quarta-feira, 30 de agosto de 2017

What is 'on top of the world'? NASA shows!


NASA presents an image of the North Pole of Saturn captured by the Cassini spacecraft as it approaches the gap between the planet and its rings.

The photo, which received the title "At the top of the world", was taken by the probe in April this year. However, it takes a few months to transfer it to our planet. Thus, NASA managed to publish it only on August 28.

No topo do mundo: a foto do Polo do Norte de Saturno, vista pela sonda espacial Cassini

The image was taken when the spacecraft was 267,000 kilometers from Saturn.

This is the first detailed picture of the North Pole of the sixth planet of our Solar System.

The NASA spacecraft captured this photograph on the first day of the Grand Final - his last mission. On September 15, 2017, under the command of the agency's engineers, after a series of 22 flyovers between the planet and its satellite, Cassini will penetrate the atmosphere of Saturn, send the latest information to Earth and disintegrate, as A shooting star, joining the planet, which she helped unravel.

Cassini is a joint project of NASA, the European Space Agency and the Italian Space Agency. The probe was launched in 2004 with the aim of studying Saturn and its vicinity.

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