quarta-feira, 19 de setembro de 2018

Doctor diagnoses Mona Lisa through enigmatic smile

Mona Lisa

The enigmatic and graceful smile on Leonardo da Vinci's face of Mona Lisa has conquered historians and art experts for more than five centuries.

It seems that after centuries the mystery has finally been solved by the medical director of the Cardiovascular Center at Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston, Mandeep Mehra, who sees hyperthyroidism in the puzzling facial expression in a study published in the Mayo Clinic Proceedings.

"Take the inner corner of the left eye, for example: there is a small fleshy protuberance just between the lacrimal canal and the nasal bridge. Your hair is extremely thin and weak, and the contour of the scalp is indented behind the veil. She does not have an eyebrow, whatever. Besides having a yellowish skin as if she had mumps. "

In addition, he diagnosed the clinical picture of hypothyroidism, which is a dysfunction of the thyroid gland responsible for regulating the body's vital mechanisms such as metabolism and growth, which can cause swelling in the hands, yellowing the skin, thinning the hair and causing a lump visible in the neck, all caused by a lack of iodine found in daily products, such as seafood, meat, bread and eggs. Mona Lisa's health problems would be due to the Fiorentine diet of the time that was based on cereals, vegetables and vegetables, being very poor in iodine sources.

Dr. Mehra further states that Mona Lisa could solve this puzzle with a simple medical diagnosis, "however, the limited treatments available at the time, destined his premature death."

Mona Lisa was born in Florence in 1479, Lisa Gherardini posed for painting between 1503 and 1506.

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