sexta-feira, 4 de agosto de 2017

China condemns Washington's restrictive measures against North Korea, Russia and Iran

Presidente dos EUA, Donald Trump

Beijing stressed that it is against any unilateral restriction measures, including the new US law on tightening restrictions against Russia, North Korea and Iran, the Chinese Foreign Ministry reports.

"We think that overcoming disagreements between different countries should be achieved on the basis of mutual respect and through a dialogue of equal rights," reads the Foreign Ministry statement.

This week US President Donald Trump signed the bill on new sanctions against Russia, Iran and North Korea. This sanctions package is the largest of those approved since early 2014.

In the US Congress there were plenty of votes to overcome Trump's possible veto, so the head of state was actually forced to sign this bill. At the same time, Trump said that the document contains unconstitutional norms and accused the congress of aggravating relations between Russia and the US.

The new law limits the president's powers to lift sanctions and gives Congress the right to be the congressmen to decide this issue.

Donald Trump also expressed concerns that the new sanctions could make Iran, Russia and North Korea approach.

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