quinta-feira, 30 de novembro de 2017

Exposed 1st intelligent condom that promises to avoid pregnancy and STDs (PHOTO)

Empresa britânica, British Condoms, revela primeira imagem da camisinha inteligente i.Con

Have you compared your sexual experience to that of other people? If so, then no longer need it, as the smart condom i.Con came up to calculate how good you are at the time of sex.

That's right, scientists have created the first smart condom that, according to distributor British Condoms, offers not only the user's average circumference and temperature, but also calculates worn-out calories and keeps details about skills at the time of sex, for example , average penetration velocity.

Although the discussion of the device began in early 2017, the company published images only on Tuesday (28).

The device was designed to stand on the condom at the base of the penis with "nano-chip and sensors" to measure and record the details of the sexual act. All data is transferred to the owner's smartphone via Bluetooth, and you can share your performance with friends or even the world.
According to British Condoms spokesman John Simmons, the invention will bring an element of joy to the bed as well as prevent slipping of condoms or unplanned pregnancies. What's more, the device will be able to detect sexually transmitted diseases.

The device will begin to be sold from January 2018, but it is already possible to order it.

Adam Leverson, general engineer of the i.Con project, highlighted whether it is an innovation capable of measuring every aspect of sexual performance. Another detail that will not go unnoticed: the condom shines in the dark.

"Smart Condom" i.Con: Measuring performances, telling you about STDs

With a one-year warranty, the smart condom will cost $ 81, regardless of shipping rates.

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