sábado, 20 de outubro de 2018

White House official calls Canadian premier Justin Trudeau 'little punk boy'

O presidente Donald Trump e o primeiro-ministro canadense Justin Trudeau posam para uma foto (foto de arquivo)
After months of fighting and even a trade war, Canada and the US were able to reach a new trade agreement to replace NAFTA on Oct. 1, ending the dispute. But the Canadian prime minister was not unharmed by comments from US officials involved in the talks.

Trump economic adviser Larry Kudlow said during a dinner hosted by Spectator magazine that one of his "friends in the White House" called Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau a "little punk boy who heads Canada."

The comment came in the context of harsh US trade negotiations with Canada on a new trade agreement aimed at replacing NAFTA.

"A friend of mine at the White House, who has no name, said, 'You know, I know why you're supporting this Larry deal, it's because we've made a [new trade] deal.' We do not move away, we do not end, we made a deal.

Even with that little punk kid in Canada, we still got it, "he said.

Kudlow did not officially confirm saying the words reported in the media.

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