quinta-feira, 31 de dezembro de 2015

The World's Best Cigars

The Spanish Manuela Romeralo accumulates, after 44 years, several titles - including the best sommelier in the world cigars, won in 2006 at the International Competition of Habanosommelier, held annually in Havana. She was the first woman, and so far the only, to achieve such recognition. Voted best sommelier of mineral water in Spain in 2005, Manuela has proven to be able to recognize, blind, 50 kinds of liquid supposedly no taste, smell or color. In 2011, it was hailed as best sommelier in Europe wines.

Currently, Manuela is sommelier and director of Quique Dacosta, restaurant three Michelin stars located in Denia, Spain. As it showed me the girl owns smell, taste and outstanding curriculum. For this reason, FORBES Brazil asked the expert to make a selection of the best cigars in the world in your opinion.

The list is full of Cubans and will not surprise the good puffs fans the presence of an illustrious Brazilian.

                                           Cohiba Espléndido

                                               From Cuba

                                             Alonso Menendez No. 10 Churchill

                                                         Origin: Brazil

                                               Davidoff Millennium Blend Robusto
                                                Origin: Dominican Republic

                                                          Montecristo No. 2

                                                             From Cuba

                                                                Partagás 8-9-8

                                                                 From Cuba

                                                  Plasencia Reserva Orgánica

                                                  Source: Nicaragua

                                                 Ramón Allones Specially Selected

                                                          From Cuba

                                             Romeo y Julieta Short Churchills

                                                       From Cuba

                                           San Cristobal de la Habana El Principe

                                                              From Cuba

                                            VegaFina Master 2012

                                          Origin: Dominican Republic

"Economist" predicts disastrous year for Brazil

Photo Dilma crestfallen, British magazine dedicates first cover the year to the country and publishes story filled with criticisms about prospects for 2016: "Even Russia, full of penalties, must do better," he quips.

Cover The Economist 2016 Brasilien Präsident Dilma Rousseff
                             Cover of British magazine, on newsstands from January 2

Traditional Economist British magazine dedicated to first cover 2016 to Brazil.

Entitled "Brazil of the Fall" and a picture of President Dilma Rousseff crestfallen, publication, on newsstands from January 2, it provides that the year 2016 will be disastrous for the country.

The magazine points out, in the first paragraph of the matter, that Brazil should start the year in an atmosphere of euphoria due to the Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro, making a spectacular party. But instead, the country faces "a political and economic disaster."

The text reminds the risk of impeachment Dilma by Congress, the corruption scandal surrounding the Petrobras and reducing the country's credit rating by the rating agencies Standard & Poor's and Fitch.

She also cited the resignation of Minister of Finance, Joaquim Levy, after less than a year ahead of the folder, and the decrease of estimated savings of 2.5% and 3% in 2016, "not much less than in 2015". According to the publication, "even Russia, dependent on oil and full of penalties, must do better."

Citing the BRICs - group formed by Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa - the Economist says the country was supposed to be at the forefront of growth in emerging economies. But, on the contrary, it faces political dysfunction and maybe the return of rampant inflation.

"Only tough decisions can bring Brazil back to their way," he said, adding that the country should carry out major reforms such as Social Security and labor legislation. But in view of the publication, reforms should not be put in place because "at this time, Dilma seems to have no stomach for them."

The Brazilian bureaucracy will cause the current Minister of Finance, Nelson Barbosa, has difficulties in 2016 to put the country on track. And to make matters worse, there is resistance within the government coalition, especially the PT, which is against cutting spending, and the opposition, which intends to proceed with the impeachment process.

The magazine asks: "If Dilma can not implement change?" The answer, according to the newspaper, would be the growth of public debt and losses in social gains.

"The conquest of Brazil was to remove tens of millions out of poverty. The recession could stall or even reverse this process. The hope is that Brazil, which hardly reached the economic and democratic stability, do not fall back into mismanagement and chronic turbulence "says the Economist.

Magazine has given other things to the country

It's not the first time that the Brazilian crisis features prominently in traditional business magazine. In February this year, the publication placed on the cover of its version for Latin America the headline
"The quagmire of Brazil" and a drawing of a samba school passista covered by a green goo.
At the time, the magazine said the country was going through its greatest turmoil since the early 1990. The journal said that the country's economic problems were far greater than the government admitted or that investors might realize, and recalled the scandal corruption at Petrobras.

The magazine also highlighted the country in November 2009. The cover showed the Christ the Redeemer in Rio de Janeiro, taking off like a rocket and titled "Brazil takes off". As early as September 2013, the publication went back to punching a similar assembly with the 2009, but now with the Christ Redeemer sinking after flying and the title "Will Brazil blew it?".

A year of violence and break taboos in the US

In 2015, country approaches Cuba and Iran, but was faced with old ills: new attacks with weapons and episodes of racial and religious tension. Turbulence must be reflected in the presidential campaign.

US President Barack Obama, broke two big taboos in foreign policy in 2015: reestablished diplomatic relations with Cuba and made a nuclear deal with Iran.

"People can not admit it in public," said John Limbert, a former deputy secretary of state assistant to Iran. "But instead of doing what we were doing for 34 or 35, who was threaten and insult each other, we have been able to talk to others, not as friends, but talking to others. "

The nuclear deal with Iran provoked strong opposition from Israel, one of the closest US allies. In March, the Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, has made active lobbying against the deal in a speech to the Congress of

USA - an unprecedented attitude.

"They see that the nuclear deal is not the end of the road," said William Quandt, who worked on the National Security Council during the administrations of Richard Nixon (1969-1973) and Jimmy Carter (1977-1981). "This is possibly the beginning of the restoration of a more cooperative relationship between the US and Iran. And that's what worries countries like Saudi Arabia and Israel."

Wars do not end

While negotiated with US opponents, the president sought to end controversial wars. But the rise of the jihadist group "Islamic State" (EI) has hindered his plans.

Three years after the withdrawal, US troops returned to Iraq to fight the EI. In October, the President decided that after he left the White House, more than 5000 men will remain stationed in Afghanistan to prevent the advance of the Taliban and the EI branches growing in the country.

"This new dynamic of EI is quite disturbing, and they have their eyes focused on Central Asia," said Thomas Johnson, an expert on war in Afghanistan postgraduate course of the American Navy. "You're seeing a lot of congressmen who are saying we can not let what happened in Iraq occur in Afghanistan."

LGBT and women make progress

By mid-year, gays and lesbians have won the right to marry across the country, capping a decades-long struggle and a profound change in people's attitude towards homosexuality.

Earlier this month, the military opened up combat positions for women in one of the few areas of the country where gender discrimination was still an official policy.

And there is a great possibility that the US has its first president. Hillary Clinton is leading the Democratic primary with the support of 60%. In opinion polls on the presidential elections, draws or wins all current presidential candidates Republicans.

The death of a young black decommissioned in Ferguson sparked national outrage and polarized the country

Racial and religious tension

While the LGBT community obtains rights in American society, other communities were not so lucky. Muslims have been the target of increasing discriminatory rhetoric in the wake of the terrorist attacks in Paris and San Bernardino, California.

Thirty-one governors opposed to receiving Syrian refugees, while Republican presidential candidate leading in the primaries, Donald Trump, asked for a complete ban on the entry of Muslims in America. Your Jeb Bush rival, in turn, said that the country should focus on the reception of Syrian Christians.

"There is a clear correlation between what has been defended and propagated in the media regarding anti-Muslim rhetoric, and how this translates into impact on the real lives of American supporters of the Muslim religion," says Yasmine Taeb, who led research on the anti-Islamic sentiment to the Institute Center for American Progress.

Racial tensions were also intense amid recurring incidents of unarmed black people dying at the hands of the police. In the case of Baltimore, protests April became international affair, exposed old wounds of American society and had more than 200 people arrested.

Armed violence

In June, a racist declared opened fire at a historic church frequented by the black community in Charleston, South Carolina, killing nine faithful.
"Even white people are horrified," says Harold McDougall, a law professor at Howard University in Washington. "That's not what it was to be. This is not a US post-racial division."

The massacre sparked a new debate about white supremacy in the US and its symbols, in particular in relation to the Confederate flag - representing the former slave states of the South.

The shooting in Charleston was one of 30 mass murders in the US in 2015, according to a newspaper USA Today. In a very familiar political refrain used after every great tragedy, President Obama called for stricter control of weapons, while Congress persists in its position.

"Americans are allowing the plague and the insanity of armed violence happen on a large scale to cause anyone to have easy access to weapons," says Jonathan Metzl, an expert on armed violence at Vanderbilt University.

Waiting for change

The social turmoil has passed in the presidential race, with the feeling of challenge feeding unorthodox candidates. When Donald Trump first entered the race, his campaign was seen as little more than a publicity stunt.

Six months later, the New York millionaire dominates the Republican polls, falling little more than a month to hold the first primary of the party.

"Trump is displaying the power I think that white Americans would like to see in response to their reactions to Obama," said Darren Davis, a professor of politics at the University of Notre Dame. "Obama is the antithesis of what they think the US represent."

On the Democratic side, Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont, has become a serious political force, despite being a self-described democratic socialist - an almost offensive word in American politics.

The political landscape is conducive to outsiders. According to the Economic Policy Institute, the US attend a level of income inequality not seen since the 1920s Almost eight years after Obama was elected to the presidency, Americans are still looking for a change.

"There is no room in the race for 2016 messages that really challenge US economic orthodoxies," said John Nichols, correspondent of The Nation magazine in Washington.

Der König der Dinosaurier ist in Berlin

Es gibt nur etwa 50 T-Rex rekonstruiert weltweit und die meisten von ihnen in den USA. Nun hat Deutschland seine eigene: Tristan Skelett, das größte jemals gefunden wurde, ist es im Naturhistorischen Museum in der Hauptstadt.

Wie Sie das Neujahrsvorsätze zu treffen?

Beenden Sie das Rauchen, zu vegetarisches, lesen mehr Bücher: viele Jahresende Beschlüsse am Ende wird schnell vergessen. Warum ist es so schwer in die Praxis eine etablierte Engagement für sich selbst zu setzen?

Auch hier kommt es, daß Zeit des Jahres: Versprechen, uns, Gewicht zu verlieren, mit dem Trinken aufhören, die Annahme einer gesünderen Lebensweise, in die Turnhalle, Vegetarier zu werden oder einfach nur lesen mehr Bücher.

Neigen diese Neujahrsvorsätze jedoch sehr schnell verschwinden. Und wieder sind wir zu Hause statt in den Park läuft und raucht eine letzte Zigarette an der Bar, da können wir ein Bier nicht ohne sie.

"Ich sagte mehrmals, dass ich mit dem Rauchen aufzuhören, aber dies nur geschehen, wenn ich schwanger", sagt Diana Schmidt, Mutter von zwei Kindern, die sich in Köln, Deutschland lebt.

Laut der Psychologin Yaki Sagy, ist der Fall von Diana nicht ungewöhnlich, und es kann sogar eine Lektion zu erteilen uns. Er sagt, dass die Versprechungen der Menschen sind eine Art Ritual, sie für sich selbst zu tun, und diese Zeremonie kann die Person wirklich zu ändern.

"Denken Sie an die Zeit, wenn jemand sagt" Ja "in einer Ehe. Diese Erklärung nicht die Braut oder den Bräutigam zu ändern körperlich, sondern geistig etwas ändert", sagte Sagy.


Und dass, nach ihm, ist einer der wichtigsten Punkte, die die Auflösung letzten machen wird. "Die meisten dieser Aussagen in Bezug auf die Daten, gehören in den Bereich der Mäßigung. Viele von ihnen beinhalten eine Art von Grenze, wie beispielsweise der Verzicht auf bestimmte Nahrungsmittel, Gewohnheiten oder Verhaltensweisen", sagt sie.

Nach Sagy, muss es mit dem Übergang vom Kind zum Erwachsenen Verhalten zu tun. "Eine Hochzeit zum Beispiel setzt ein Limit auf sexuelle Begegnungen mit anderen. Dann wird die Zeremonie selbst erzeugt eine Änderung in den Innenpositionen der Beteiligten."

Entscheidungen in der Öffentlichkeit

Aber wir wirklich brauchen, die Geburt eines Kindes oder eine andere äußerst wichtige Ereignis im Leben wie eine Hochzeit, in der Lage sein, unsere Ziele zu erreichen? Sind wir wirklich nicht in der Lage zu halten, was wir versprechen nichts anderes?

"Ich glaube, es gibt eine Chance für die Menschen, ihre Ehepartner betrügen, zum Beispiel nach einer Veranstaltung mit 500 Gästen, die sah und hörte die Gelübde des Paares, als nach einer privaten Entscheidung, dass sie, heute beginnend, sind ein Paar ", sagte Sagy.

Der Experte erklärt, dass dies nicht bedeutet, dass dies der Grund ist, warum sie die Beziehung zu halten, aber sie sind eine Realität, in der sie ihre Entscheidungen treffen zu erstellen und zu liefern höhere Kultur als die Summe seiner Einzelteile möchten. Und sie sagen laut, dass sie zur Annahme dieser Standards.

Ein gebrochener persönliches Versprechen ist ganz anders als die Verletzung eines Gesetzes, insbesondere die Schuldgefühle, dass sie erzeugen kann. Neujahrs Versprechungen unterscheiden sich von Gesetzen in dem Sinne, dass eine Person wählt, eine Entscheidung, die von niemandem diktiert war aktiv zu machen.

Was das Gesetz nicht, stattdessen ist es, Menschen zu zwingen, ihm zu gehorchen, wodurch die inneren Kampf, den sie haben könnten. Er bestimmt, dass etwas ist strengs per se verboten, persönliche Aussagen basieren auf einer internen Bewertung der Vor- und Nachteile eines bestimmten Verhaltens basiert.

Für Adam Rosenberg, 30, den Akt der Fahrt über dem Tempolimit in seiner Heimat Israel können verschiedene Gefühle, minus die Schuld zu generieren. "Die übliche Höchstgeschwindigkeit beträgt 90 km / h, die völlig lächerlich ist. Also in der Regel fahre ich schneller und laufen Gefahr, sich einen in Ordnung."

Privat Inhalt der Entscheidungen, sagt Sagy ist die Situation völlig anders. "Es gibt kein Gesetz, das mir verbietet den Verzehr von ungesunden Lebensmitteln, oder sagen Sie mir, ich darf nicht zu verraten", sagte er. "Das Gesetz, wie wir wissen, nicht in diesen Entscheidungen einmischen. Daher gibt es keine formelle Straftaten, nur eine persönliche Entschlossenheit."

Es ist genau diese Eigenschaft, die das schwächste ist - und stärker - Punkt, was wir versprechen. Sie sind schwieriger zu folgen, sondern erzeugen auch mehr Zufriedenheit, wenn erfüllt. Strafen sind auch interne, in Form von Schuld, Scham oder einfach eine große Enttäuschung für uns.

Frau macht Gymnastik Übungen

Austausch von Vergnügungen

"Ich habe versucht, vegan seit Monaten zu werden, aber jedes Mal, wenn ich ein anderes Milchprodukt zu finden, habe ich einfach nicht widerstehen können", sagte Zoe, ein Schulmädchen 16 Jahre Tel Aviv. "Ich weiß, dass es das Richtige zu tun, und ich völlig identifiziere mich für die Sache, aber ich kann nicht vollständig zu verzichten."

Das ist genau der Unterschied zwischen einer externen und einer internen Recht Versprechen. "Es gibt einen Unterschied zwischen Menschen, die sich in einer vegetarischen Familie wuchs und Menschen, die das Tier leidet die Probleme zu entscheiden. Und so werden sie zu stoppen Konsum von Tierprodukten. Natürlich ist die letztere ist schwer zu folgen."

Aber warum Leute finden es so schwer, ihre Versprechen zu halten? Sie wissen, dass, um das ultimative Ziel zu erreichen wollen, auch wenn Sie die äußerst schwierigen Weg zu denken. Sagy Staaten haben auch eine Antwort auf diese Frage:

"Die Leute finden es sehr schwierig, dass sie ihre Freuden. Und finden Sie es noch schwieriger, sie im Gegenzug für die Beteiligung an einem symbolischen Sozialsystem, in dem die Verstärkung nicht immer sofort angezeigt zu verzichten."

Ein gutes Beispiel, sagt er, ist, Kinder zu unterrichten, aufhören zu essen mit den Händen.

"Wir sagen ihnen, zu beginnen mit einem Messer und Gabel, dann werden sie aufgeben müssen, eine gewisse Freude. Und was sie dafür? Ein Platz in der Gesellschaft von Erwachsenen. Wir begrüßen Sie, ihnen zu sagen, dass sie reif sind, jetzt sind sie Jungen oder Mädchen "großen", und das wird die neue Vergnügen. "

Die Bedeutung der Zeugen

Aber die Realität ist, dass viele von uns in der Regel lieber nicht ins Fitnessstudio gehen, essen, was wir wollen, um die Freiheit, sexuelle Begegnungen haben und Fahren über der Geschwindigkeitsbegrenzung haben. Also, was können wir tun, um die Chancen, dass unsere Beschlüsse Wirklichkeit werden zu erhöhen?

Aufgrund der Beschlüsse des neuen Jahres - wie viele andere private Entscheidungen - nicht über das Gesetz ab, müssen sie eine andere Art von "Propaganda", ernst zu werden. "Der Akt der ein Versprechen müssen Zeugen", sagte Sagy. "Wenn es keine Zeugen, irgendwie das Versprechen gibt es nicht."

Die Bedeutung der mit Zeugen stammt zum Teil die Zukunft Gefühl Schande, wenn die Auflösung nicht erfüllt ist, sondern auch das Versprechen der Sichtbarkeit.

Der Psychologe erklärt weiter, dass, wenn die Leute sagen sich, dass sie eine Diät in zwei Tagen beginnen, eine kollektive Resonanz hat. Aber wenn Sie versprechen, die Diät am ersten Tag des neuen Jahres starten, wird seine Aussage eine größere Festigkeit haben.

"Die meisten Menschen würde nicht sagen, es wird in zwei Stunden mit dem Rauchen aufhören. Sie werden sagen, dass sie zum Zeitpunkt der neue Monat beginnt das Rauchen aufzugeben. Sie werden dies in einer Weise, dass eine Art von Beweisen oder soziale Bedeutung generieren zu erklären" sagt er.

Sénégal: la police empêche le lynchage participants de mariage gay

Les clients et les mariés deviennent des cibles d'insultes et de pierres après avoir été arrêté au Sénégal

A polícia interrompeu a cerimônia e apreendeu as alianças e outros objetos não especificados

La police a besoin pour empêcher le lynchage de 11 personnes la veille de Noël au Sénégal pour "suspicion d'homosexualité." La tentative de la violence qui est arrivé comme ils direcionavam la cour de justice. Ils ont été libérés le mardi (29).

Le Code criminel prévoit des peines de prison sénégalais efficace jusqu'à cinq ans et des amendes allant jusqu'à 3000 $ pour ceux qui se rendent compte "agit impudique ou contre nature avec une personne du même sexe."

Selon l'agence sénégalaise APS, un tribunal de Kaolack a décidé de libérer les détenus en raison de preuves insuffisantes.

Les 11 personnes assister à un mariage entre deux hommes, qui sont parmi les personnes arrêtées. Police a interrompu la cérémonie et ont saisi des alliances et autres objets non spécifiés.

En quittant le tribunal, les détenus ont été les cibles d'insultes de la foule. Ils étaient dans deux véhicules de police et sous bonne escorte, qui a reçu brickbats des manifestants.

En Octobre, le président sénégalais Macky Sall, nouveau opposé à la dépénalisation de l'homosexualité au Sénégal.

"Au nom de ce que nous pensons que l'homosexualité a été décriminalisée [dans certains pays] devrait également être dépénalisée ici [au Sénégal]. Est-ce une loi universelle? Vous devez respecter le droit de tous les peuples à définir leur propre législation," dit alors Macky Sall, sans plus de détails sur les raisons de la décision.

Deutschland zeigt, dass die islamischen Staat Planung Selbstmordanschlag in München in das neue Jahr

Berlin, 1. Januar (EFE) .- Die Terrororganisation Islamischer Staat (EI) hatte geplant, einen Selbstmordanschlag in München, Süd-Deutschland zu begehen, während der Silvesterabend, sagte am Freitag (Ortszeit) Minister innerhalb des Bundeslandes Bayern, Joachim Hermann.

Die Bundespolizei meldete Deutschland über Nacht die bayerischen Behörden, dass es starke Hinweise auf einen Angriff über Informationen von Geheimdiensten befreundeter Länder, sagte Hermann auf einer Pressekonferenz am frühen Morgen.

Der Polizeichef von München Hubertus Andrä, der wiederum an, dass die Selbstmordanschlag wurde durch einen Befehl mit zwischen fünf und sieben Männern begangen.

Doch die Polizeikontrollen durchgeführt, bisher keine Ergebnisse gegeben und bisher keine Verhaftungen vorgenommen wurden.

Hermann sagte, dass die erhaltenen Informationen waren von solcher Größe, die keine 100% sicher, konnte nicht ignoriert werden, so dass sofortige Schritte unternommen wurden, obwohl es.

Es wurde daher ordnete die Evakuierung der zentralen Stationen und Passing Viertel in München, und forderte die Menschen auf die Massen zu vermeiden, da es das Risiko eines Terroranschlags an anderer Stelle, nachdem die Original Ziel war geschlossen.

Hermann Vergleich der heutigen Situation mit der erlebten vor ein paar Wochen in Hannover, wo ein Fußballspiel zwischen Deutschland und den Niederlanden musste wegen der terroristischen Bedrohung storniert werden.

"Ich hoffe immer noch, dass diese Nacht, um friedlich zu beenden", sagte Hermann.

Accused in court, Cosby negotiated agreement in another case of abuse, says site

                     O ator Bill Cosby foi detido na última quarta-feira

While the first criminal charge against Bill Cosby was made by US courts on Wednesday (30), actor and comedian is about to make an agreement with another woman who opened against him a civil suit - and this can harm the first case.

According to information from the specialist website TMZ, Chloe Goins came in October suit against Cosby accusing him of sexually assaulting her after drug her in Playboy mansion in 2008. However, since then there have been no changes in the action - and Cosby was not notified, it is likely that the case be dismissed.

According to sources of the site, the reason for the lack of continuation in the process is the negotiation of an agreement between Goins and Cosby. The agreement could harm the criminal case was opened against Cosby, especially if the artist put a confidentiality agreement to be signed by Goins.

Currently, the prosecution of Los Angeles is reviewing the case of Chloe groins to determine if the comedian is to be processed, and there is high possibility that the court make a formal accusation against Cosby.

Bill Cosby, 78, was arrested on Wednesday, in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, after being charged with sexually abusing a woman twelve years ago. The comedian was released after surrender his passport and pay his bail estimated at US $ 1 million (about US $ 4 million).

The indictment refers to the case of Andrea Constand, who accused Cosby of drug her and put his hands under her pants in his mansion in January 2004. She was "frozen, paralyzed, unable to move," said Attorney General assistant Kevin Steele in announcing the charges, a few days before the crime prescribe - in the US state of Pennsylvania, sexual offenses can be charged within 12 years after its occurrence.

Upon arriving at the court, on the afternoon of Wednesday, the actor pleaded not guilty of the charge. Wearing a sweatshirt, Cosby was quickly escorted to avoid the crowd of reporters at the court door. He would have agreed to have no contact with Andrea.

This is the first criminal case involving the artist after years of complaints. If convicted, Cosby can take five to ten years in prison and have to pay a fine of $ 25,000.


More than 50 women accused Bill Cosby of sexual abuse. One of them is actress Lili Bernard, who starred in "The Cosby Show." She claims she was drugged, raped and threatened as she prepared to act in the program. The actor denies all charges.

Amid the accusations, the artistic career of Cosby suffered some setbacks. Netflix has postponed a special with comedian whose launch was to take place last year. NBC already shelved the project in a series that was developed for the actor to star.

In early December, the actor sued seven of the women, accusing them of defamation and saying she is "evil, opportunistic, false and defamatory."

Brad Pitt และ Angelina Jolie ใช้จ่าย $ 18,000 ต่อคืนในวันหยุดในประเทศไทย: รายงาน

Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt และลูกหกคนของทั้งคู่มีความสุขกับวันหยุดสิ้นปีในรูปแบบที่พวกเขาจะได้พักในวิลล่าซึ่งค่าใช้จ่าย $ 18,000 ต่อคืนในประเทศไทยตามคอลัมน์ "หน้าหก" ที่ "นิวยอร์กโพสต์"

หมู่บ้านอยู่ภายในอมันปุรีรีสอร์ทบนเกาะภูเก็ต โรงแรมนี้มีสิบห้องนอนและเต็มไปด้วยความหรูหรารวมถึงห้องฟิตเนส, สระว่ายน้ำ แต่เพียงผู้เดียว ไม่น้อยกว่าแปดพนักงานให้บริการแก่ครอบครัว

และรีสอร์ทพบวิธีที่จะที่จะให้ปาปารัสซี่ออกไปจากครอบครัว เมื่อช่างภาพพยายามที่จะเข้าใกล้โดยเรือเรือโรงแรมจะถูกส่งไปไล่ล่าพวกเขา - หรือเจ้าหน้าที่ท้องถิ่นของตัวเองจ่ายเงินให้พวกเขาออก

ครอบครัวฮอลลีวู้ดจะเดินทางในขณะที่โจลีวันหยุดพักผ่อนของโครงการใหม่ของเขาฟิล์ม "ครั้งแรกที่พวกเขาฆ่าพ่อของฉัน: ลูกสาวของประเทศกัมพูชาจำ" ผลิตโดย Netflix, ภาพยนตร์เรื่องนี้จะขึ้นอยู่กับหนังสือของสิทธิมนุษยชนกิจกรรมหลวงอึ้งผู้รอดชีวิตจากระบอบการปกครองของเขมรแดงในประเทศกัมพูชา

Pitt and Jolie spend $ 18,000 per night on vacation in Thailand: report

Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt and the six couple's children are enjoying the year-end holidays in style: they are staying in a villa which costs $ 18,000 per night in Thailand, according to the column "Page Six", the "The New York Post".

The village is inside the Amanpuri resort on the island of Phuket. The property has ten bedrooms and is full of luxuries, including gym, exclusive pool. No fewer than eight employees were made available to the family.

And the resort found a way to to keep the paparazzi away from family. When photographers try to approach by boat, a hotel boat is sent to chase them - or their own local officials pay them to leave.

The Hollywood family are traveling while Jolie vacations of his new project, the film "First They Killed My Father: A Daughter of Cambodia Remembers". Produced by Netflix, the film is based on the book of human rights activist Loung Ung, who survived the Khmer Rouge regime in Cambodia.

Boyfriend tries to stop girl get naked at amusement park

Audience that was near the toy goes into a frenzy and gets upset when the attraction is interrupted for a woman to recompose

A hilarious scene marked the ride of a pair of lovers in an amusement park during a festival in Costa Rica. The man tried desperately to cover his girlfriend after his pants started to fall while on a toy.

The couple was in an attraction that is a disc that rotates and plays people, especially if they try to raise. In the video, the woman appears to be no panties, leaving the man even more desperate to be able to avoid his beloved go through an embarrassing scene.

The audience was around the toy goes into a frenzy and gets upset when the attraction is interrupted for a woman to recompose

Novio intenta detener chica desnudarse en el parque de atracciones

Audiencia que estaba cerca del juguete entra en un frenesí y se molesta cuando la atracción se interrumpe por una mujer para recomponer

Una escena hilarante marcó el viaje de una pareja de amantes en un parque de atracciones durante un festival en Costa Rica. El hombre trató desesperadamente de cubrir su novia después de que sus pantalones comenzaron a caer mientras que en un juguete.

La pareja estaba en una atracción que es un disco que gira y juega la gente, especialmente si tratan de recaudar. En el video, la mujer parece estar sin ropa interior, dejando al hombre aún más desesperada que sea capaz de evitar su querido ir a través de una escena embarazosa.

El público estaba alrededor del juguete entra en un frenesí y se molesta cuando la atracción se interrumpe por una mujer para recomponer


الحريق رشس فندق فاخر في دبي



Esses são os meus votos de um ano que se inicia para todos vocês, meus leitores.
Quero também deixar uma mensagem, dizendo que tudo o que pensamos vai ganhando vida, quer acreditemos ou não. Alguns poderão dizer que isso não é verdade mas, é porque não nos atemos ao que acontece realmente conosco. Adotem o costume de anotarem e datarem seus pedidos e acontecimentos. E de tempo em tempo dar aquela olhadinha (rsrsr).
Façam uma retrospectiva dos acontecimentos e reflitam verdadeiramente o que foi se sucedendo. Muito também não nos acontece pois, não temos a firmeza de sustentar por muito tempo nossos pensamentos. E quando algum deles como nossos mais lindos sonhos está por se materializar, algo que tanto queremos diante de um sonho, desistimos e focamos em outra coisa e tudo começa de novo a se formar. Se pudessemos observar fora dos acontecimentos viríamos que isso é uma verdade, uma lei universal.
Na realidade o universo sempre prepara o cenário para os nossos sonhos, mas como num passe de mágica apagamos na tela do tempo quando não sustentamos os nossos sonhos e tudo se desfaz, ainda que tudo esteja a um passo de acontecer sem que nos damos conta.
Os tesouros que podem ser conquistados por meio dessa compreensão são infinitos mas, muitos não se motivam a ponto de persistir nessa caminhada.
Lembrem-se também: o que está te motivando nesse momento?
Na entrada de cada ano é bom sempre iniciarmos ou digo reiniciarmos o prestar atenção aos nossos sentimentos e motivações. Esse é um bom momento para refletirmos sobre o que estamos nutrindo em nós. Aquilo que regamos e cultivamos é o que mais cresce e subsiste.
Esse momento de passagem de ano é a grande fronteira do que somos e o que deveríamos ser!
Nos encontraremos nas Bençãos do Novo Ano!
Mauro Ferri
Professor, Psicopedagogo e Psicanalista.
(busque a nossa orientação a nível profissional e pessoal – (+55 11) 98227-3212)

Feliz Ano Novo (Lindo Vídeo!!!)


The 2016 Fortune Crystal Ball
Contributors: Scott Cendrowski, Scott DeCarlo, Erika Fry, Stephen Gandel, Ben Geier, Erin Griffith, Robert Hackett, Matt Heimer, Tom Huddleston, Jr., Beth Kowitt, Alan Murray, Tory Newmyer, Leena Rao, Daniel Roberts, Benjamin Snyder, Aaron Task, Anne VanderMey, Phil Wahba, Jen Wieczner, and Valentina Zarya
Fortune’s predictions about the events, people and ideas that will matter in 2016, in business, politics, technology and more.
Presidential election years bring out the Nostradamus in all of us. But beyond the White House horse race, there will be plenty of other big changes to anticipate in 2016 in business, culture, and the economy. To predict just what they’ll be, the staff of Fortunehas parsed the data and polled the experts; here, with humility, we’ve assembled our own educated guesses about the year ahead.
Our forecast: Look for Apple  AAPL -2.01%  and Serena Williams to keep soaring while Pfizer  PFE -1.27%  and GE  GE 1.13%  get smaller. As tech euphoria collides with reality, expect some unicorns to lose their horns while others disappear. ­Cyberespionage will rise sharply; interest rates will not. There will be big breakthroughs in how you get around, including an affordable “hoverboard.” And most important, there will be modest but real GDP growth­—between 2.6% and 2.8% in the U.S., higher in emerging economies—as a resilient world defies fears of a China-driven crash.

Corporate America: Boards, mergers and breakups

Mergers and acquisitions reached a record high this year. Don’t expect 2016 to keep up the blistering pace, but do watch for a couple of famous brands to get absorbed by competitors. (We’re looking at you, Macy’s.) We also foresee a good year for women in leadership–on corporate boards, if not necessarily in corner offices.
Here’s How Many Fortune 500 Board Seats Women Will Hold
The number of women running Fortune 500 companies fell in 2015—from 26 to 23—and alas, we’re not optimistic the count will climb dramatically in 2016. But, boardrooms are a different story. Nearly one-third of new Fortune 500 directors appointed in 2014 were women. And of the 5,415 board seats on America’s largest corporations, 1,057 (20%) of them are currently held by females—up 4% from February. The case for female directors (and a generally diverse boardroom) has been well made in recent years, with evidence mounting that companies with diverse boards perform better. So we estimate that the count will climb another 7% in 2016—to 1,130. —Erika Fry

Activist Investors Will Get Less Active
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The loudest hedge funds on Wall Street could go quiet in 2016. The reason: A less-friendly bond market. Two common moves shareholder activists push for are break-ups and share buybacks, even if companies have to borrow to do it.
Neither move is generally liked by bond holders, but for a while that didn’t seem to matter. Recently, though, bond investors have gotten more credit sensitive. That could make some of the activists moves too costly. On top of that, the Internal Revenue Service has indicated that it may crack down on tax-free spin-offs that separate assets but not operations, like the spin-offs that activist hedge fund Starboard Value has pushed Yahoo  YHOO 0.45%  to pursue (including Yahoo Japan and licenses to its intellectual property), or like Jana Partners’ efforts to get Macy’s  M -1.16%  to separate its real estate.
Activist managers still have over $100 billion in their funds. Expect them to go after bigger companies that have more ability to borrow, and focus on strategic changes. Mostly likely activist targets in 2016: Lumbering corporate giants, including General Electric  GE 1.13% , of which activist Nelson Peltz already has taken a 3% share; IBM  IBM -0.93% ; and General Motors  GM -0.76% —Stephen Gandel
Hudson’s Bay Will Buy Macy’s
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After snapping up retailers like Lord & Taylor and Saks Fifth Avenue in recent years, Hudson’s Bay Company bagged German department store Kaufhof this year for $3.3 billion. And HBC has made no secret of the fact that it is on the hunt for more big-name stores. The company’s M.O. is to target underperforming department stores that also have very attractive real estate. Sound familiar? That could very well describe Macy’s, whose sales growth has evaporated this year but whose real estate could be worth billions- some reports suggest that Macy’s Manhattan flagship alone is worth $5 billion. Macy’s, which also owns Bloomingdale’s, would be a big bite: its market cap is about $16.5 billion. Nonetheless, HBC has proven adept at spinning off real estate of prior acquisitions to rake in billions to make its next big deal. And what more alluring trophy in the department store world is there than Macy’s? —Phil Wahba
New-Media Juggernaut Will Buy An Old Media Brand
Time Inc., publisher of Fortune, is vacating New York City’s Time-Life Building—leaving space for a newcomer.Fortunata—Splash News; Logos all courtesy of companies
Digital media startups once dreamed of selling to a media conglomerate. Today, the hottest properties, including BuzzFeed, Vice Media and Vox Media, are worth billions, making them too expensive for most potential buyers. (BuzzFeed walked away from a deal with Disney  DIS -0.70%  over price in 2014.) Instead, flush with venture capital, these surging new media empires will see struggling old media companies knocking on their doors. This trend could eventually hit brands at big publishing houses and TV properties, but for 2016, keep an eye on the first wave of digital publications like Slate,TheStreet.com and Salon, now two decades old. What aging media brands lack in tech savvy and buzz, they make up for in brand recognition and prestige, something the new class, which has thrived by bucking the establishment, may start to value as their prominence rises. —Erin Griffith

Hostile Takeover Battles Will Surge
In a record year for U.S. M&A, with $1.9 billion in deals, according to Dealogic, hostile takeover offers have also surged, worth 14% of the total value of transactions. The number of unfriendly proposals has crept up slowly over the last few years, but the size of the offers has exploded, with $266 billion in hostile bids so far in 2015, nearly quadruple their value in all of 2013. Investors expect the hostility to increase even further, as companies struggle to grow and become more desperate for acquisitions the later the M&A cycle wears on. “All the low-hanging fruit’s been picked,” says Matthew Osowiecki, a portfolio manager specializing in merger arbitrage at Water Island Capital. And, “You have players where it’s eat or be eaten.” —Jen Wieczner
Healthcare’s M&A Flood Will Ebb
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Pharma and biotech stocks swooned recently (the S&P Pharmaceuticals Select Industry Index is down 25% in the last three months), largely on concerns about greater drug price regulation. As the stocks fell, experts also observed that the sector’s frenzied M&A wave took a breather. After all, the currency fueling much of the deal-making—those companies’ inflated equity valuations—is now depressed, and acquisition targets may prefer to hold out for a higher price. While a possible Pfizer-Allergan merger would push the 2015 healthcare M&A total to new heights, it may also be this cycle’s last hurrah. Expect a slowdown in pharma deals in 2016. —Wieczner
Pfizer Will Break Up
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Why launch a huge merger, only to break up? Pfizer might do just that. After internally dividing its slower-growth “established pharma” business from its more innovative patented drugs in 2014, Pfizer recently told analysts that it will decide by the end of 2016 whether to truly split itself up. Its acquisition talks with Allergan fuel the breakup theory, as Pfizer has expressed interest in beefing up the individual units to add scale (as it did by purchasing Hospira this year), as well as inverting overseas, before separating. —Wieczner

Silicon Valley and Tech Companies

Entrepreneurs and their start-ups are the source of much of the technology industry’s incredible growth and innovation. But they aren’t always the ones left standing as the competition for customers and investor dollars unfolds. Expect 2016 to be a year when the big dogs swallow some of their competition—and where Apple rolls out some more bold surprises.
Apple Will Buy Tesla
Apple has announced plans to build an electronic car, targeting 2019. Apple could dramatically accelerate this timetable by buying Tesla  TSLA 0.76% . With over $200 billion cash on hand, the iPhone-maker has more-than ample resources to absorb the purchase, especially now that some of the bloom has come off Tesla’s once-rosy stock. In addition to its automobile know-how, Apple gets access to Tesla’s battery technology, which CEO Elon Musk claims can help change “the entire energy infrastructure of the world.” Of course, Apple would also get Musk—a worthy heir to Steve Jobs’ “think different” legacy and ideally suited to be Apple’s futurist, chief technologist and CEO-in-waiting. —Aaron Task
…While Becoming the First $800 Billion Company
Apple just announced record earnings for fiscal 2015, posting nearly one-quarter of a trillion dollars in revenue, and it remains the most valuable public company by far. Apple briefly held the title of the world’s first $700 billion company in the first half of 2015, and Wall Street analysts believe it’ll shatter that mark next year: Their average 12-month price target of $149 would give Apple a market capitalization of $831 billion. To get there, Apple shares would have to rise 22%. But considering its track record, it seems realistic to expect that Apple will justify that kind of bump, by continuing to gain smartphone market share and achieve strong growth in emerging economies. —Scott DeCarlo

Unicorn Investing Will Get Ugly
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Everyone in startup-land is happy when valuations are going up. But if, as prominent venture capitalists have predicted, some billion-dollar unicorns turn into unicorpses in 2016, the opaque world of startup investing will get ugly. (Unicorns whose valuations are already showing cracks include Dropbox, Evernote, and of course Theranos.) Today, in-demand startups restrict trading of their shares on secondary markets like Nasdaq Private Market. But clever investors find ways around this by trading through intermediaries and employees. Once the biggest startups begin to struggle, the work-arounds will proliferate—only with sellers dominating as investors flee bad bets. Expect wild discrepancies in valuations; angry finger-pointing among investors, boards and CEOs; and maybe even some private company shareholder activism. —Erin Griffith
Why Jack Dorsey Will Leave Square (But Stay at Twitter)
Jack DorseyIllustration By Eric Scott Pfeiffer
Steve Jobs spent nearly a decade as CEO of both Apple and Pixar—but don’t expect Dorsey to follow a similar trajectory. Not too long after payments technology company Square goes public, Dorsey will leave the company, while staying on as permanent CEO of the other tech giant he co-founded, Twitter  TWTR 4.41% . As a newly public company, Square needs a seasoned chief who can weather Wall Street’s demands for growth, says Sucharita Mulpuru, analyst at Forrester Research; Twitter, on the other hand, needs Dorsey’s design and product expertise. (One possible successor to Dorsey at Square: Jacqueline Reses, Yahoo’s former chief development officer, who just joined the company.) —Leena Rao
The Cybersecurity Startup Boom Will End
It’s hard to find a hotter startup segment than cybersecurity. Panic, paranoia and fear of missing out on the next lucrative opportunity have led investors to rain down capital on any firm endeavoring to keep hackers at bay. The sector raised about $2.5 billion in 2014, and it is on track to perform similarly this year. There will be a reckoning, though: Too many upstarts are building too many “me too” tools. Expect well-funded top dogs—companies like Bit9 + Carbon Black, Tanium, CrowdStrike—to weather the storm while more traditional big tech names and security stalwarts snap up smaller firms through “tuck in” acquisitions, cleaning up the field as the pipsqueaks wither away. —Robert Hackett
An Entrenched Computer Security Company Will Get Hacked
First, a disclaimer: Fortune wishes no ill upon any company. That said, we believe a trusted name in security will be utterly and embarrassingly hacked in 2016. Perhaps it’ll be a veteran firm like Symantec, or an entrenched tech giant with a cybersecurity arm—like Intel  INTC -1.20% , Cisco  CSCO -0.91% , or EMC (er, sorry, Dell). Point is: Ever since Edward Snowden pillaged the NSA, the world has come to grasp that no organization is sacred—or fully secured. Already this year, computer crackers drubbed the Italian spyware firm Hacking Team and breached the personal email account of the CIA director. So, quis custodiet ipsos custodes? —Hackett

The Food-Delivery Bubble Will Pop
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Everybody eats—but we may not eat nearly enough to support the ballooning food-delivery tech category. Consulting firm Rosenheim Advisors counted 88 companies in the U.S. that offer either meal kits, meal delivery, food e-commerce, online grocery shopping, or online ordering. “In the next 12 to18 months there will be some reckoning,” says Brita Rosenheim, who runs her eponymous firm.
She estimates that $733 million has flooded into in food tech delivery over the last six months from U.S. private investors, representing 57% of the total invested in food tech. That’s already more than the $697 million that was invested in all of 2014 (representing 28% of all food tech investments).
One sign of glut: The industry is starting to run out of names. Within the online-ordering category alone, there’s already EAT24, FoodtoEat, EatStreet, and EAT Club, to name just a few. —Beth Kowitt


This year’s elections will reflect some big demographic changes in the American electorate—and we think those changes will shape the GOP presidential ticket more than the Democratic one. We’re also expecting an up-and-down year for political donors, and great one for advocates of legalized marijuana.
Campaign Ad Spending Will Have Another Boom Year
You may already have debate fatigue: Prepare yourself for campaign-ad overdose. Political advertising across platforms and races will exceed that of 2012, the last presidential-election year, by more than 20%, according to research firm Borrell Associates. The continuing rise of Super PAC money is one factor, but so is the expanding pool of places to advertise, as more candidate dip their toes in the digital-ad pool. —Anne VanderMey
This GOP Ticket
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Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, an unrivaled communicator within his party who deftly straddles its warring wings, will emerge from the GOP presidential scrum as the nominee. Doubling down on the “youthful D.C. outsider” contrast he intends to press against Clinton, Rubio will tap South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley, 43, as his running mate. The fellow second-generation American from the Sun Belt, now in her second term, maintains solid approval numbers at home. More importantly, her handling of the state’s Confederate flag controversy expanded her support among constituencies — including African-Americans and self-identified Democrats — who’ll be key to any Republican victory. —Tory Newmyer
…Will Take On These Democrats
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Hillary Clinton will enjoy a near-unimpeded march to her party’s nomination. But the primaries will reveal her troubling weakness among white working-class men. She’ll try to address it by rounding out her ticket withVirginia Sen. Tim Kaine, a Harvard-educated former civil rights lawyer who’s nonetheless got lunchbucket cred as the successful former governor of a Southern state. Bonus: He speaks fluent Spanish. —Newmyer

The Democrats Will (Narrowly) Retake the Senate
Yes, the 2015 off-year elections had a rightward tilt. But don’t be distracted: Just two years after Democrats lost control of the upper chamber in the 2014 midterms, they’re poised to snatch it right back. To do so, the party needs to pick up five seats — or four, if they can also hold on to the White House. And the map tilts heavily in their favor. Republicans will be defending 24 seats on Election Day, while Democrats only have 10 in play. Democrats already have pickups in their sights in Florida, Illinois and Wisconsin.—Newmyer
Another 6 States Will Go Green (With Legal Pot)
Four states, plus Washington, D.C., have recently legalized recreational pot, and Colorado and Washington are already raking in millions of dollars in tax revenue from their legal markets. Several more states could join the party next year, when the presidential election will increase turnout among younger, pot-friendly voters. Initiatives to land marijuana legalization on 2016 ballots are well underway in Arizona, California, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, and Nevada, while a handful of other states could also put legalization to a vote. For various reasons, Ohio’s recent “no” vote isn’t a reliable bellwether of national opinion. With public support blossoming— the latest Gallup poll shows 58% of Americans back legalization— it’s not difficult to envision another six states opening their arms and their treasuries. —Tom Huddleston Jr.
Obama Will Take a Parting Shot at Big Donors
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President Obama has long lamented the Supreme Court’s 2010 Citizens United decision for allowing a torrent of unregulated money to flood the political process (specifically, he’s called the ruling a “threat to democracy”). On his way out of office, Obama will land a counterblow. The president will issue an executive order requiring federal contractors to disclose their contributions to dark-money groups. Congressional Republicans and the business lobby have blocked legislative attempts to push the issue. As one of his final acts, the president will accomplish it with a stroke of his pen. —Newmyer

Science Breakthroughs

Coming down the pike in 2016: Scientific advances to help address two of the world’s most vexing problems (Alzheimer’s disease and climate change) and one of its least important ones (uncomfortably warm workouts).
Warm-Weather Athletes Will Get Self-Cooling Clothes
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One of the biggest advances in the science of clothes-making in recent years has been tech that generates warmth beyond what the fabric alone provides. Uniqlo’s Heattech line has been a big hit with people for whom an extra sweater just isn’t enough, while Columbia Sportswear has developed reflective heat tech to keep winter clothing warm. But what about people who melt in 75-degree-plus weather? So far, most of the “self-cooling” apparel is really just about wicking away sweat, so there is no equivalent for keeping an athlete’s body from overheating in the summer. The big apparel makers are busy working on it, and the first one out of the gate stands to win a strong position in the $34-billion-a-year activewear industry. —Phil Wahba

The Private Sector Will Engineer a Fusion Breakthrough
Nuclear fusion has long tantalized humanity as a potential energy panacea—a fuel source that could prove to be cheap, inexhaustible, and clean. Large-scale government efforts to sustain and commercialize fusion have shown relatively little progress, but some entrepreneurs are reporting better results on smaller projects. With billionaires including Jeff Bezos, Paul Allen and Peter Thiel now backing small-scale private-sector projects, expect a major step toward commercially viable fusion in 2016.
More good news: If you’re reading this, it means none of the researchers have inadvertently melted down the planet. —Matt Heimer
(For more on the burgeoning field of fusion research, read this recent Fortune piece.)
New Drug Will Show Promise in the Alzheimer’s Fight
Few diseases have been as difficult for drug companies to conquer as Alzheimer’s. The five existing therapies treat symptoms of the memory-robbing condition, not the disease itself. And between 2002 and 2012, a staggering 99.6% of drugs in development failed. We’re betting that 2016 will deliver the long overdue breakthrough that changes that: A medicine that actually slows the progression of Alzheimer’s. Though it’s not a perfect treatment, Eli Lilly’s solanezumab—a drug 15 years in the making—will pass muster in clinical tests and be well on its way to FDA approval, as a therapy for mild Alzheimer’s, by year’s end. —Erica Fry

Consumer Trends

Fortune reporters foresee some interesting changes in how you eat and how you and get around in 2016—along with some new and unwelcome threats in your email in-box.
‘Hoverboards’ Will Wobble Into the Mainstream
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It started the way any bona fide craze should start: with celebrity buy-in. Justin Bieber, Jimmy Fallon, and Kendall Jenner have all ridden them. Rapper Wiz Khalifa liked his so much he refused to dismount when police questioned him at an airport. The technology in question is, of course, the electric “hoverboard” hands-free scooter. Versions of the skateboard-like contraption are now being produced in China—by, among others, Ninebot, the company that bought Segway this year (and is backed by smartphone giant Xiaomi). Expect to ride a hoverboard—or at least dodge one—in the coming months. —Anne VanderMey
Robots Will Do More of Your Driving
The company logo of Robot Taxi Inc. is seen on its Robot Taxi, a self-driving taxi based on a Toyota Estima car body, during an unveiling ceremony in Yokohama,Robot TaxiYuya Shino—Reuters
In the next 12 months, self-driving cars will take big strides: California will draft the first set of consumer rules for autonomous driving, and GM plans to launch hands-free driving capabilities called “Super Cruise.” But only in Japan might the human driver be sidelined entirely—thanks to a venture called Robot Taxi. It’s tentatively slated to provide rides in a pilot project in a suburb of Tokyo, ferrying passengers to and from local grocery stores. —VanderMey

Cyberspies Will Attack Your Inbox
Your credit card information is probably already for sale on the black market, sad to say. But odds are you’ll be hacked in a more insidious way in 2016, sadder to say. Your identity has by now been logged into some vast spy database in a foreign country (probably China), where an intelligence agency is building up a profile around your persona—sourced from personal information available on social media and through breached health insurers, airlines, government offices, and the like. That means these state-sponsored attackers have everything they need to target you with crafty phishing schemes to help them compromise your networks, your data, your contacts. So think twice before opening that next email attachment. —Robert Hackett
Full-Fat Will Be the New Fat-Free
Sales of full-fat dairy products, including whole milk, rose significantly in 2015 for the first time in decades. Expect the comeback to accelerate in 2016, as consumers continue to rebel against processed and genetically modified foods in favor of the “real.” Increased nutritional education means consumers are increasingly able to distinguish between good and bad fats—dairy fats now generally rank among the good guys—and dieting is no longer about restricting fat overall. —Valentina Zarya
These Popular Foods Will Get More Expensive
Operations At Del Bosque Farms Inc. As California Lawmaker Back Spend To Battle DroughtGetty Images
Climate extremes mean tough times for food crops, and the next year could hit several pretty harshly. Severe drought in California has already taken its toll on some high-demand products, causing price increases, and agriculture experts expect more of the same in the next twelve months. The price of almonds, already climbing, is expected to rise even faster; the next troubled Callifornia crop could be avocados (get ready to pay even more for the trendy delicacy avocado toast). Other problems loom globally: The Ivory Coast, center of world cocoa production, is under strain from drought—putting the world’s chocolate industry at risk. —Benjamin Snyder

Markets and the Global Economy

Slow but steady global economic growth will be the story of 2016, according our team. China’s slowdown won’t get bad enough to do serious global damage, but growth in the U.S. and elsewhere won’t be nearly as robust as business leaders and policy makers have hoped.
Consumers (and Rate Cuts) Keep China Growing
China has lowered its official GDP growth target to 6.5% for 2016, and actual growth is likely to be lower than that. Expect continued cuts to interest rates and bank reserve ratio requirements, as the government scrambles to engineer a soft landing. But the surprising health of the Chinese consumer will keep forecasts of a crash from coming true. Notably, Chinese housing values will continue to rise, buoyed by falling inventories in many major cities. The rest of the world will get a chance to adjust to slower but still steady growth in China. —Scott Cendrowski
Here’s How Much Interest Rates Will Rise in 2016
The federal funds rate at the end of 2016 will be 0.5%, up from 0.25% this November. Expect the Federal Reserve to raise its interest rate targets once between now and then—but only once, as U.S. economic growth stays steady but slow, while inflation and wage growth also remain modest. Fears of seeming “political” during a presidential election year, sluggish growth in the Eurozone and a slowdown of the Chinese economic juggernaut will also keep Janet Yellen and the rest of the Federal Open Markets Committee from pulling the trigger more often; their vacillation will be one of the year’s longest-running (and least loved) dramas. —Matt Heimer

Here’s Where the S&P 500 Will Be at the End of 2016
We asked the New York research firm Estimize to crowdsource an estimate among financial pros of where the S&P 500 would end up at the end of 2016. Their answer: 2,235, a gain of about 6% over today’s levels–not too bad, considering that expectations for corporate earnings next year have been steadily declining. Still, calendar 2016 may look less upbeat than this number suggests, says Christine Short of Estimize. The firm is anticipating the usual end-of-year Santa Claus rally for 2015, Short says; after that, the S&P could be close to flat between Jan. 1 and Dec. 31 of 2016. —Heimer
What Oil Will Cost at the End of 2016
Oil storage tanks sit at the Esso oil refinery, operated by Exxon Mobil Corp.Simon Dawson—Getty Images
Stoked by steady demand from American consumers and slowing-but-still-growing demand in China, prices should climb to $55 a barrel by the end of 2016, a roughly 20% increase from where they stood in mid-November.
That’ll bring a bit of relief to hard-hit companies in the energy sector, but not enough to end its overall slump. Most oil exploration companies need prices to climb above $60 before they’ll feel confident about launching new projects and staffing up again. —Heimer


Playing games for money has always been a serious business. This year, expect some big financial gains for two of the world’s greatest female athletes, along with some growth in unexpected places for two of the most venerable team sports.
Serena Williams Will Cash In With Endorsement Deals
MAC.12.01.15 mac12_serena_cropAlex Goodlett—Getty Images
Serena Williams cemented her status as one of the greatest female athletes of all time in tennis by claiming four consecutive major titles from late 2014 through this summer. Although she couldn’t pull off the Grand Slam sweep, losing at the U.S. Open semifinals, expect her endorsements to surge closer to rival Maria Sharapova’s in the coming year—quite an accomplishment for someone who’s 34, an age when many tennis players are past their prime. —Benjamin Snyder
Pro Football Gets Bigger — in the U.S. and China
Remember the USFL? A short-lived competitor to the NFL, the fledgling league lasted three seasons and attracted talent like quarterback Doug Flutie. It also attracted Donald Trump, whom some blame for the league’s death; he purchased a team and brought attention to the league, but soon targeted the NFL as an enemy and tried to bring it to court. Now Jim Bailey has acquired the rights and is attempting to raise money to bring the USFL back—not as a competitor to the NFL, but a feeder. (Read our story here.)
With executive stints at the Cleveland Browns and Baltimore Ravens on his resume, Bailey believes he’s the right man for the job. He may be. Think of the new USFL as a D-league for the NFL—if Bailey gets the capital he’s seeking.
Meanwhile, with the NFL still muddling through a string of scandals and legal failures (and in a season that is on track to have more penalty flags than ever before), look for a rise in interest in alternative football options like the new China American Football league, in which NFL veteran-turned-ESPN analyst Ron Jaworski is a principal investor.—Daniel Roberts

The NHL Will Expand—to Another Snow-Free City
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It’s no secret the NHL is looking to expand, capitalizing on a popularity surge that drove growth in revenue from $2.2 billion in 2006 to around $4 billion in the 2013-14 season. Earlier this year, the league got expansion applications from Las Vegas and Quebec City. But expect the league to approve just one new team, to be located in Sin City, for a record expansion fee of $500 million. The league is likely to want to add teams in the West to balance the league’s geography. Nous sommes désolés, amis du Québec. —Ben Geier
Under Armour Will Sign a Big Deal With Ronda Rousey
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In sports, 2015 was arguably the year of Ronda Rousey. The until-recently undefeated UFC fighter continued to bring new eyeballs to the sport; she starred in a number of major movies; she graced the cover of a slew of major magazines; she called out Floyd Mayweather and challenged her league’s marijuana policy. Meanwhile, in sports apparel, the king was Under Armour, which made good on deals with Stephen Curry (who became league MVP and led his Warriors to an NBA title) and Jordan Spieth (PGA Player of the Year). It’s almost inevitable that these two powerhouses come together: Rousey sports Reebok in the ring, but only because Reebok has an exclusive deal with the UFC. Outside of competition, Rousey hasn’t inked a lucrative apparel sponsorship. Look for Under Armour to offer her one, to continue its endorsement hot-streak. —Roberts

What Fortune Got Right and Wrong in 2015

On the money: We correctly forecast that China’s growth would slow to 7%. We also called the ongoing boom in China’s domestic smartphone industry. We predicted that U.S. wage growth would improve. And we foresaw that the extra income would fuel faster spending on home improvements.
Partial credit: We said Congress would break its gridlock to advance Pacific trade talks; they did, though a final deal still isn’t assured.
Where we whiffed: We said Amazon would follow the disappointing Fire Phone with a new, better phone; that hasn’t happened yet. We predicted falling prices would make solar energy cheaper than fossil fuel in most states; that was overly exuberant. And we forecast a “booming” rebound for oil. (We’re still waiting.)
A version of this article appears in the December 1, 2015 issue of Fortune.