quinta-feira, 18 de fevereiro de 2016

Oscar statuette will have new look

Getty Images

Like many Hollywood stars, the Oscar statuette is undergoing aesthetic treatments before the awards ceremony. But instead of trying to remove wrinkles and other signs of age, the iconic golden man wants to actually look older.

The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences announced on Tuesday (16) who joined the Chicago R.S. Owens manufacturer that has produced the coveted prize since 1982 and Polich Tallix Fine Art Foundry in New York. The decision was motivated by a desire on the part of the Academy of return to the era of Hollywood gold: the Polich will retire the statue to look like the original 1929, which was first given in the third Oscar to the winner of the category Best actor Emil Jennings.

The Polish will produce the awards ceremony this year, which will air on February 28, through an extensive process that uses a 3D print of a digital image of the 1929 model in wax before coating liquid bronze.

The director of the R. S. Owens Joseph Petree told the "Chicago Sun-Times" that the movement will not cause the company to have to cut employees. "They are looking back to the bronze statue, which is something we do not," Petree said. "I can not be sad. We were fortunate enough to produce the most recognized trophy in the world for 30 years. "

However, R. S. Owens is not leaving completely empty-handed: the company will continue to produce statues for the scientific and technical Academy Awards and the Emmy Awards.

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