terça-feira, 16 de fevereiro de 2016

George W. Bush goes into action in the campaign Jeb

At a rally in South Carolina, former president defends character's brother, Republican presidential candidate. Politician also took the opportunity to criticize "empty rhetoric" of rival Donald Trump, who leads research in the state.

Jeb Bush (left.) And George W. Bush in South Carolina

For the first time, former US President George W. Bush campaigned for his brother Jeb Bush, Republican candidate for the presidency, on Monday (15/02). At a rally in South Carolina, the former US leader said the brother has the temperament and the character needed to lead the country.

"I've seen Jeb in action. He is strong and firm when faced with the unexpected," said the former president.

The appearance of the elder Bush in the campaign can help Jeb to win the support of Republicans in South Carolina, who appreciate the former president. Next Saturday, the state will be the third to hold presidential primaries after Iowa and New Hampshire. At the same time, the interference is risky, since the former president began the war in Iraq in 2003, which turned out to be unpopular among many Americans.

George W. Bush, 69 and it was practically out of politics since leaving the presidency in 2009, received repeated applause from the larger audience that Jeb Bush, 63, has amassed in his campaign.

In addition to supporting his brother, the former president took to discourage voters to support the also pre-candidate Republican Party Donald Trump. Not to mention the tycoon by name, he made clear to be talking about it, which uses a fervent rhetoric in his campaign events.

"These are difficult times, and I know that Americans are angry, but we need someone in the Oval Office that mirrors and inflame our anger and our frustration," said George W. Bush. "Real strength is not empty rhetoric [...] real strength comes from integrity and character. And, according to my experience, the strongest person is not usually that talks."

At a press conference also on Monday, Trump returned to attack the Bush family, insisting that the former president bears part of the responsibility for the attack on 11 September. "The World Trade Center was brought down during the reign of George Bush, right? It was the worst attack in American history, worse than Pearl Harbor ... We were not sure," said the tycoon.

Among the pre-republican candidates, Jeb came in fourth place in recent polls in South Carolina, behind Trump, senator from Texas Ted Cruz and Senator Marco Rubio of Florida. On primary in the state, Jeb said: "Saturday will be a surprise."

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