quinta-feira, 18 de fevereiro de 2016

Half the world will be short-sighted in 2050

According to estimates, nearly five billion people have myopia in the coming decades

Do you want to see flying cars in the future? So the recommendation is not much eye strain there. According to a new survey, nearly five billion people on the planet will have myopia 2050.

Even in 2020, it is estimated that 2.6 billion people, or one third of the world population, have difficulty seeing objects that are far away. Only in South America, 53% of the population may develop myopia 2050.

Worse, if the predictions made by the Brien Holden Vision Institute are confirmed, 1 billion people may be considered blind in the coming decades.

To make these estimates, the institute analyzed articles about myopia that have been published in several countries since 1995. The study took into account the deficiency of the appearance of peaks, population growth and urbanization in various regions. No wonder the growth of cities and systematic use of computers are some of the causes for the increase in myopia, evaluates the institute.

In most cases, myopia begins at six years of age, but may occur suddenly in adults aged 20 to 40 years. To reverse the situation, the study recommends that parents take their children regularly to ophthalmologists, as well as the government should strengthen prevention campaigns to vision problems. Another way out is to reduce the time spent at the computer, or wear glasses the rest of his life.

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