quinta-feira, 17 de agosto de 2017

Donald Trump's New Hope: Former 28-Year-Old Model

Hope Hicks, nova secretário de imprensa da Casa Branca

The post of White House press secretary could win a "staff turnover" award at the Trump Administration. After many changes, new hope for the US president arrived.

After the scandalous resignation of Sean Spicer, due to disagreements with his boss, and the departure of Anthony Scaramucci, whose tenure lasted only 11 days, a young woman is singled out as the new White House press secretary.

This is Hope Hicks, a 28-year-old girl, former model and old acquaintance of her daughter, Ivanka Trump.

Throughout the election campaign of the current president, it was precisely Hicks who handled his Twitter page.

Later, under the direction of Sean Spicer, she held the post of director of strategic communications for the White House.

In January 2017, Hope Hicks topped Forbes' list of the world's most successful young women.

Hope Hicks, uma jovem de 28 anos, ex-modelo e velha conhecida da sua filha, Ivanka Trump.

Ex-modelo jovem torna-se nova secretário de imprensa da Casa Branca

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