quinta-feira, 29 de junho de 2017

Scientists create "robot-caterpillar" that carries items and cleans solar panels

Robots are out there in the mountains, and you do not have to dig deep into the net to see models of the most varied types and styles. However, scientists in the UK and the Netherlands are developing a slightly different model, which is able to move in the same way as a caterpillar.

According to the information disclosed, the device in question uses a light source (in this case, a light-sensitive liquid crystal) to generate its energy. There is a violet LED on the front, and it is able to contract to expose the area responsible for capturing the light. The idea of the engineers was to create a mechanism capable of deforming when exposure occurs and relax as soon as the lighting is removed from the core.

Although using a clear polymer, the system is capable of containing 100% of violet light. As you can see in the video below, the robot can walk both in a conventional manner and head-on, and it would be his position to dictate the direction of the movements.

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