terça-feira, 16 de fevereiro de 2016

Eastern European countries require Plan B for migration crisis

Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary and Slovakia promise to assist Macedonia and Bulgaria in control of their borders if Greece and Turkey can not contain migration.

Meeting brought together leaders of the Visegrád and Macedonia and Bulgaria

The Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary and Slovakia pledged on Monday (15/02) support to Macedonia and Bulgaria in control of their borders if Greece and Turkey are unable to contain the migratory flow soon.

An alternative plan for border protection of Macedonia and Bulgaria was discussed during the summit of the Visegrad leaders, cooperation group which comprises the Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary and Slovakia.

"We can not leave the countries of themselves Balkans," said Czech Prime Minister Bohuslav Sobotka, after the meeting in Prague, and stressed that, in addition to the action plan with Turkey, the European Union (EU) must prepare measures security to protect its external borders.

Countries demanded the EU support for the alternative plan if Turkey and Greece can not control the migration crisis. "We expect that the action plan between the EU and Turkey to work, but I must admit that I am pessimistic," he said Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico added that, therefore, the leaders talked about a plan B.

The meeting took place just days before the EU summit. The decision of the Visegrad clashes with Germany's position. German Chancellor Angela Merkel advocates a solution to migration crisis together with Greece and Turkey and is contrary to the closure of borders within the bloc.

"The external border of Schengen which is decisive for the movement of refugees is between Turkey and Greece," Merkel said in an interview with German newspaper Stuttgarter Zeitung.
"Simply building a protective fence in Macedonia, which is not an EU member is, and not to worry about the emergency situation that would result in Greece is not only a little European behavior, but also does not solve our problem," said Merkel.

The German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier, also warned against simplistic solutions and reminded that Greece is part of the European Union and, therefore, the block has an obligation to protect its borders. Steinmeier also stressed that Turkey has a key role to contain the migratory flow.

For months Greece is under pressure due to the large number of refugees coming into the country from Turkey, and following travel without hindrance, the Balkan route to Germany, Austria and Sweden. The situation has led many countries in the Schengen area of ​​free movement within the bloc to adopt controls at its borders.

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