segunda-feira, 17 de outubro de 2016

Die Jia Jia, the panda world's oldest

Jia Jia, o panda mais velho do mundo, então com 36 anos

Hong Kong - The panda in older captivity in the world, Jia Jia, died Sunday night at a Hong Kong amusement park to 38 years, equivalent to 114 years for a human.

The female was subjected to euthanasia after suffering a rapid deterioration of his health during the last two weeks, as explained in a statement officials from Ocean Park amusement park.

The consumption of Jia Jia food had declined sharply in recent weeks, from 10 daily kilos to less than three, which led to a four kilograms weight reduction.

"In recent days, we had spent less time awake and showed no interest in food or liquids. His condition worsened this morning (Sunday), when Jia Jia was no longer able to walk without difficulty and had remained the lying all day," according to the statement on the attractions of the center of the site.

Jia Jia, whose name means "good", was a Chinese government present to the Hong Kong region in 1999 because of the second anniversary of the delivery of the former British colony to China.

The longevity demonstrated by Jia Jia is a unique case among the bears of their kind, since their life expectancy is below 20 years old who often reach those living in captivity.

According to the World Wide Fund for Nature, the devastation of natural environments where lives the panda in the wild lowered its existence for less than 2,000 copies.

Because of its low birth rate, breeding programs in captivity have become essential to ensure their survival.

During the captivity of Jia Jia in Hong Kong, the panda bear gave birth to six puppies in five deliveries.

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