quinta-feira, 28 de janeiro de 2016

Title to Daisaku Ikeda


Director General of the School of Law of OAB / MA

Member of the Advisory Council of the National Law School

On the last day 26 live in São Paulo on the premises of the Cultural Center of BSGI, the abbreviation of Sokka Gakai, the captivating solemnity of the title granting of "Professor Honoris Causa" to its president, the philosopher Daisaku Ikeda, in that act represented by its Director General Dr. Yoshitaka Oba.

The importance of the event will allow me to reproduce speech excerpts that there did as well as the Ikeda Doctor acceptance speech, noting its importance as a world-renowned thinker, as well as the organization that presides with effective work for the sake of world peace.

By 1975, circumstantially, entering in Sodiler bookstore in Brasilia, acquired by chance - and the Swiss psychologist Carl Jung said that nothing is by chance - as in everything there is a sync, a copy of the book in which Dr. Daisaku Ikeda, holds an extraordinary dialogue with the greatest historian of the West, the Englishman Arnold Toynbee, known author of the book "Study of History".

These relevant dialogues were addressed in this and future issues such as global governance, in a world that was beginning to realize the fundamental unity of the planet.

How to rethink, for example, the United Nations-UN so it could effectively represent all the peoples of the earth, without prejudice or superiority of arguments based on economic, political, technological and military power. Poor people the example of Tibetans have lessons to teach how to live together in peace, how to respect the fundamental rights of every living being on Earth.

Meanwhile, the United States, the most powerful nation in the West struggled with the aftermath of the Vietnam War, and the deleterious effects caused by it in social life there.

The Toynbee-Ikeda dialogue should be replayed, because much of what the two said, is confirmed in the days we live in. Some may say that these are prophets in the Judeo-Christian tradition, but in fact, Daisaku Dr. Ikeda is the development of advanced awareness that human beings are fundamentally the same in every corner of the planet, and since she can make manifest the values ​​of higher consciousness, it is entirely possible to foresee the future.

In those conversations I realized that Dr. Ikeda was discovering for me, a new man and a new cause. Professional law always worked with causes, seeking solutions to interpersonal or intergroup conflicts, but because of who talked the philosopher Ikeda was larger, collective cause, not of a people or group particularly considered, but the cause of humanity, encompassing understanding the universality of the rights of the individual, the development of healthy relationship between man and nature; and between man and his fellow man, based on tolerance, the ability to put yourself in another's place, and compassion, that our culture comes under the name of charity.

São Paulo, one of the leaders of Christianity, said that without charity no good living, and he ended it all essential message of Christianity. This same charity that Buddhism calls compassion is what makes man grow in love and develop peace and solidarity values.

Men today are aware of the limited resources of nature and the need to preserve it for the very continuation and survival of the species. Sustainability is a word used by all international organizations, and we could not fail on this occasion to remind you that on her Dr. Ikeda already talked about pioneer long before turned fashion in the discourse of nation states and transnational companies.

After three decades, it remains for us while Training School of Rulers (EFG) committed to the fundamental values ​​of democracy, human rights, the harmonious development, express our gesture of gratitude to Daisaku Ikeda, saying he gave us all , a cause that is critical to the continuity of life on planet Earth.

Thus the Pedagogical Council of the School of Rulers of Education, through me, grants Daisaku Ikeda the title of "Professor Honoris Causa" of our institution as a warrant more than just to celebrate all the greatness of his work worldwide .

In response, Dr. Yoshitaka Oba reading the speech Ikeda and in the style of kindness and spirit of gratitude that presides his institution, gave me generous personal allusions like that then transcribe the text of scholarly discourse: "I understand the Even Dr. John the Baptist Ericeira, how great advocate of justice, has resolutely protected the interests of the people through cutting-edge action, bold and extraordinary verbal expression capacity; On this occasion, therefore, I declare my conviction that, today, the great castle of humanity that materialize the dream, the utopia of building a 21st century full of humanitarian feeling, called just "Training School of Rulers" , led by Professor John the Baptist Ericeira ".

He referred to the motto of EFG "Building a just and fraternal society" emphasizing the importance of word and action. Highlight finally our coincidence of purpose in the words of the great master Desaiku Ikeda: "In perfect agreement, Professor John the Baptist Ericeira emphasized that the most important is that it triggered an ethical movement in society in order to build a true democracy."

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