sábado, 28 de abril de 2018

전문가, 북한 계획 B 발표

Líderes coreanos, Moon Jae-in (à esquerda) e Kim Jong-un (à direita), em Panmunjom durante cúpula

한반도 통일이 다가오고 있으며 정상 회담에서 선언 된 비무장 지대의 판문점에서 북한과 남한의 지도자, 김정은과 문재인이 곧 비핵화 될 것입니다.

평양의 B 계획

정상 회담 후 서명 한 성명서에는 눈부신 단어가 있습니다. 특히 한반도의 완전한 비핵화에 관한 이야기가있다. "그 이후로 역사적인 회의가 있었고 한반도에서 전쟁이 없을 것"이라고 한국 대통령이 말했다.

돔 덕택에 2018 년 봄, 문재인은 평양을 방문해야한다.

"회의와 전화 통화에서 두 정상은 양국 국민과이 문제를 협의하고 한반도의 평화와 번영, 통일을위한 남북 관계 발전을 위해 협력 할 것"이라고이 신문은 전했다.

김정은은 미래의 통일을 믿는다 고 강조했다.

그러나 한국 전문가이자 러시아 과학 아카데미 회원 인 콘스탄틴 아스 몰 로브 (Konstantin Asmolov)는 북한의 연설은 바뀌지 않았다고 믿는다. "북한은 대화 의지조차하고있다. 새로운 것은 그들이 지금 말하고있는 것 : 우리는 전략적 핵무기의 완전한 계획을 가지고 있으며 그것은 힘의 균형을 변화시켰다. 북한은 계획을 갖고있다. B 협상이 시작되기 전에 북한인들은 워싱턴으로부터 야당을 발견했다. 우리는 거의 성실하지 않으며, 시간을 절약하고 서울을 워싱턴에서 멀어지게하는 멋진 계획이다 "라고 전문가는 정상 회담 뒤의 장면을 자세히 기술한다.

"정상 회담 이후의 선언은 단일 문장으로 축소 될 수있다. 당사자들은 합의에 도달하기로 동의했다." Asmolov에게있어서,이 회의는 긴장의 정도를 줄이는 것을 허용했습니다. 또 다른 중요한 질문은이 전술적 인 완화가 더 큰 무엇인가로 이어질 수 있는지 여부입니다. 전문가는 "한반도에는 지속 가능한 개발 시나리오가 없다"고 말한다.

어떤 방식 으로든 살아남는다.

정치 기술 센터 부국장 인 알렉세이 마카 킨 (Aleksei Makarkin)은 북한이 베이징으로부터의 압력으로 연설을 변경했다고 믿고있다. 그는 "중국은 북한에 대한 제재를 도입했다"면서 "경제가 야망을 얻었다"고 말했다.

"이제 김정은은 젖먹이 심상이 필요하다. 도널드 트럼프와의 회견 전에, 그는 두려운 것보다 매력적인 남자처럼 보이게하는 것이 중요하다. 여기에 대한 관심은 명백하다. 아마도 제재를 취소 할 수도있다. 자금을 늘리고 북한은 돈이 필요하다 "고 설명했다.

평양에 대한 정책의 급격한 변화는 단순한 전술이다. "그러나 전략은 살아 남기 위해서다! 어떤 식 으로든 협박이나 평화로 살아남을 것"이라고 그는 말했다.

알렉세이 마카 킨 (Aleksei Makarkin)은 남북 관계의 진전이 가능할 것이라고 확신하지만, 양자 관계 개선에 대해 낙관적이어서는 안된다고 천천히 경고했다.

After the end of the USSR, USA took advantage of the Russian military industry, says analyst

Caça norte-americano da quinta geração F-35

Earlier, the publication of an American portal highlighted the Russian roots of the US F-35 fighter, claiming that the creation of the new fighter was possible thanks to the fall of the "iron curtain".

The author wrote that in 1991 Lockheed and the Yakovlev project office signed a cooperation agreement which, among other things, allowed the US company to have access to Yak-141 information, including data that required "years development and testing ".

The Russian defense industry has already advanced after the development of these aircraft, military expert Viktor Baranets noted in an interview with the newsroom

"I am very surprised to read this pseudo information in the American press.

As early as the early 1990s, when our industrial military complex opened the door to former opponents, many 'interested people' flooded the Russian defense industry ... Americans have sifted through much of the results of our military-technical research. And what they were supposed to spend tens of billions of dollars on and years of research, they got everything ready because we had a wide range of research results for which the Americans paid a trifle to the heads of the defense complex, "said Baranets .

However, in his opinion, the final US version is still inferior to Russian fighters.

"The F-35 has no prestige among the Americans, even though many generals are begging the White House for its modernization. [...] Russian military-technical research, still in Soviet times, has progressed a great deal since the systems that today are used by Lockheed Martin in the manufacture of the F-35 fighter, "said the expert.

He also thanked American journalists who said the whole truth by acknowledging that it beats a "Russian heart" on the F-35.

"But we have managed to go further," he said.

segunda-feira, 9 de abril de 2018

'UFO' on fire chases plane over Texas (VIDEO)

A passenger of an airplane in the United States recorded a bizarre flying object that was moving in flames near the aircraft.

When Chang, a passenger on the flight between Atlanta and Los Angeles, woke up and looked out the window, he thought the plane would have entered a storm. According to Chang, at that moment, an airplane was apparently over Texas.

But that was not all. He spotted a "UFO" in flames near the plane. Not to miss the rare opportunity, he recorded the phenomenon with the cell phone.

However, the recording was short, as his cell phone was about to unload, which happened seconds after the start of the shoot.

In the video, published by the newspaper The Mirror, it is possible to observe that the luminous "object" was chasing the commercial airplane.

When watching the recording, several netizens decided to deal with some objected that arrived from another world, that is, extraterrestrial.

Nevertheless, other people claim that it is actually another aircraft that leaves its trace in the night sky.

Russia: Israel was responsible for attacking Syrian base

Caça F-15 da Força Aérea de Israel

Israeli authorities have not yet confirmed the incident, however, several media outlets have pointed to the presence of Israeli aircraft at the scene of the attack.

Two F-15 fighters from the Israeli Air Force carried out eight missile attacks against the Syrian base T-4, the Russian Defense Ministry said on Monday.

"On April 9, in the time between 3:25 am and 3:15 p.m., Moscow time, the Israeli Air Force, without invading Syria's airspace, carried out eight-missile attacks against the T-4 base of the Lebanese territory. Syrian anti-missile units in air combat have been able to shoot down five missiles, "the Russian ministry said.

The Russian military also detailed that "three missiles hit the western part of the base."

Israel has not yet confirmed the information, while Lebanese media reported that Israeli reconnaissance aircraft were spotted in the area at the time of the attack.

Earlier, Syria's state-run SANA reported that the T-4 air base in the Syrian province of Homs was targeted by a missile attack, pointing to suspected US involvement. However, the White House denied involvement and stressed that the US is currently not conducting military operations against Syria.

The attack on the Syrian base was carried out a day after the US, EU and Turkey accused the Syrian government of using chemical weapons in eastern Ghouta. Several media outlets, citing military sources in the area, reported on the alleged chlorine gas attack, which allegedly resulted in the deaths of dozens of civilians.

Damascus has denied all allegations, saying it had warned that radicals in the area were planning provocations with the use of chemical weapons.

Russia and Iran have condemned the accusations by controversial non-governmental organizations such as the White Helmets, which have already been implicated in falsifying reports, calling these allegations unfounded.