sábado, 12 de agosto de 2017

Resultado de imagem para Cientistas revelam o que tem dentro de Netuno

A group of scientists at the University of Edinburgh (UK) used computer simulations to try to understand the chemical structure of Neptune, the last planet from the Sun.

The frozen internal structure of Neptune is composed of a mixture of ammonium and water, a compound called ammonia hemihydrate, according to an article published in the journal PNAS. In it, scientists from the University of Edinburgh and the University of Jilin (China) have concluded that the area between the core and atmosphere of the icy planet is likely to consist of water, ammonia and methane.

Given the pressure and low temperatures characteristic of the frozen giants like Neptune, the scientists used large-scale computer simulations, rather than laboratory experiments, to reach the conclusions.

The simulations, which subjected the virtual ingredients to the extreme conditions of the ice giant's mantle, showed that after the water and the ammonium were mixed, they react unexpectedly, turning into ammonium hemihydrate, a rare and rare compound Explored.

"This study helps us predict what exists inside icy planets like Neptune," said scientist Andreas Hermann.

"According to our findings, ammonium hemihydrate may be an important component of the mantle of the icy giants, the discovery serves to improve our understanding of these planets," he said.

The group of scientists is eager to continue its study of Neptune and other large planets such as Uranus to find out more facts about these little explored celestial bodies.

"Computer models are an excellent tool for studying these extreme places and we are using this study to get a more complete picture of what goes on there," added Hermann.

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