sábado, 12 de agosto de 2017

Do aliens live near Earth and have their own Sun?

Resultado de imagem para Extraterrestres moram perto da Terra e têm seu próprio Sol?
A group of researchers at the British University of Hertfordshire found two probably habitable planets, located relatively close to Earth.

Astrophysicists say that both planets that spin around the star Tau Ceti may have water on their surface, Sky News reports.

Tau Ceti is a star in the constellation Cetus very similar to the Sun in mass and spectrum. Located less than 12 light-years away from the solar system, it is a relatively close star.

The two celestial bodies are rocky and lie within the habitable zone of the star.

According to the research head of the university, Fabo Feng, the surface of both planets is not so cold or so hot. Then there is likely to be liquid water - a vital element for the existence of life.

"Our research is an important step in the search for similar planets and in the understanding of terrestrial habit in comparison to them," said the head of the research.

According to the scientists, the star Tau Ceti is paralleled by a ring of asteroids that can "bombard" comets with possibly habitable planets.

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