terça-feira, 8 de agosto de 2017

Archaeologists find evidence proving biblical event

Talking about religion is not an easy thing for many, since it is always a subject that divides opinions in all parts of the world. To have a formed opinion on the subject really takes some time, and it takes a lot of study and curiosity.

There are also cultural and family factors that strongly influence what a particular person believes. For example, here it is common to see people leaning on the ideas conveyed by the bible, considered a holy book, but for Muslims, the Qur'an is to be followed.

In short, much is discussed about the truthfulness of the biblical passages, and of course, there are those who believe, and those who stop believing. The fact is that, recently, as archaeologists excavated in the historic city of David, located in Jerusalem, they found strong evidence that is able to prove what is written in one of the books of the Bible.

Several burnt artifacts were found dating back 2600 years, which can prove a passage located in the book of Jeremiah, saying that Jerusalem was completely burned by the Babylonians. Grape seeds, burnt ceramics, and wood were found, including some bones that were covered by thick layers of ash.

The artifacts were discovered by archaeologists from the Israeli Antiquities Authority, and were beneath large rocks in the eastern part of the city of David, and alongside them were also found dozens of jars that were used to store certain fluids, or grains. A large part of these items have rosette seals and marked loops, which made the job much easier and allowed the researchers to conclude that they belonged to the date 2600 years ago.

According to the leader of the entire excavation, Dr. Joe Uziel, the seals found have features from the end of the First Temple period and were "used for the administrative system that developed at the end of the Jewish dynasty." The first reference to the event, which can be found in the Bible, says: "On the seventh day of the fifth month, which was the nineteenth year of King Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon, Nebuzaradan the captain of the guard, a servant of the king of Babylon, came To Jerusalem. He burned the house of the Lord, the house of the king, and all the houses of Jerusalem, and all the great house burned with fire.

It turns out that however much the excavations prove that there was indeed this great tragedy in the place, it seems that the way in which the words were used in the well-known holy book were a bit exaggerated. Really great part of the city was consumed by the fire, however, it was not completely destroyed, as it says in Jeremiah. Evidence shows that a part of the city was only abandoned, probably soon after the start of the fire.

Uziel says that "it seems that not all buildings were destroyed in a single event" and that "it seems that some were destroyed, and others were abandoned and left."

Well, the findings serve to show that the burning of Jerusalem is not only a biblical but also a historical event. Many searches are still being made today, and some were actually able to show truth in the Bible stories.

And then guys, what did you guys think? Did you already know about this discovery? Share your ideas there with us for the comments!

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