quinta-feira, 18 de fevereiro de 2016

Apple defies American justice in controversy over privacy

FBI wants company changes the security system and invade the cell of the couple responsible for attack in San Bernardino.

FBI x Apple

The US federal court demanded that Apple invades the iPhone Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik, responsible for the shooting in San Bernardino, in the United States in December last year. But the company refuses to follow orders. Through official statement, Apple CEO Tim Cook said the hacking open a "dangerous precedent", "whose implications go far beyond this particular case."
Police seized the phone shortly after the death of the couple, hours after the attack, in a chase followed by gunfire. And so far failed to unlock the phone. This is because the safety iPhone limits the number of password attempts per hour - so no hacker can use a program that manages multiple passwords once set up. It would take five and a half to test all possíves codes within a single device, according to Apple itself.

The greatest interest of the agents with the phone is to find out whether the couple actually had links with the terrorist group Islamic State. And then check with whom they came into contact before the attack and passed by.

But for this need that Apple disable this restriction password attempts and still turn off the auto-erase function if it is connected. The company refuses to open that claims that have not yet how to do this and that would need to create these new devices. In addition, once created, the device may fall into the hands of others and expose the privacy of all iPhone users. The company has four more days to provide "reasonable service" to the FBI.

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