How many "favelas" in Rio de Janeiro?
Rio de Janeiro is the city with the largest population living in subnormal clusters of the country, reveals the study of the 2010 Census on the subject, released Wednesday by the IBGE. There are 1,393,314 people in Rio's 763 favelas, or 22.03% of the 6,323,037 Rio residents.
What is the oldest favela in Rio de Janeiro?
It is believed that the first Rio de Janeiro favela came in 1897 in the old Morro de Santo Antônio, however the oldest favela in the country is located on Morro da Providência, where soldiers from the Canudos War began to live.
What are the causes of favelização?
Favelização is an urban phenomenon directly related to industrialization and has historical roots. ... The relationship between industrialization and the formation of favelas is mainly due to the constitution of the rural exodus, which is the mass migration of the population from the countryside to the city.
What is socio-spatial segregation?
Urban segregation - also called socio-spatial segregation - refers to the peripheralization or marginalization of certain people or social groups by economic, cultural, historical and even racial factors in the cities.
What is urban macrocephaly?
Urban macrocephaly is a phenomenon that consists of the existence of a network of urban centers very unbalanced in amount of population, in countries, states or regions. That is, a network where there are big cities and lack medium-sized cities.
Anyway: Rio de Janeiro is not only the "beautiful", "the wonderful" ... even Rio de Janeiro suffers for some time an escalation of violence without end !!
The Armed Forces are there, but only embellish, do not and will do nothing to bring "peace" to the working people they deserve.
Rio de Janeiro is wonderful in its natural beauties, but its reality must be looked upon and admitted
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