, Putin has managed to do virtually everything he has undertaken in foreign policy, and now his influence in the world is greater than ever, says the author of the Svenska Dagbladet.

After "Russia's attempts to influence who will take the post of president in the US," the Americans began gradually realizing that the new "cold war" is already under way and that is not Washington who is winning, writes Jenny Nordberg in his article quoted by RT.

According to the author, if we think about the US role in today's world, it is the Russian president Vladimir Putin who comes to the forefront first. He has been on the political stage for two decades and has seen the replacement of US presidents all this time.

"There is the impression that each new American president takes possession with the same naïve optimism toward Putin, but he can deceive to a greater or lesser degree any of them," a US diplomat told Svenska Dagbladet.

According to the author, President Putin began by taking the media under control and performing "systematic cleaning" of critics and discordant elements, at the same time reaching agreements with several of the biggest oligarchs, for whom the alternative would be imprisonment or worse.

However, he "closely followed" US attempts to "export democracy" through military operations and saw what it did in Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya. And it is only now that US diplomats are forced to recognize that Putin is "the most talented player on the whole foreign policy scene," while most of the steps taken by the US since 2001 have in fact only undermined US influence in the Middle East .

According to the author, Vladimir Putin has achieved almost everything he has planned so far, so the author asks a rhetorical question: "Is it worth at least devoting every second article to Russia and Putin instead of Trump?"

Российские врачи открыли вторую клинику в Латинской Америке и будут продолжать изучать сложные регионы

Voluntários da organização russa Health&Help na Nicarágua

Health & Help, основанная российским врачом Викторией Валиковой, планирует открыть вторую клинику в Латинской Америке, на этот раз в рыбацкой деревушке в Никарагуа. Пресс-служба рассказала врачу о деталях проекта добровольца.

Health & Help, основанная российским врачом Викторией Валиковой, планирует открыть вторую клинику в Латинской Америке, на этот раз в рыбацкой деревушке в Никарагуа. Пресс-служба рассказала врачу о деталях проекта добровольца.

Health & Help - это некоммерческая организация, которая помогает бедным людям на планете. Волонтеры этого проекта открыли клинику в отдаленной деревне Гватемала Чуйнатахуп, предоставив 15 000 человек возможность получить медицинскую помощь.

Известность организации достигла других латиноамериканских популяций. По словам Виктории Валиковой, идея открытия клиники в Никарагуа исходила от самих никарагуанцев, которые слышали о проекте и предложили место, где нет медицинской помощи.

Это рыбацкая деревушка Эль-Росарио в прибрежном регионе страны, где люди живут в условиях полной бедности и болезней лица, таких как малярия, лихорадка джи, зика и другие тропические инфекции, объясняет российский врач.

В деревне нет воды и электричества. Поскольку невозможно поддерживать клинику без этих ресурсов, самым экономичным и экологичным вариантом было установить солнечные батареи, колодец с водяным насосом и резервуар для питьевой воды.

Организация уже получила почву для установки медицинского пункта в деревне.

Как и в предыдущем проекте, медицинский центр будет построен добровольцами и местными жителями, под наблюдением зодчих «Здравоохранение и помощь».

Волонтеры надеются, что новый проект будет иметь тот же успех, что и предыдущий в Гватемале, где клиника оказывает помощь всем, кто в ней нуждается.

«Нашим главным достижением является то, что клиника работает хорошо и стабильно: у нас есть все необходимые лекарства, мы открываем программы для недоедающих детей, контрацептивов, а также сахарного диабета. Мы заботимся о беременных женщинах и пациентах с хроническими заболеваниями», - сказал он. пишущий специалист.

Клиника также предлагает другие возможности для местных жителей, в том числе предоставление стипендии местной девушке из семьи из 13 детей.

Российский врач говорит, что Health & Help не планирует ограничивать строительство клиник.

«Цель« Здоровье и помощь »- обеспечить базовую медицинскую помощь в местах с ограниченными ресурсами, стремясь улучшить хотя бы немного жизни как можно большего числа людей», - говорит вдохновитель проекта.

Сделайте этот мир лучше: отправьте пожертвования с PayPal на mailbox@he-he.org, чтобы помочь проекту.

As many as 200 North Koreans have died due to the collapse of a tunnel after nuclear testing

Imagens exibidas na TV após realização de teste nuclear norte-coreano

The collapse of a tunnel under construction near the North Korean nuclear complex would have killed more than 200 workers, media reports said.

About 100 people died after the collapse of a tunnel under construction near the North Korean nuclear site of Punggye-ri. According to the Yonhap agency, the tunnel was very fragile after North Korea's last nuclear test on 3 September.

According to the Japanese television station Asahi, a second collapse in the same tunnel happened later, when rescue operations were under way, increasing the number of victims to 200 people.

The Japanese television channel gave no further details. The exact dates of the incidents are not known.

Experts had warned that the Punggye-ri nuclear zone had become unstable after Pyongyang's six nuclear tests and that a collapse could happen at any time.

On October 30, Nam Jae-cheol, head of the South Korean Meteorological Administration, said in an interview with Yonhap that if North Korea detonated another nuclear device, it could trigger a collapse of the mountain next to the polygon and also a leak of radioactive materials.

Samantha's sexual doll will only properly attend those who are good to her


The creator of the latest-generation sex robot says his creations will soon have a "moral code" and will prefer men who seek other things than satisfy themselves, reports the RT.

The creator of the sex doll Samantha and the Catalan engineer, Sergi Santos, have stated that their creations with artificial intelligence will be more enthusiastic about people who treat them with respect.

Soon these silicone androids will have a moral code that will affect their libido, explained Santos to IBTimes. The engineer pointed out that in two or three months he will have Samantha talk and make value judgments.

"Will you be able to tell if I'm evil or not," he said. Currently the activation levels of the doll depend on if your "partner" touches its erogenous zones. The doll may also achieve a simulated orgasm through penetration if sufficiently aroused.

Santos says she can now make Samantha more stimulated, depending on how good the person is, spend more time talking to her and not just classifying her as a source of sexual satisfaction.

Samantha caught the attention of the media as a female robot capable of reaching orgasm. But Santos wants to go further than just developing a simple sex doll.

The creator suggests that the 21st century is "the century of integration," and that is why it will deploy special sensors in the body of the doll, which will give it the ability to react emotionally to touches.

Why did you murder the wife of the man who tried to kill Putin?

Mulher de Adam Osmayev, suspeito do atentado contra Putin (foto do arquivo)

The investigation is investigating two main versions of the murder of Amina Okueva, said the adviser to the Ukrainian Interior Minister, Deputy Supreme Rada Anton Geraschenko, in an interview with channel 112 Ukraina.

"There are two main versions: the actions of Russian special forces [...] and the second is revenge by Kadurov against Adam Osmayev," said the deputy.

According to him, special forces officers, police and the Secret Service of Ukraine are looking for people involved in the murder. Geraschenko stressed that "any hypothesis" will be examined. Geraschenko added that it is very likely that it was two murderers, and the husband of the murdered woman, Osmayev, is being held by security guards.

Hours ago, Chechen citizen Adam Osmayev, accused of planning the assassination of Russian President Vladimir Putin, was injured, his wife having died after his car was hit by bullets outside Kiev. Osmayev believes that "special Russian forces" are involved in the attack. Police opened the case for the article "Premeditated Murder."

It is worth noting that this is not the first attempt on Osmayev and his wife. A few months ago, Osmayev was hit by bullets; his wife Okueva managed to neutralize the shooter.

Whenever someone is murdered, Kiev talks about "Russian traces". For Moscow, charges of Kiev are absurd. According to Senator Aleksei Pushkov, "Whatever happens in Ukraine, it is Russia's fault."

Adam Osmayev was arrested in 2012 in the Ukrainian city of Odessa for plotting the assassination of Vladimir Putin and Chechen President Ramzan Kadyrov along with two partners, Kazakh citizen Ilia Piyanzin and Chechen Ruslan Madayev, killed after an accidental explosion in the where the group met to prepare for the attack.

sexta-feira, 27 de outubro de 2017

30 years being watched: Uruguay talks about massive espionage of the CIA in its territory


A massive espionage system with CIA involvement has operated for at least 30 years in Uruguay. Deputy Gerardo Núñez, president of the parliamentary committee that investigates the case, explained to the editors the details of these systematic leaks of information.

The reform of the intelligence system became the focus of parliamentary discussion in Uruguay shortly after a three million page archive was revealed that demonstrated the power of the Armed Forces in Uruguay between 1985 and 2004. The information revealed a system of party espionage politicians, trade unions and social movements.

Congressman Gerardo Núñez, president of the Committee of Investigation on military espionage in Democracy of the Uruguayan Chamber of Deputies, explained in an interview to Sputnik Mundo the mechanisms of these leaks.

A series of secret documents suggests that, in addition to direct agents, many people were remunerated not only with money, "but also with travel abroad, vacations for the informant and his family or purchase of houses," among other incentives, Nunez said. Telescope program.
According to documents found in the archive, the US intelligence agency would have given at least 37 bribes to obtain information from the Ministries of Interior and Foreign Affairs of Uruguay.

The investigative commission, led by Núñez, sent a letter to the Uruguayan Foreign Ministry to evaluate whether it is possible to call on US Ambassador Kelly Keiderling to ask for explanations.

The three million pages were found starting in 2005, with the arrival of Frente Amplio, the ruling party since then.

"We know the methodology according to which these practices were carried out, but we would like to know the solid foundations that motivated the launching of such a systematic, planned and organized work," said the parliamentary.

Agents and informants were often military personnel who received data in social organizations, while others even belonged to them. According to Núñez, some, besides passing on information, also "destroyed" it from within their institutions, for example, causing disturbances and manifestations.

The documents also mention illegal searches by people who disguised themselves as water company officials to enter the homes of partisan members or organizations. In other cases, spies came in to make technical studies of buildings "certainly to move forward with other operations against intelligence."

The Commission's investigations will continue until at least December 2017, but given the huge volume of documents, it may extend for a longer period, Núñez told the Telescope.

Российский вертолет с 8 людьми на борту упал бы около Шпицбергена

Sinal de trânsito e ponteiro geográfico da cidade de Barentsburg no arquipélago de Svalbard

Российский вертолет с 8 людьми на борту упал бы около Шпицбергена.

По словам норвежской береговой охраны, вертолет, который бежал из российской деревни Пирамида в Баренцбург, исчез из радаров и упал.

Российский вертолет потерпел крушение в 2 или 3 милях от Баренцбурга. Норвежская береговая охрана координирует операцию поиска.

«Российский вертолет с восемью людьми на борту упал в море на два или три километра от Баренцбурга, а служба поиска на севере Норвегии координирует спасательную операцию, подробности пока не раскрыты», - писал он в Твиттере. служба поиска:

Российские официальные лица и официальные лица еще не комментируют этот инцидент.

Представитель службы поддержки Tore Hongset сказал норвежской газете VG, что на сцену были отправлены две лодки и вертолет.

Шпицберген, являющийся административной единицей Норвегии, имеет особый правовой статус, и на острове есть русское поселение, на котором проживает большинство шахтеров. Специальный закон дает государствам, подписавшим Договор о Свальбарде, право вести дела на арктическом архипелаге.

Watch out! This is the 'prettiest' criminal in the US

Mulher algemada

Mirella Ponce, a 20-year-old woman who was arrested for illegal gun possession, became famous on the networks thanks to a criminal record shared by the Fresno Police Department in California.

According to police officers, Ponce belongs to Tiny Rascal Gang (TRG), one of the most dangerous gangs in Fresno. She was detained with her baby and two men also involved in the activities of TRG.

Resultado de imagem para Mirella Ponce

Resultado de imagem para Mirella Ponce

The photo taken after his arrest drew the attention of many US netizens. You can see why, yes? With blue hair and tattoos around her neck, this Latina-looking woman is perceived from afar. Police officers also posted an image of a pink pistol belonging to the bandit.

"His only crime is that he stole my heart," said Facebook user Sotero Sánchez. The comment has already won over 2,000 tanned.

"I do not know who is more beautiful, she or the weapon," commented another surfer.

"The girl is beautiful, but she was wrong to get involved in such activities with her baby," said user Tiffani DaDon.

The case of Mirella Ponce reminds other criminals who have gained fame thanks to their physical appearance, as occurred with Jeremy Meeks, who even obtained model employment after leaving prison.

Kennedy murder was a problem for KGB

Presidente dos EUA John Kennedy

The assassination of US President John Kennedy in 1963 caused a shock in the Soviet Union, the bells sounded in honor of the president, reads in the documents revealed.

"The source who in the past provided reliable information and who was in Russia at the time of the Kennedy assassination reported on December 4, 1963, that the news of President Kennedy's assassination had arrived in Russia shortly after the incident. shock and consternation, church bells sounded in honor of President Kennedy, "reads the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) document, signed by John Edgar Hoover, the director of the FBI.

The documents reveal meetings between Soviet diplomats and representatives of the State Security Committee, better known by its acronym KGB, where they discussed the consequences of the assassination of the president. More than that, the source told the FBI that the permanent representative of the Soviet Union at the UN, Nikolai Fedorenko, gathered officials and told them that the Soviet Union lamented the president's death and that Kennedy shared mutual understanding with Moscow "to some extent "and wanted to improve relations between the Soviet Union and the US.
The head of the KGB's residence in New York, Colonel Boris Ivanov, gathered his officials and declared that Kennedy's murder was a "problem" for the KGB, the FBI report said. The identity of the source was not revealed.

Current US President Donald Trump ordered the temporary public retention until April 26, 2018 of some secret documents relating to the assassination of President John Kennedy in 1963, which occurred at the height of the Cold War.

terça-feira, 24 de outubro de 2017

Who will be responsible for the robots' autonomous actions?

Um robô

The ability of robots and other forms of artificial intelligence to make decisions autonomously raises a number of questions about the moral implications and responsibility for their actions.

An automatic vehicle with a passenger on board transits by the edge of a cliff. In front, a normal car is approaching with a family of five. The smart car has the ability to analyze the situation and decide what to do in the face of the imminent collision risk. If they collide, the chances of six people dying are high.

If you advance to the cliff, the life of an entire family will be saved, but the person inside the smart car will die.

What decision will the robotic car take? Due to the advancement of artificial intelligence in everyday life, situations like this are closer than we think.

"How will machines normally act to make decisions when they can have this computing power?" "Who will be responsible for the mistakes in the decisions made by a machine?" "It's an area that's developing, and even groups of lawyers are analyzing these new horizons, Argentine robotics expert Gonzalo Zabala told the newsroom.

In law, the debates around this theme have no answer. Today, responsibility lies with companies, but as artificial intelligence is increasing its ability to make decisions on its own, the legal vacuum is becoming more apparent.

Zabala cited the Moral Machine website of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), which presents users with different conflicting situations that show the difficulty of morally judging smart vehicle decisions.

According to the project website, the goal is not just to understand how humans make decisions, but to understand more clearly how they understand artificial intelligence, which is becoming more important today.

Customer support services are being replaced by "chat bots", programs that are able to hold a conversation. Translation applications that recognize natural language or satellite navigation that can detect traffic jams in a city based on the information of its users are a reality that people bring in their pockets.

Based on algorithms and data available on the internet, automatic learning, or "machine learning," has shifted the focus of artificial intelligence. Information gained from machines gives you the ability to make decisions based on your experiences.

According to the specialist, finding these solutions involves making a reflection that takes into account the complexity of human intelligence. The different types of human intelligence and other mechanisms of our mind are important in this process.

"When we look at systems, or how to make an intelligent machine, we reflect on our own intelligence and the mechanisms we have, such as learning," Zabala explained.

According to the expert, artificial intelligence "is not dangerous in itself", the problem is that the valorization is based on the uses that it gives to him, which "will determine its dangerousness or not".

He cited the example of nuclear power. On the one hand, the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945 resulted in an enormous amount of deaths. But, on the other hand, the generation of energy and its medical use are good practices based on nuclear technology.

Another problem linked to artificial intelligence is the loss of jobs.

"One of humanity's plans in which it will have a terrible impact is the subject of work, not just artificial intelligence, but all the technologies that are impacting on it," Zabala said.

By 2050, the plants are estimated to be robotic at a level above 90%. However, the expert stressed that the world has already faced the problem of the introduction of new technologies and the loss of jobs. While many jobs have disappeared due to the emergence of technology, new jobs have emerged, "higher level."

"We have already received the benefits of technology and not only in the upper social classes or the countries of the first world: people do not work in conditions equal to 50 or 100 years ago nor work the same hours," said the expert.

For Zabala, robots are not the main threat to humanity. On the contrary, the people themselves and their "delusional" level of consumption and production pose a concrete threat in the short term.


Floresta devoniana (imagem ilustrativa)


“我們在新疆發現的古樹幹是巨大的,完全保存在一堆”火山二氧化矽“裡面, 加里夫大學(英國)的克里斯·貝里(Chris Berry)表示:“


根據科學家的現代觀點,大約4億年前,第一批樹木出現在泥盆紀中期。 它的出現顯著改變了整個星球的外觀,使其成為“綠色”,擁有大量的氧氣和新生物。

對於科學家來說,這仍然是第一批樹木的謎。 目前,只有小的“化石樹”被發現,由於灰燼或熔岩的爆發,樹乾和根部從地下保持完整。 他們的研究表明,當時的植物群是非常奇特的,因為葉子執行了樹皮的光合作用,而在外觀上,它們更像苔原盆景。



問題是,以前古生物學家認為,第一批樹木比現在的植物更為簡化,考慮到他們的祖先居住在水中,植物群的代表不需要在水中攜帶水,微量元素和營養物質。 本身。 當植物出現在地球上時,它們伴隨著木質部的出現,木質部是一種負責運輸液體的組織,其結構在我們星球的更乾燥的地區的征服中變得更加複雜。

Radiografia da possível árvore mais antiga da Terra

當莓果和他的同事x-ray樹幹,他們意識到這個觀點是完全錯誤的:史前樹的木質部和韌皮部比今天的花卉植物更複雜。 此外,這具有長度和寬度增長的特殊方式。

據科學家介紹,在這棵樹中有幾十個生長環,長度和寬度同時增長。 與他們的現代家庭成員不同,樹的中央部分是空的,水是以非常不尋常的方式由木質部承載的。

“我不知道地球上有沒有另一棵樹能以這樣一個複雜的方式執行任務,同時它會在自己的重量下破碎而崩潰,但同時它將保持活力,長而長,佔據一席之地 在地球的第一個森林中統治著這個發現的挑戰,並且認為:為什麼最古老的樹木是最複雜的?“,強調科學家。

Le chien de Macron interrompt la réunion à l'Elysée en pisse

Presidente francês, Emmanuel Macron, com seu cachorro Nemo no Palácio do Eliseu, Paris, 30 de agosto de 2017

Le chien du président français Emmanuel Macron a porté préjudice à la réunion tenue par son propriétaire en décidant d'aller "aux toilettes" dans le palais de l'Eliseu.

La rencontre du président français avec les membres du gouvernement a été filmée par les chaînes locales. Cependant, qui a attiré l'attention des médias était le chien Nemo d'Emmanuel Macron qui a pissé près de la cheminée dans la même pièce.

La vidéo de l'incident a été publiée sur YouTube. Le comportement du chien a brisé l'humeur sérieuse de la réunion. "Cela arrive-t-il souvent?", A demandé l'un des participants à la réunion de Macron. "Non, cela a été causé par votre présence", a répondu le président.

Macron et sa femme ont adopté un chien de refuge en août dernier. L'animal a été nommé Nemo en l'honneur du personnage principal du roman Twenty Thousand Leagues Underwater de Jules Verne.

Nemo n'est pas le premier chien à vivre dans le palais de l'Elisée. Auparavant, vivait l'animal de compagnie de François Hollande, prédécesseur de Macron.

Moral crisis: Indian is raped in broad daylight and absurd is filmed

Estudantes indianos do colégio de Saint Joseph Degree participam no protesto contra a cultura de estupro
A chilling video in which a drunkard sexually rapes a woman publicly and in the middle of the street in the Indian city of Vizag has caused a shock wave both in the country and around the world.

One woman, mentally ill and too weak to resist, was raped by a junkie in broad daylight in the southern Indian city of Vizag. The incident sparked intense media debates not just because of the seriousness of the crime, but because of the naturalness of the person filming the barbarity rather than helping the woman in danger.

police arrived at the scene of the crime after being alerted by a driver who filmed the attack on her cell phone. According to police, the perpetrator of the crime, 23-year-old Ganji Siva, was completely drunk and drugged. He was detained. The victim was a mentally ill woman of average age who was expelled from home.

"Apparently she was too weak for not having eaten for several hours and was sleeping under a tree when Silva, who was completely intoxicated, sexually raped her," federal agent K Suresh told local media.

The video also shows people passing by while the criminal committed the atrocity.

"This clearly shows with people becoming insensitive to attacks on women," lamented Suresh.

Opinion: North Korea could provoke something unthinkable - war between US and China

Um militar das Forças Armadas da China

Opponents of nuclear weapons fighting in urban areas can cause an unimaginable humanitarian crisis. But the scenario could be even worse if a war between China and the US is unleashed, says The National Interest.

China and the US could not have gone to war in 1950. The war came as a result of a misjudgment of China's intentions and capabilities by the US: the US failed to detect the Chinese army's move to Korean territory, did not pay enough attention to China's signals and did not realize the country's diplomatic efforts, Robert Farley added in his article in The National Interest.

Thus, the Chinese intervention has become a surprise, says the author. The first Korean War did not work well for any country, although the US and China had managed to maintain the independence of their "puppets."

The Korean War can be triggered again for several reasons. The fall of the North Korean regime could provoke a competition for Pyongayng which, in turn, could trigger a conflict between the two military powers, says Robert Farley

China is unlikely to consider the US response to a North Korean attack as a legitimate motive for war unless such a response goes beyond certain red lines.

The National Interest analyst points out that Beijing does not want to see US troops along the Yalu River. In addition, he points out that China may face a US attack on North Korea as a sign of an incorrigible aggression, evidence that the US is a true "pariah state", which may or may not attack China in the future.

As a prelude to the intervention, China will begin by showing its discontent through military preparations as well as diplomatic condemnation, he points out. The Trump administration faces risks of a misinterpretation of China's statements, as it did in 1950. The US may classify these signals as an indication of China's willingness to compromise or may not understand them.

At the same time, according to Farley, if Beijing is serious, it would begin to withdraw its far-reaching systems from the North Korean border to safer places in the interior of the country.

북한은 대량의 생물 무기를 생산하고 인간을 실험에 사용한다고보고했다.

Esporos de antraz

북한은 대량의 생물학 무기를 가지고 학술 보고서를 인용, 지난 주말 미국 언론에 의해 공개 된 정보에 따라, 인간의 실험도 만들어 사용을 가진 다른 생산 할 수있는 능력을 가지고있다.

하버드 대학의 케네디 스쿨에서 Belfer 센터가 10 월에 발표 한 보고서에 따르면, 북한은 이미 생물 무기를 가지고 및 그 제조 시설 자유 아시아 방송 (RFA)에 주석으로, 핵무기를 제조 할 수있다.

탄저병과 천연두가 이미 생물학적 무기로 사용될 가능성이있다 "고 보고서는 전했다. "북한 군인이 한국에 주둔 천연두뿐만 아니라 미 육군 병사에 대한 예방 접종을 -. 천연두와 탄저병에 대해"

북한이 보툴리누스 중독, 콜레라 등의 전염병을 포함하여 자신의 소유 적어도 13 개 병원균을 할 것이다, 연구자들은 말했다.

북한은 생물 무기의 사용을 만들기 위해 미사일, 무인 항공기, 항공기, 스프레이와 인간의 벡터를 사용하는 것이,이 보고서는 말했다. 이 문서는 또한 아시아 국가가 20 만명의 특수 부대원을 보유하고 있기 때문에 생물 무기에 대한 그럴싸한 전달 방법으로 인간 대리인을 언급했다.

이 연구는 유엔 안전 보장 이사회 결의안 1540이 2004 년에 채택되어 핵, 화학 및 생물 무기의 확산을 방지한다는 것을 상기시켰다. 이사회는 평가 및 연례 검토를위한 프레임 워크를 유지합니다.

그러나 북한은 유엔 결의안을 준수하지 않은 것으로 유명하다. 보고서는 북한의 능력 검증의 어려움은 부분적으로는 무기 개발을위한 지역 장비 및 시설의 이중 사용 때문이라고 덧붙였다.

그는 "핵 실험 횟수와 미사일 시험 성공 여부에 따라 핵 프로그램을 감시 할 수는 있지만 무기와 병원균 재배는 폐쇄 된 상태로 보이지 않는다"고 설명했다.

"또한 생물 무기 생산에 사용되는 장비는 종종 농업을 위해 이중 용도이기 때문에 외부 감시 및 검증을 사실상 불가능하게 만든다"고 결론 지었다.

평양의 생물 무기 생산에 대한 의혹만큼 심각한 것은 북한의 탈북자들이 생물학 및 화학 무기 실험에 인간을 사용하고 있다는 보도이다.

What's behind the Netflix documentary that could cost Sean Penn's life?

Actor Sean Penn

Hollywood actor Sean Penn fears he will be murdered at the hands of a Mexican drug cartel over a Netflix documentary, according to his lawyer. Sputnik tells the hidden story of The Day I Met El Chapo.

Netflix viewers were warned that the documentary about the Mexican drug cartel chief could lead to the death of Oscar-winning actor Sean Penn.

The film, which was released on Netflix on Friday, October 20, states that Penn briefed US authorities when he met Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman in 2015.

The Day I Met El Chapo is based on an event version of the famous Mexican actress, Kate del Castillo, who acted as an intermediary for the bizarre meeting in October 2015.

Del Castillo says Penn warned US officials of the meeting, which may have led to El Chapo's final capture three months later.

Penn said the idea of alerting the US Department of Justice was a lie.

What makes the story even more interesting is that del Castillo, with whom El Chapo would have become obsessed, also claimed to have slept with Penn when organizing the meeting.

'The Blood Will Be in Your Hands'

Penn's lawyer, Theodore J. Boutrous Jr., wrote an open letter warning Netflix of the danger they were putting their client in.

"It is reprehensible that in their continuing and relentless efforts to garner additional attention and publicity, Ms. Del Castillo and her team will seek to create this narrative deeply false, foolish and reckless, "said Penn's spokesman Mark Fabiani.

"The notion that Mr. Penn or anyone on his behalf has alerted the Justice Department about the trip is a fabrication and full-fledged lie. It never happened, nor would there have been any reason for that to have happened," he added.

"Penn had the opportunity on several occasions to attend 'The Day I Met El Chapo', and did not do it," a Netflix spokesman said.

El Chapo fled five months after escaping through a tunnel built in a shower of the Altiplano's maximum security prison in central Mexico.

The $ 6.7 million-mile tunnel had been equipped with ventilation ducts, running electricity to turn on the light and the stairs.

Penn wrote an article for Rolling Stone about the meeting.

Identity Generation: who is the group of young nationalists who wants to enter the UK

Brittany Pettibone (à esq.) e Lauren Southern (à dir.), integrantes do movimento de jovens nacionalistas Geração Identitária

A conservative right-wing movement that has united young nationalists from Canada, the US and the entire European Union, resulting in shocking and often hostile immigration campaigns, is planning to begin its activities in the UK as well.

Entitled Génération Identitaire, the group gained notoriety when it blocked the roads to the Calais migrant camp and tried to block a charter ship that brought immigrants from Libya to an Italian port as part of its campaign to end immigration in bulk to Europe.

The actions reflected the focus of the group, which claims to want to "preserve" the European way of life.

Now in its fifth year, the movement based in France, which wants to end the "Islamization of Europe", rejects accusations of anti-Semitism and racism, set sights on the United Kingdom. And there you want to start your activities soon.

In their most daring action, the group took a boat to Libya's Search and Rescue Zone to "gather evidence" against NGOs that save migrants from drowning and bring them to Europe.

His ship, the C-star, faced a number of problems, including crew members being arrested, the boat being stopped and an embarrassing break which led to the need for a rescue, by one of the NGOs persecuted by the group.

Despite such constraints, support for the nationalists continued to grow and the donations flooded the group, made up of young activists familiar with the media.

Using efficient videos and other resources, the group capitalized on public concerns when hundreds of thousands of immigrants arrived in Europe. And thousands of pounds sterling for funding for the Defend Europe campaign came from the UK, according to RT UK.

Hotel swing será aberto daqui a alguns meses em Lisboa

Um casal

Portugal vem cada vez mais atraindo turistas dos quatro cantos do mundo. Comerciantes deste pequeno país europeu visam satisfazer todos os clientes. Uma prova disso é a abertura do Xtravaganza Swing Hotel e Club na zona da Grande Lisboa já em janeiro do ano que vem.

Em entrevista ao portal NiT, um fonte do hotel afirmou que o estabelecimento quer "trabalhar sobretudo o mercado estrangeiro" e visa "dar a conhecer um lado diferente" de Portugal.
O princípio-chave do hotel é a privacidade. Por isso, ele tem uma estrada separada.

O estabelecimento vai ocupar 2.400 metros quadrados, será muito luxuoso e elegante. Há várias coisas para fazer. Por exemplo, a casa principal inclui uma cozinha, duas salas grandes, uma lareira antiga e até um moinho de água.

Além disso, no hotel há cinco suítes com um pátio comum, todos tendo entradas diferentes. Se você quer tomar uma bebida requintada, no lounge há uma coleção de vinhos, licores e champanhes.

Para que ninguém fique entediado, o hotel oferece uma piscina, academia, sauna turca, jardim, churrasqueira e pista de dança.

Who would say? Male orgasm depends not only on the attractive appearance of the partner

Um casal beijando

Excitement and sexual satisfaction of men depend not only on the sexual partner's appealing appearance but also on the character of relationships, says a study in the Archives of Sexual Behavior.

Scientists at Queen's University, Canada, have studied the sexual behavior of heterosexual men in the 18-40 age bracket, the study said.

Specialists measured participants' erection while the latter listened to 18 audios simulating sexual contact with different partners: friend, unknown woman or permanent sexual partner.

The scientists evaluated the reaction of men according to the Kinsey Scale, used to describe the sexual orientation of people, and came to the conclusion that the excitement and intensity of the male orgasm tend to be greater during casual or permanent sexual relations. It is worth mentioning that relations of friendship with a woman diminish both men's libido and subsequent sexual satisfaction.

Wissenschaftler: Auf der Erde gibt es Menschen mit extraterrestrischen Implantaten

Erich von Daniken, berühmter Schweizer Wissenschaftler und Autor der Hypothese, der primitive Mensch sei von außerirdischen Wesen besucht worden, sprach mit den Herausgebern in Deutschland über seine Theorie des Einflusses der Außerirdischen auf den Ursprung der Menschheit.

Von Daniken ist ein produktiver Schriftsteller, dessen Bücher Millionen verkaufter Exemplare erreicht haben und in Dutzende von Sprachen übersetzt wurden. Zu seinen Werken zählt das berühmte Buch "Were the Gods Astronauts?", Das 1968 erstmals erschien.

In einem Interview mit Sputnik Deutschland erzählte Von Daniken mehr über seine Theorie, die postuliert, dass fremde Wesen eine wichtige Rolle in der Entstehung und Entwicklung der Menschheit gespielt haben und sprach über das Interesse staatlicher Sicherheitsdienste an ihrer Forschung.

Von Danikens Theorie lässt vermuten, dass die Erde vor vielen Tausenden von Jahren von den Außerirdischen besucht wurde. Unsere Vorfahren aus der Steinzeit verstanden nicht, was vorging und fälschlicherweise glaubten, dass diese außerirdischen Wesen Götter waren, die nach Angaben des Wissenschaftlers nicht existieren.

"Die sogenannten" Götter "studierten einige Stämme, lernten einige Sprachen, gaben einige Ratschläge und verabschiedeten sich irgendwann auf Wiedersehen und versprachen, in ferner Zukunft zurückzukehren", erklärte der Autor.

Auf die Frage, wann die Außerirdischen zur Erde zurückkehren werden, erklärte der Wissenschaftler, niemand weiß es, aber es sollte nicht ausgeschlossen werden, dass sie bereits hier sind. Von Daniken betonte jedoch, dass dies ein anderes Thema sei.

Von den Vorwürfen vieler Menschen, dass seine Theorien nichts weiter als Erfindungen sind, kommentierte Von Daniken, dass er Kritik annimmt. Der Wissenschaftler erwähnte jedoch, dass er in seinem Berufsfeld viel mehr weiß als diejenigen, die ihn kritisieren.

"Es gibt eindeutige Beweise. Was bleibt, ist eine Frage der Interpretation von jedem", sagte er.

Bei der Beantwortung der Frage nach dem Interesse der Regierungsorganisationen an ihrer Arbeit ging der Wissenschaftler zunächst auf das Thema der außerirdischen Entführungen ein. Von Daniken sagte er, er habe darüber gelacht, bis er den Psychiater John E. Mack, einen Medizinprofessor an der Harvard University, der mit dem Pulitzer-Preis ausgezeichnet wurde, getroffen habe. Laut Daniken versicherte der Lehrer ihm, dass ihm ein außerirdisches Beobachtungsgerät implantiert worden sei.

Offensichtlich ist die Frage: Was können sie sein? "Jemand analysierte das? Zweifellos haben sie es physisch analysiert, aber wir verstehen nicht, worum es geht", sagte der Autor.

Von Daniken sagte, dass Leute, die für die Regierung arbeiten, mit ihm sprechen wollten, um mehr Details über die Außerirdischen zu erfahren.

"Die Regierung will wissen, ob es eine potenzielle Bedrohung für die Menschheit gibt oder ob das alles töricht ist." "Ich habe keine persönliche Antwort, ich habe noch keine UFOs gesehen und ich habe noch nie mit jemandem gesprochen, aber es gibt Menschen mit extraterrestrischen Implantaten" er sagte.

Von Daniken sagte, wenn Aliens eines Tages auf die Erde zurückkehren, besteht kein Grund zur Sorge, dass sie mit friedlichen Absichten ankommen werden.

"Es wird so etwas wie ein Evolutionssprung sein, der von außen kommt." "Wir haben Evolution, wir sind Produkte der Evolution, aber nicht nur davon", sagte Von Daniken.

Battle of the century: F-22 vs Su-57, which is more likely to win?

F-22 Raptor da Força Aérea dos EUA

Both combat aircraft have features and armaments that give them advantage in certain areas, reports the RT.

Rising tensions between the US and NATO on the one hand and Russia on the other hand raises a question about how a combat between the fifth generation F-22 Raptor American fighter and his Russian counterpart Su-57 (PAK-FA) , The National Interest is quoted as saying by RT.

According to the publication, the key feature of the F-22 is the maximum use of stealth technology, which makes it "invisible" to enemy radar. At the same time it highlights the high maneuverability of this hunt and excellent visibility from the cockpit: a combination that allows detecting threats of visual range and reacts quickly.

The F-22 reaches a speed of Mach 1.4 (1,500 km / h) and is equipped with a radar that allows to classify the threats before the enemy detects it. The Raptor can use a short-range AIM-9M / X air missile and at the same time air missiles with a range of up to 104 km guided by radars.

Caça norte-americano F-22
American F-22 Fighter

In addition, the aircraft can carry satellite-guided JDAM free fall bombs or 4 fuel tanks with about 2.2 thousand liters. The F-22 also features a 20-mm six-barrel M61A2 automatic machine gun with ammunition sufficient for approximately 5 seconds of continuous firing.


Although many details of the Su-57 remain unknown, The National Interest reports that Russian fifth-generation fighters differ significantly from the F-22. If the Raptor excels in maneuverability and stealth, the Su-57 stands out for its speed. "Russian fighter is much more maneuverable at supersonic speeds than any other aircraft," emphasizes The National Interest.

Sukhoi PAK FA T-50
Sukhoi PAK FA T-50

The T-50 can surpass the Mach 1.5 (1,600 km / h) speed and thanks to its Belka radar, its electronic systems and electro-optical devices are able to detect "invisible" aircraft and attack them with infrared guided missiles.

The publication states that Russian fighter has 2 large compartments, each of which can be equipped with 4 radar-guided missiles that can attack targets at a distance of up to 160 km. What's more, the hunt is equipped with K-74M2 short-range infrared guided missiles.

According to The National Interest, both US and Russian hunting have advantages in different categories. "Su-57's features and armaments enable it to detect and eliminate threats over long distances, allowing it to quickly respond to threats or retreat quickly into a battle where it is at a disadvantage. his ability to search for infrared makes him a lethal opponent, "added the author of The National Interest.

Who would be the winner?

On the other hand, the F-22 focuses on stealth and maneuverability and can also detect opponents over long distances and whenever it detects enemy radar, it ambushes before the enemy realizes they are in sight.

"It is difficult to know who will prevail, as we do not know the Su-57's maneuverability, but its infrared tracking and tracing is something that the American 'invisible' fighter does not have, and this is the great combat advantage of Russian aircraft, "the report said.

The edition highlights that if one day the F-22 and Su-57 face each other in a fight, it will be the "battle of the century and the world will be in great danger."

Acting strongly 'in the Korean crisis: Pyongyang sees danger of' Japanese reinvasion '

Tropas terrestres japonesas desembarcam de um helicóptero UH-60 Black Hawk

For Japan, the threats from North Korea are reaching a level never before seen, so the country believes it is necessary to take measures, which are considered by North Korea as "reinvasion of the Korean peninsula".

According to official figures, the coalition of the Liberal Democrat Party (PLD) and Komeito won more than two-thirds of the 465 seats in the Lower House in last Sunday's elections.

On Monday (23), during the election victory speech, Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe promised to "act strongly" to resolve the North Korean crisis.

From a Japanese point of view, the threat posed by North Korea has reached "critical and imminent level", so the US, Japan and South Korea should address the issue together, the Defense Minister said on Monday Japanese, Itsunori Onodera, informs Reuters.

"The threat of North Korea has reached an unprecedented, critical and imminent level, so we must take calibrated and different measures to meet the threat level," said the Japanese minister during talks with his South Korean counterparts, Song Young-Moo. American, James Mattis.

As a reaction to North Korea's recent events, the country in response has accused the Japanese government of preparing for "reinvasion" of the Korean peninsula, according to the statement issued by the KCNA state agency after the victory of the coalition of the Japanese prime minister, Shinzo Abe, in the legislative elections held in the country on October 22.

According to the paper quoted by The Japan Times newspaper, Japanese reactionaries "seek to gratify their ambition to stay in power and pave the way to re-invade the Korean peninsula in order to fulfill their former dream of the Coprosperity Sphere of Greater East Asia ". Pyongyang refers to the territories occupied by the Empire of Japan at the time of World War II.

At the same time, Pyongyang also criticizes Tokyo for "providing logistical assistance to US troops."

North Korea indicates "to be absolutely clear that Japan is advancing in the preparations for reinvasion, which has reached the final stage with the support of the United States." Given the whole situation, the North Korean government "has the right to take tough countermeasures to defend itself".

In addition, the North Korean side warned Japanese reactionaries not to lose control because they "are well aware of North Korea's strategic position as a" juche "nuclear power [term that defines the ideology of North Korean sovereignty and politics] and as a world power. "

The tension in the peninsula in Korea has only increased with repeated ballistic tests. The international community is trying to put pressure on Kim Jong-un by means of sanctions, but so far North Korea has not discontinued its ballistic and nuclear tests and shows no interest in doing the will of other countries.

sexta-feira, 13 de outubro de 2017

Meinung: Ein wahrer Völkermord an Ureinwohnern geschieht in Brasilien

Semana dos Povos Indígenas

Der indigene Missionsrat (CIMI) veröffentlichte einen Bericht, wonach im Jahr 2016 118 indigene Morde im Land registriert wurden. Das Hauptziel der Gewalt waren die Yanomami in der Nordregion mit 44 Todesfällen infolge von Gewalt.

Was sind die Ursachen der Tötungen und was kann getan werden, um diesen Völkermord an den Indianern im Land zu verhindern? Sputnik Brasilien diskutierte das Thema mit Cléber Buzatto, Cimis Chefsekretär.

Laut dem Gesprächspartner der Sputnik ist, ist in Brasilien in einem akuten Fall von Aggression gegen die Rechte der indigenen Völker und dies in eine Weise umgesetzt hat, die Zunahme der Gewalt gegen Gemeinschaften in ihren Ortschaften.

„Auf nationalen Kongress geht durch eine Reihe von Legislativvorschlägen für die Verfassung ändern zu. Sie haben sehr intensive Kampagnen gewesen und Reden von den Mitgliedern des Caucus und der Bank, die den Bergbau gegen die indigenen Völker vertreten und gegen ihre Rechte. Mit flagrant Anstiftung zur Gewalt gegen indigene Völker „, sagte Cléber Buzatto.

CIMI Bericht zeigte auch, dass 106 Suizide von Indianern begangen wurden, im Jahr 2016 und 735 Kinder unter 5 Jahren starben an Ursachen zu Unterernährung.

Der Exekutivsekretär der CIMI erklärte, dass Sul im Bundesstaat Mato Grosso do, vor allem im Fall der Guarani Kaiowá Bevölkerung führen Suizide aus einem Mangel an Garantie für eine Zukunft. Konflikte erlebten von Eingeborene Bevölkerungsgruppen im Allgemeinen mit der Gesellschaft in seiner Umgebung können als Hauptursache angesehen werden, obwohl Studien zu diesem Thema benötigt werden. Dies würde junge Menschen, die in einer prekären wirtschaftlichen Situation leben und Probleme haben, Einkommen zu erzielen, stark beeinträchtigen.

„Wir rufen die Aufmerksamkeit auf diese Situation in anderen Regionen. Wir werden zu bewerten, die für weitere Untersuchungen dieser Tatsachen durchgeführt werden, um die tatsächlichen Ursachen dieser Situation zu bestimmen. Unter den Hypothesen wir diese Situation erhalten haben mit der Ablehnung durch die Gesellschaft zu tun sowie Aggression gegen indigene Bevölkerungen in Städten. "

Ein weiteres ernstes Problem, nach Buzatto, würde die Kluft zwischen indigener Bevölkerung und der Regierung. FUNAI, die der Körper verantwortlich für diesen Prozess sein würde, hat seine Aufgaben sehr in den letzten Jahren beschädigt, vor allem wegen des Mangels an Finanzstruktur und pro Personalmangel. Somit ist der Körper, der das Land und für die Landabgrenzungsfragen links letztlich die Bevölkerung vermitteln würde und die Anforderungen nicht erfüllen kann.

„Unser Bericht ist ein Werkzeug, das wir von Gewalt anwenden zu warnen, aber im Laufe des Jahres präsentieren wir auch Beschwerden, wird die Verletzlichkeit und die Schwere der Situation aufgrund des Versagens der zuständigen Organe gesehen“, sagte der Vertreter des CIMI.

„Wir können sagen, dass ist Völkermord Gestaltung auf. Der Ankläger eigenen Staat Republik Rondônia, in einem Interview mit einem Journalisten von Cimi diese Aussage gemacht. Wir Berichte über Gewalt gegen isolierte Völker im Amazonasgebiet haben“, warnte er die indianista.

Temer per revocare lo status di rifugiato e Cesare Battisti potrebbe essere estradato

Cesare Battisti.

Il presidente Michel Temer (PMDB) ha scelto di revocare lo status di rifugiato italiano Cesare Battisti.

Le informazioni sono dal giornale Folha de S. Paulo.

Battisti può essere estradato se la Corte Suprema (STF) non concede habeas corpus richiesta preventiva dai suoi avvocati.

Temendo intende in attesa di una sentenza sul habeas corpus dal ministro Luiz Fux, relatore del caso Battisti. Tuttavia, non v'è alcuna scadenza per una decisione che dovrà assumere il ministro del Supremo e se un ritardo di inoltro, l'ufficio legale del Palazzo Presidenziale tenterà di elaborare un parere per consentire l'estradizione di Battisti in Italia in ogni caso.

La scorsa settimana, Battisti è stato arrestato per evasione fiscale in Corumbá, Mato Grosso do Sul, nel tentativo di attraversare il confine con la Bolivia con dollari ed euro. Ha negato che stava cercando di fuggire dal paese e ha ottenuto un habeas corpus per lasciare la prigione.

Chi è Cesare Battisti?

Cesare Battisti è stato condannato all'ergastolo per omicidio dalla giustizia italiana e fuggì in Brasile nel 2004. E 'stato arrestato nel 2007 e nel 2009 la Corte Suprema ha ordinato la sua estradizione, che è stato negato dall'ex presidente Lula negli ultimi giorni del suo mandato .

'Tourism is the solution for the economy of Rio de Janeiro'

Rio de Janeiro está lançando calendário de eventos em feiras internacionais de turismo na busca de saída para a crise

A calendar of events in the capital of Rio de Janeiro is beginning to be sold around the world at tourism fairs in the USA, Europe and Latin America. The idea is to promote tourism as a way to get the city out of the current economic crisis and public insecurity. But will the strategy work?

The initiative, led by Embratur (Brazilian tourism company), includes tickets to Las Vegas in the United States, Asuncion, Paraguay, and Buenos Aires, Argentina, until the end of this month, and next month in London , in England, and Barcelona, Spain.

In an interview with the editorial board, Alfredo Lopes, president of the Brazilian Hotel Industry Association of Rio de Janeiro, said that the perceived lack of security in the so-called "wonderful city" is much worse than reality because of the great emphasis on negative news . However, he acknowledges that security needs to be strengthened, especially in tourist areas, which can generate income for the city.

Regarding the calendar of events, according to the expert, it is obvious that this can not be sustained only by Carnival and New Year's Eve, the most important annual festivals in Rio.

"We need to have a calendar from January to January, and the federal government, I think, understands this, because the departure of Rio de Janeiro is by tourism, tourism is the solution to the economy of Rio de Janeiro."

"Rio de Janeiro is not the most violent city in Brazil, but on the news it seems to be the most violent city in the world," he said, noting the success of Rock in Rio in September and other recent events in the city .

Still according to Alfredo Lopes, despite all the information circulating highlighting the problem of violence in the city, the tourist movement in the state of Rio is good, with occupancy rates in hotels varying from 70% to 90%.

"I would say that this calendar will be vital for the leverage of the tourism industry in Rio de Janeiro, and the city itself, economically."

Argentina quiere una mayor presencia de Rusia en la región

Bandeiras de Mercosul

El viceministro de Relaciones Exteriores de Argentina, Daniel Raimondi, en una entrevista a la redacción declaró que país quiere que Rusia ejerza un papel de liderazgo en los foros internacionales que se celebrarán en la región.

"Estamos muy interesados en tener una participación activa y de alto nivel de la Federación Rusa", dijo el diplomático argentino tras haber recibido a su homólogo ruso, Sergei Ryabkov, el jueves (12).

Se destacó también que los gobiernos de Argentina y de la Federación Rusa ampliarán y expandirán el próximo año el Plan de Consultas Políticas en vigor por tres años que se firmó en 2016 y que deberá expirar a principios de 2018.

Además, el viceministro afirmó que Argentina espera que Rusia realice inversiones en distintas áreas en las que el país sudamericano necesita financiamiento.

What is the logic of the 'drama' that Washington is launching out of UNESCO?

A bandeira estadunidense aparece fora da sede da UNESCO, em Paris, em 12 de outubro de 2017

Today (13), it was reported that the United States, as well as Israel, had decided to leave UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) after 6 years of non-payment of contributions. Russian Sputnik columnist Dmitry Kosyrev tries to "understand the logic" of this step.

Since yesterday afternoon, many official figures have expressed their sorrow over the US decision. As for unofficial statements, there were even stronger words - so the head of the Federation Council's International Affairs Committee, Konstantin Kosachev, said that the US is behaving as if it were a "pariah country" ".

"But let's just imagine that we support Trump and the US wholeheartedly and we want it to work out for them, and let's try to detect the logic behind that decision, or the signal they're trying to send us," writes the journalist.

Can you do without them?

First, the journalist clarifies what UNESCO is: an organization that protects cultural monuments, finances their maintenance, creates humanitarian cooperation programs between countries, and so on.

"His reputation is impeccable. Of all the legitimate children of the UN, this is perhaps the best and the most efficient," says Kosyrev.

However, the journalist stresses that UNESCO, ie the UN member states, "often offend Israel", a friend and US ally.

"Anyway, talking about the resolutions that the Temple Mount in Jerusalem serves as a sanctuary for Muslims alone is a confrontational stance. Mount, in some sense, is also significant for Jews and Christians," he said.

Incidentally, Kosyrev points out, the American exit from UNESCO was formally motivated by the fact that Israel "was offended" within that institution.

"Well, contrary positions are evident, there are two truths and one conflict, and it exists far beyond UNESCO, in fact, it has a global dimension and is very significant for the United States, because it deals with its relations with the enormous Muslim world, "he continues.

During this conflict, in 2011 the United States undertook a démarche, that is, they stopped paying contributions to UNESCO. This, in the opinion of the journalist, was a "strong move." If you leave UNESCO until it corrects itself, "if you reform", it is a "weak play".

"It is weak because the organization spent 6 years without the US contributions, so now the US exit will not create any financial or technical difficulties. Output is a one-time weapon that, once fired once, no longer The world will finally become accustomed to the fact that the United States is not in UNESCO and that no one has suffered from it, that is, if it can happen without the US, "he summed up.

Not even with the whole door can you hit

The journalist continues that in history there seem to be analogies. For example, the departure from Russia of the APCE (Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe). But then the situation was a bit different, for these two bodies have nothing to do with each other, this being a simple discussion club.

The UN founding concept is totally different, says the columnist. It consists in that in the UN all are not only equal, but are part of it soon "at birth". In it one is not accepted according to the principle "serves or does not serve", because a State is member simply because it exists.

"It is true that there are problems with unrecognized countries or two candidates for the same sovereignty (such as China and Taiwan), but they are resolvable," Kosyrev said.

Knocking on the door in this organization is worse for those who do, says the columnist. This has already happened to the USSR in 1950, when the country left all UN institutions because of numerous contradictions regarding the Korean peninsula, China and its participation in the UN and many other issues. The United States was then able to intervene in Korean affairs under UN auspices.

"This lesson has been learned," says the columnist, and stresses that since then Russia has never tried to abandon its structures as well as all other countries in the world.

They warn us, but we are not afraid

"If the administration of Donald Trump is actually sending a signal through the current démarche with UNESCO, then it is about 'such a UN does not fit for the US.' All of it, not just one of the structures of the organization, if this is so, we can leave the UN, we are like this.This, in general, is very typical of the United States of the old failed superpower era - to say that if 'the United States does not benefit from the UN', and not only the UN, then it is of no use ", explains the columnist.

But the time when the world could be obeyed through such acts has passed, Kosyrev believes. In the old days, yes, before the US invasion of Iraq in 2003 there was a unipolar world in which the UN was a "shop" of the Americans that was supposed to make a profit.

But now it is too late, because in the event of a UN collapse, there will be "two worlds - the West and the non-West." However, there are already a lot of alternative organizations to communicate within you. However, they would still need to communicate between them, too, on a "neutral platform where all, at least formally, are equal."

In Kosyrev's view, the UN is precisely this platform.

"But for all this, what remains for the United States and for all the other discontents with which there is no world in the world and there will never be unanimity is to be angry in a corner in the shade. ... I promised to detect a logic and the rational signal that the US tried to send us with its departure from UNESCO. There is no logic, just delirium, "he emphasized.

موسكو تؤكد شراء صواريخ S-400 القادمة للرياض

Sistema de mísseis anitaéreos S-400

وتخطط روسيا والمملكة العربية السعودية لإغلاق عقد توريد الصواريخ الروسية S-400 قريبا.

اعلن المستشار العسكري الروسي فلاديمير كوزين ان روسيا والمملكة العربية السعودية تأملان في اغلاق عقود توريد منظومات صواريخ اس -400 الروسية في الايام المقبلة.

وفي نهاية آب / أغسطس، أعلنت الدائرة الاتحادية للتعاون التقني العسكري (فسفتس) أنها تلقت حوالي 10 طلبات ل S-400.

وقال فلاديمير كوزين ردا على سؤال للصحفيين حول موعد اختتام العقد "فى المستقبل القريب جدا، حان الوقت للمفاوضات والتنسيق".

تم تصميم أنظمة S-400 تريومف، التي ليس لها نظائرها في العالم، لإسقاط الأهداف الجوية، بما في ذلك الطائرات والصواريخ.

ويؤكد الكرملين ان التعاون الدفاعي الروسي مع السعودية ليس موجها ضد دول ثالثة بل يهدف الى ضمان "الاستقرار في العالم وفي المنطقة".

آیا نیروی هوایی ایران می تواند هواپیماهای ایالات متحده را در یک جنگ شکست دهد؟

Caça da produção doméstica iraniana F-313

کاییل میزوکی، نویسنده مقاله در مورد علاقه ملی، هنگامی که یکی از بزرگترین و قدرتمند ترین نیروهای هوایی در جهان است، نیروی هوایی جمهوری اسلامی ایران (IRIAF) تنها سایه ای از آنچه در آن بود، می گوید.

کایل میزوانی گفت که جنگ و دهه های تحریم های تحریک آمیز، نیروی هوایی یک بار به عنوان یک نیروی هوایی ایران را به مجموعه ای از هواپیماهای قدیمی و قدیمی هواپیمایی نظامی مشغول کرده است.

کاهش طولانی در قابلیت های هوایی ایران بدان معنی است که این کشور تقریبا هیچ ظرفیت اطمینان از امنیت حریم هوایی خود و حتی نمی تواند حاوی رقبای منطقه ای، می گوید: نویسنده در مقاله خود در منافع ملی است.

کشور ایران با داشتن یک متحد آمریکا در زمان سلطنت محمد رضا شاه پهلوی (1942-1979) بوده است، به دست آورد مقادیر زیادی از آمریکا تجهیزات نظامی، از جمله بیش از 179 F-5A / B از Freedom Fighter و F-5E / F تایگر II F-225 جنگنده 4D، 4E و F-RF-4E فانتوم II، 56 هواپیماهای حمل و نقل C-130 هرکولس، 6 هواپیمای گشت P-3 اوریون 6 و KC-135 Stratotanker میباشد گفت انتشار. علاوه بر این، ایران نیز 80 جنگنده F-14A Tomcat را با موشک های دوربرد AIM-54 Phoenix به دست آورد.

این نیروی هوایی قدرتمند برای خدمت به منافع ایالات متحده بود، اما در سال 1979، هنگامی که شاه سرنگون شد، به یک دولت انقلابی افتاد. حکومت جدید در میان نیروهای ارتش پاکستان را ترک کرد تا از شر کسانی که به وفادار به شاه بودند خلاص شوند و این به سبب از دست رفتن آمادگی نیروهای مسلح ایران منجر شد.

نیروی هوایی پیشرفته ایران و پذیرش خلبانان و کارکنان فنی که توسط دولت جدید اخراج شده اند، ایران را از دست دادن نفوذ هوا بر عراق حفظ کرده اند. رژیم جدید، ساخته شده است که ایالات متحده "شیطان بزرگ"، تحریم در فروش قطعات یدکی و تجهیزات یدکی مورد نیاز برای هواپیماهای جنگی، که بیشتر محدود به توانایی نیروی هوایی خود را به مبارزه با تمام پتانسیل خود را مواجه است، کایل میزاکامی گزارش می دهد.

پس از جنگ با عراق، نیروی هوایی ایران از بسیاری از هواپیماهای جنگنده به دست آورد که قبلا و خرید جدید جنگنده های MiG-29 به اتحاد جماهیر شوروی و چین چنگدو F-7 بسیار تقویت توانایی نظامی خود را زد.

خصومت تهران نسبت به غرب و برنامه هسته ای آن موجب تحریم بیشتر غرب شده است. با توجه به پرواز بین المللی، در حال حاضر ایران نیروی هوایی دارای 42 فروند F-4 فانتوم II، 24 جت F-5 های رزمی، 20 میگ 29 17 F-7، 23 فروند Su-24 و 9F-1 سراب مبارزان در جریان جنگ با عراق دستگیر شد. علاوه بر این، با توجه به انتشار، نیروی هوایی سپاه پاسداران ایران (یک نیروی جداگانه است که بخشی از سپاه پاسداران انقلاب اسلامی) دارای بیش از 10 فروند Su-25 اسیر در عراق است.

علی رغم پیری، نیروی هوایی ایران بارها و بارها در عملیات علیه داعش (گروه تروریستی ممنوعه در روسیه و سایر کشورها) مورد استفاده قرار گرفته است. جنگنده F-14 تامکت همراهی بمب افکن های نیروی هوایی روسیه به اهدافی در سوریه و F-5 تایگر ایرانی و F-4 فانتوم و Su-24 حمله نیز در عملیات علیه تروریست ها شرکت کردند.

اما، با توجه به کایل Mizokami، این مبارزان در حال حاضر 30 تا 50 سال خواهد بود و بدون مشکل در طی یک درگیری با یک کشور با نظامی پیشرفته تر را کشت.

ایران سعی کرد صنعت هواپیمایی نظامی خود را راه اندازی کند اما نتایج ناامید کننده بود. در سال 2007، ایران جنگنده Saegheh، یک نسخه با تثبیت کننده عمودی دوقلو از F-5 تایگر که، با توجه به رسانه های ایران، معرفی "یک هدف سخت تر برای رادار به دلیل قدرت مانور بیشتر است." به گزارش منافع ملی در سال 2013، ایران نمونه اولیه از "جنگنده" جنگنده قاهر 313، که به نظر می رسید آنقدر کوچک است که زانو رانندگی در کابین خلبان قابل مشاهده است معرفی شده است. نسخه جدید نشان داده شده در سال 2017 به نظر می رسید بزرگتر است، اما بسیاری از تحلیلگران همچنان ابراز تردید در مورد توانایی خود را برای پرواز.

پس از چند دهه غفلت، نیروی هوایی ایران در شرایط بسیار دشواری قرار دارد. توانایی کشور برای مدرن سازی نیروی هوایی آن بسیار بستگی دارد به پذیرش درخواست های سازمان ملل در برنامه هسته ای آن.

همچنین در این مورد، خصومت ایران نسبت به همسایگان شرق میانه خود، غرب و اسرائیل، بسیاری از تامین کنندگان سلاح، از جمله روسیه زور، برای جلوگیری از عقد قرارداد با این کشور است. فقط ایجاد روابط حسنه به دشمنان قسم خورده خود می تواند توانایی های خود را به نیروی هوایی ایران را بازگرداند، اما به نظر میرسد که اتفاق می افتد، کایل Mizokami این نتیجه رسیدند.

Ang Pangulo ng Pilipinas ay nagbabanta na puksain ang mga ambasador sa Europa sa loob ng 24 na oras

Presidente das Filipinas Rodrigo Duterte

Inihayag ng Pangulo ng Pilipinas na si Rodrigo Duterte noong Huwebes na paalisin ang mga European ambassadors sa loob ng 24 na oras para sa isang diumano'y pagsasabwatan upang bawiin ang Pilipinas mula sa United Nations.

Sa isang masiglang pagsasalita, sinabi ni Duterte na hindi niya tatanggapin ang kritika ng Europa sa kanyang droga sa droga, na nagresulta sa 3,850 katao na namatay sa loob ng 15 buwan.

Sinasabi ng mga grupo ng karapatang pantao na mayroong posibleng krimen laban sa sangkatauhan na nagaganap.

Inakusahan ng presidente ng Pilipinas ang European Union na gumagambala sa domestic affairs sa Maynila.

"Kaya sasabihin mo, 'Ikaw ay mai-shut out sa UN.' Anak ng isang asong babae, magpatuloy," sinabi ni Duterte sa mga reporters. Sinabi rin ng kinatawan ng Pilipinas na ginagampan ng EU ang kahirapan ng Pilipinas.

"Bibigyan mo kami ng pera, kaya sinimulan mo ang pag-aayos ng mga kailangang gawin at kung ano ang hindi dapat mangyari sa ating bansa, ikaw ay kalokohan, ang kolonisasyon ay tapos, hindi sa amin."

Sinabi ni Duterte na handa siya upang palayasin ang mga European ambassadors mula sa bansa kung sinubukan ng kanyang mga pamahalaan na paalisin ang Pilipinas mula sa UN.

"Sa tingin mo kami ay isang grupo ng mga idiots dito, ikaw lamang ang isa ngayon, ang mga ambassadors mula sa mga bansa na pakikinig, sabihin sa akin, kung bakit maaari naming ihiwalay ang diplomatikong channel bukas, umalis ka sa aking bansa sa loob ng 24 na oras, lahat, lahat kayo."

Ang presidente ng Pilipinas ay hindi nagbigay ng anumang katibayan ng di-umano'y intensyon ng European bloc.

Ang EU ay hindi gumawa ng anumang pampublikong komento tungkol sa pagnanais na tanggalin ang Pilipinas mula sa UN ngunit binatikos noong nakaraang taon ang mataas na bilang ng mga ekstrahudisyal na eksekusyon sa bansa.

Si Duterte ay inihalal noong 2016 matapos ang panunumpa upang puksain ang iligal na drug trafficking sa loob ng anim na buwan at matiyak na 100,000 katao ang papatayin sa proseso.

Maraming mga Pilipino ang patuloy na sumusuporta sa panunupil, ngunit ang isang poll noong nakaraang buwan ay nagpakita ng unang pangunahing pagbaba sa katanyagan ni Duterte.

Кому продає Україна зброя, успадкована від СРСР?

Soldados do exército da Ucrânia em tanques na cidade de Mariupol

Київ успадкував величезні резерви зброї після розпаду Радянського Союзу і продавав їх усім менш ніж за 25 років, повідомив російському телеканалу Звезда російський директор Всесвітнього торгового центру з торгівлі зброєю Ігор Коротченко.

"Після незалежності в чверть століття Україна знищила всі військові запаси, які вона успадкувала від Радянського Союзу. У країні було три основні військові округи: Одеса, Карпати та Київ. які сьогодні не мають зброї для боротьби ", - сказав експерт.

За словами Коротченко, на початку 90-х років Україна отримала популярність на міжнародних ринках озброєнь.

Усі його запаси зброї були створені СРСР, з тим щоб країна могла сформувати армії танків у разі війни проти НАТО.

"Звичайно, українські озброєнні дилери відстають від кожного великого конфлікту на Близькому Сході, на узбережжі Тихого океану та в Африці, тепер вони знають, як забезпечити зброю тим, хто може їм дозволити собі", - сказав він.

На думку Коротченко, розвідувальні служби, в даному випадку Служба безпеки України (СБУ), деякі державні чиновники та люди, які контролюють склади зброї або постачають товари, співпрацюють один з одним, щоб приховати ці продажі.

Останнім часом у ряді українських боєприпасів виникла серія вибухів. Експерти не виключають можливості того, що цей інцидент не було викликано недбалістю військовослужбовців або саботажу.

За словами Звезди, політологи вважають, що склади були навмисно знищені, щоб приховати крадіжку та продаж зброї.

Guardian: Trump may face North Korean soldiers at the most protected border

Bandeira da Coreia do Norte na zona desmilitarizada

The US president may visit the demilitarized zone on the border between the two Koreas, writes The Guardian.

According to the issue, the US president's visit is likely to be classified as a provocation by Pyongyang, although many tourists visit the area, reports the RT.

The US president may face North Korean soldiers in the world's best protected zone, writes The Guardian.

According to South Korean media, Donald Trump can visit the demilitarized zone (which separates the two Koreas since the end of the Korean War of 1950-1953) during his Asia tour, during which he will also visit Japan, China, Vietnam and the Philippines.

The information came amid the US demonstration of its military airpower in the region. On Wednesday, two B-1B supersonic bombers flew over the Korean peninsula, accompanied by Japanese and South Korean fighters. The bombers carried out maneuvers east of South Korea and then repeated maneuvers over the waters separating South Korea from China.

During his visit, Donald Trump is expected to send a verbal or "kinetic" signal to North Korea. "He is likely to do anything of the sort and his advisers are busy with their preparations," a source at the South Korean Ministry of Defense added.

If the visit is made, Trump will be able to visit the village of Panmunjeom which is on the border with North Korea, where the armistice agreement was reached and where the observation post is located. Thus, the US president can repeat the route of Barack Obama who was able to observe North Korea through binoculars in 2012 and Bill Clinton, who in 1993 described the demilitarized zone as "the most terrible place on Earth."

In April US Vice President Mike Pence unofficially visited the demilitarized zone, after stating that "the era of strategic tolerance for North Korea has come to an end."

Since the division of the Korean peninsula into two parts 60 years ago, in the border area periodic conflicts arise between the two countries. This area is mined, the border is guarded by well equipped soldiers. But due to minimal human activity, the area has become a kind of natural park.

It is possible that during his visit the American leader visits the blue houses, which are on the demarcation line, where representatives of Pyongyang and UN troops have carried out the negotiations.

Opinion: US understands danger of open conflict with Russia

Consulado-Geral russo em São Francisco

The US State Department failed to explain why it had withdrawn Russian flags from Russian diplomatic facilities in the United States. Political science expert Vladimir Kireev spoke in a Russian service interview about the motives for the controversial actions by the United States.

A State Department official told the newsroom that the United States is ready to return the Russian flags withdrawn from the diplomatic missions in Washington and San Francisco.

"We inform the Russian embassy that we can return the Russian flags to the Russian authorities when they want," he said.

Meanwhile, the US State Department failed to explain why it had withdrawn the national symbols in a foreign diplomatic representation.

State Department representative Heather Nauert, speaking at the briefing, ignored journalists' questions on the issue. He did, however, acknowledge that he had no information on the situation at his disposal.

"I do not know," she said.

Earlier, the State Department said it considered legal withdrawal of Russian flags from Russian diplomatic property in the United States.

Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov told US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson that such actions are unacceptable.

Political science expert Vladimir Kireev, in an interview with the Russian service of Radio Sputnik, spoke about his view of the motives for these controversial actions by the United States.

"Today, US policy is experiencing a serious crisis of concepts about the future, about what the United States is about now, making it difficult to expect coordinated action from the US It is likely that in the future , they act in an unpredictable and even threatening way.The US is currently facing major external challenges to its leadership in the world and react in a somewhat hysterical way, "said Vladimir Kireev.

This trend is reflected in relations between Russia and the US.

"On the one hand, the US understands the danger of an open conflict with Russia, because it can have serious consequences." On the other hand, most US politicians see Russia as an enemy, which it requires aggressive actions on the part of them.In the future, we will see more actions of these, which on the one hand are aggressive, on the other, conciliatory.There is no way to reach the balance now, "said the expert.

Peking schafft Zahlungssystem in Rubel und Yuan, Dollar beiseite lassen

Cédulas de dólar e yuan

Chinas Foreign Exchange Trading System (CFETS), das von der People's Bank of China verwaltet wird, hat angekündigt, ein Zahlungssystem geschaffen zu haben, das Transaktionen sowohl im Yuan als auch im Rubel ermöglicht.

Dies ist das "Zahlung gegen Zahlung" -System (PVP gegen Zahlung), das am 9. Oktober nach der Genehmigung der Volksbank von China eingeleitet wurde. Mit dem System können Transaktionen in nationalen Währungen von Russland und China durchgeführt werden.

Diese Plattform ermöglicht es den beiden Ländern, gegenseitige Zahlungen in Dollar zu vermeiden. Laut der Erklärung von CFETS wird das neue System die Risiken im Zusammenhang mit dem Wechselkurs verringern und die Effizienz des Devisenmarktes verbessern.

Darüber hinaus plant CFETS, ähnliche Systeme für Transaktionen in Yuan und anderen Währungen zu schaffen. Peking entwickelt all diese Systeme im Rahmen seiner Initiative die neue Seidenstraße.

Die neue Seidenstraße ist ein Projekt, das von der chinesischen Regierung ermutigt wurde, ein globales Netzwerk zu schaffen, das China mit Europa über Land verbindet.

Unimaginable Capability: North Korean hackers await order to destroy South Korea

Líder norte-coreano Kim Jong-un observa teste de um míssil

North Korean hackers have increased their capabilities to an unimaginable level and are poised to make South Korea plunge into total chaos, asserts a military computer expert who fled the Kim Jong-il regime in 2004, according to the channel ABC News.

What North Korean hackers "have been able to do in South Korea is beyond imagination," said Jang Se-yul, a computer science expert who fled North Korea, referring to the theft last year of classified intelligence documents , which included sensitive information on the joint military strategy of Seoul and Washington, according to ABC News quoted by the RT.

The largest North Korean cyber attack was carried out in September 2016, when the internal network of the South Korean military command was infected by a computer virus. The South Korean Ministry of Defense confirmed the information only last May. During the attack, about 235 gigabytes of military data was stolen, equivalent to 15 million pages of documents.

North Korean hackers were able to insert malicious code into the software provided by the South Korean Army's computer security company, said Lee Cheol-hee, a lawyer for the Democratic Party of South Korea.

Ready to act

"Pyongyang was preparing for a massive cyber attack since the 1990s," said Jang Se-yul. The North Koreans "are more than ready to destroy the infrastructure" of their southern neighbors "as soon as Kim Jong-un gives the green light," the North Korean analyst added.

Jang graduated from Mirim Military University in Pyongyang, where he specialized in military simulation software and "penetration into enemy computer systems."

In addition, this specialist promoted assistance to other deserters from North Korea through an NGO.
False identities

The outgoing computer scientist claims to have maintained contacts with his former North Korean counterparts, Kim Jong-un loyal hackers operating out of the Chinese city of Shenyang and hiding under the identity of independent programmers.

"My old university friends who are now at the head of North Korean cyber teams say that hacking institutions is very easy," says Jang. "The only thing they need to make South Korea plunge into total chaos is to activate the computer viruses that they have prepared before," the analyst concluded.

quarta-feira, 11 de outubro de 2017

Российский генерал говорит, сколько северокорейских бомб у него есть и когда они могут попасть в США

Líder norte-coreano Kim Jong-un supervisiona o que seria uma versão miniaturizada de uma bomba de hidrogênio, ainda mais potente do que uma bomba atômica

Бывший начальник штаба Ракетных войск стратегического назначения России полковник Виктор Есин сказал, что Северная Корея по-прежнему займет от четырех до пяти лет, чтобы иметь возможность атаковать города на американском континенте и менее трех лет для достижения ядерных баз в Азиатско-Тихоокеанском регионе.

«К рубежу 2018-2020 годов КНДР могла бы решить задачу нападения на американские базы в Азиатско-Тихоокеанском регионе», - сказал Есин Интерфаксу. Он рассказал об этом на 10-й юбилейной конференции Люксембургского международного форума по предотвращению ядерных катастроф в Париже во вторник.

«Пхеньяну потребуется четыре-пять лет, чтобы решить задачу достижения американских городов, что неприемлемо для Соединенных Штатов», - сказал Есин, сообщает агентство.

Генерал отметил, что в ближайшем будущем Пхеньян будет иметь все виды ракет от «ближнего радиуса действия до межконтинентальных ракет».

Он также сказал: Северная Корея может в настоящее время иметь от 20 до 30 ядерных взрывных бомб, по словам Есина. Он добавил, что страна может производить до семи ядерных вооружений в год, но возможности производства «могут возрасти до 10».

Пхеньян быстро увеличил свою ракетно-ракетную программу, так как Соединенные Штаты и Южная Корея «ухудшают ситуацию в соответствии с сценарием смены режима на севере Корейского полуострова», - сказал генерал.

Чтобы предотвратить ситуацию в регионе, вызвавшую «войну по ошибке», необходимо смягчить напряженность на полуострове, сказал бывший чиновник.

Первым шагом на этом пути является реализация российско-китайской инициативы, которая предусматривает приостановление испытаний ракет и оружия в Северной Корее и проведение учений между США и Южной Кореей », - сказал Есин. «двойного замораживания» могут служить основой для диалога.

Однако этот план был отклонен США, который настаивал на своем праве осуществлять совместные учения.

Генерал предположил, что Северная Корея может приостановить свою ядерную деятельность и ракеты в течение 10 лет в обмен на обещание неприменения силы. Но чтобы это произошло, Вашингтон «должен отказаться от идеи выхода из иранской ядерной сделки».

Поддержка Пхеньяном такого соглашения будет зависеть от отношений с США, поскольку было бы невозможно, если бы «потенциал конфликта» остался.

Москва и Пекин неоднократно настаивали на своей позиции, что кризис на Корейском полуострове может быть разрешен только путем диалога. Между тем Вашингтон сказал, что сейчас готов поговорить с Пхеньяном только по вопросу о задержанных американцах.

UN withdraws its African country contingent for fear of ... vampires?

Uma vampira (imagem ilustrativa)

The UN has been forced to withdraw a portion of its contingent from two districts in southern Malawi because of "vampire hunting" that resulted in five deaths in the region, the UN Security Department said.

According to the organization's report, belief in witchcraft rituals, in which human blood is needed, is very popular in the rural areas of this African country, one of the poorest in the world.

"These districts are heavily affected by recurring stories of human blood drinking and the possible existence of vampires," the report said.

According to Reuters, the UN coordinator, Florence Rolle, "some UN soldiers have been displaced while others remain in the districts, depending on the location of their operations."

In all, since mid-September, seven people accused of being vampires have been lynched in Malawi. At the same time, vampire hunters blocked several roads in the south of the country.

However, she noted that UNDSS continues to monitor the situation in this area.

Malawi's president, Peter Mutharika, described the situation as "distressing" and said he ordered an investigation into the deaths of alleged "vampires."

In 2002, Malawi also suffered a wave of violence sparked by rumors about vampires.

Россия требует, чтобы США объяснили свою «выборочную слепоту» над боевиками в Сирии

Militares americanos e rebeldes do Maghaweer al-Thawra, apoiado pelos EUA, em Al Tanf, no sul da Síria

Около 600 боевиков проникли в южную часть зоны деэскалации с территории, контролируемой силами США, заявил в среду представитель Министерства обороны России Игорь Конашенков.

«Учитывая такое серьезное подкрепление, с сочувствием со стороны США, укомплектование персоналом и доставку лекарств и продуктов питания, нет необходимости быть экспертом, чтобы предсказать еще одну попытку подорвать мирное соглашение, на этот раз в южной зоне деэскалации», - сказал он. ,

По словам Конашенкова, «вся ответственность за такой саботаж мирного процесса лежит исключительно на американской стороне».

Кроме того, представитель министерства предложил Вашингтону объяснить свою «выборочную слепоту» над боевиками, которые работают рядом с ними [в США] в Сирии.

«Мы предлагаем, чтобы американская сторона также объяснила еще один факт относительно своей« избирательной слепоты »в отношении боевиков, которые работают рядом с ними, - сказал генерал-майор.

Между тем, в новостной комнате беседовал директор североамериканского отдела МИД России Георгий Борисенко, который назвал действия США у базы «Аль-Танф» попытками «разделить» страну.

Дипломат отметил, что, хотя американская сторона отказывается от своего сотрудничества с Daesh (террористической организацией, запрещенной в России и в ряде других стран), Россия «по опыту знает, что Соединенные Штаты неоднократно сотрудничали с различными экстремистскими организациями в Сирии», ,

«Несомненно, есть много вопросов о том, что делают американцы в Сирии. В отличие от российских сил они нарушают международное право.

В то же время они устанавливают
например, в Аль-Танфе, где они не хотят вводить легитимные правительственные войска. На самом деле это похоже на попытку разделить страну, разделить Сирию, а затем создать одну из ее сфер власти, контролируемую Соединенными Штатами и их союзниками », - резюмировал он.

Борисенко напомнил, что у Минобороны России есть «объективные» данные, которые доказывают, что США и оппозиционные силы, приравненные к ним, «практически не сражаются против Даэша».

По словам собеседника, Москва обеспокоена «поддержкой США сил, противостоящих законному правительству Сирии».

«С 2014 года мы видели, как американские военные делают фиктивные нападения на террористов только для того, чтобы отметить позицию, что заставляет нас думать, что Соединенные Штаты больше обеспокоены свержением легитимного правительства в Дамаске, чем с борьбой против Даэша», , подчеркнул.