sábado, 22 de setembro de 2018

Hong Kong opens bullet train linking territory to China

Novo trem bala ligando Hong Kong à China aguarda na estação da Kowloon, em Hong Kong.

Hong Kong on Saturday inaugurated a bullet train linking the island to mainland China, a line that will greatly reduce travel time between the two territories. The line however, has generated rumors of increased Chinese influence over Hong Kong.

The new high-speed rail line will carry an average of 800,000 passengers a day between the Chinese province of Guangdong and Hong Kong's Asian financial center, which is considered semi-autonomous territory of China.

The project took eight years to build and cost more than $ 10 million in investments.

Along the line, the distances traveled will now be faster. Between the Hong Kong route to Shenzen, about 26 kilometers, and should be covered end to end by the newly opened train in just 14 minutes. Previously, the journey took at least an hour to travel.

Already the journey to Guangzhou, the capital of Guangdong, will now take about half an hour to be covered, about 90 minutes less than before.

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