sábado, 5 de agosto de 2017

British scientists: world will end in October 2017

Colisão da Terra com o corpo celeste

According to experts, this may be the result of the collision between our planet and a giant celestial body, which will disappear all forms of life on Earth.

British scientists have determined until the date of the catastrophe that could destroy all life on our planet. An unknown object of great size will collide with our planet in October 2017.

Experts add that the celestial object will be more than 40 meters in diameter. As a result of the collision a deep crater will form on the Earth's surface.

The collision with such a celestial body can lead to the destruction of the ozone layer and climate change, which will cause the death of living organisms on the planet, reports The Mirror.

However, Russian astronomer Igor Lopin adds that such hasty and alarmist conclusions may not be justified. First, celestial bodies often change the flight path. Second, a collision with an asteroid could lead to local destruction, but not necessarily cause a global catastrophe, reports Nation News.

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