quarta-feira, 19 de setembro de 2018

US permanent base in Poland to be symbol of occupation of country, says Russian deputy

Soldados norte-americanos treinam militares ucranianos durante exercícios perto de Lvov

The future permanent US military base in Poland, already named after American leader Donald Trump, will become a symbol of the occupation of the Polish state, said Aleksandr Sherin, deputy chairman of the State Duma Defense Committee.

The president of Poland Andrzej Duda jokingly proposed to baptize the US permanent base in Poland of "Fort Trump".

"This is an unbelievable thing when in an independent territory one tries to give the name ... to a military base, which is the symbol of the territorial occupation of any State," Sherin told the newsroom.

According to the parliamentarian, Poland, while installing a permanent US military base on its territory, is trying, among other things, to "pin" Russia.
"Instead of [Poland] behaving like a dignified and independent country, it is trying to hurt us. But this does not offend Russia in any way," he said.

Meanwhile, Polish Defense Deputy Minister Tomasz Shatkovsky believes that the creation of permanent US military installations in Poland will ultimately change the European geopolitical landscape.

"The new North American base, containing classic elements of permanent presence, would change the geopolitical landscape of Europe," Shatkovsky said in a statement from PAP.

According to the deputy minister, a permanent US base "will have a political-strategic and also purely military influence, by increasing the potential of troops already present and, of course, increasing the capacity to receive new forces in the future."

On Tuesday (18), the US president said that the US is considering the Polish proposal to establish a permanent American base in Poland.

Recently, Poland suggested that the United States implement a permanent American armored division, assuming Warsaw costs, valued at about 1.5 to 2 billion dollars.

In recent times, the subject of the alleged military threat by Russia is being actively discussed in Poland. Because of this, Warsaw has sharply increased the numbers of its Army personnel, having now housed a NATO battalion of combat, as well as armored brigades of the US Army.

According to Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, NATO knows that Russia will never attack any country that is part of the alliance, and that NATO takes advantage of the occasion to move more equipment and battalions closer to the Russian borders.

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