sexta-feira, 4 de agosto de 2017

'Empire' of Washington would be crumbling because of the rebellion of the 'vassal' countries?

Demonstrantes participam do protesto contra a OTAN perante o local da realização da Conferência de Segurança de Munique, Alemanha (foto de arquivo)

Washington's relentless efforts to surround and punish countries that protect their own national interests and maintain their sovereignty will lead to isolation from the United States, geopolitical analyst Gilbert Mercier said in an interview.

Mercier, author of "The Orwellian Empire," which speaks of Washington's gradual "decay" as empire, and editor-in-chief of the News Junkie Post portal, asserts that the anti-Russian agenda has not disappeared from the priorities of American politicians.

"Any country or group of countries that challenge American hegemony will ultimately be a target for the empire, economic and eventually military, through subsidiary wars or false revolutions," he said.

"No matter how paradoxical America's incessant need to isolate and even punish countries with the courage to maintain their national sovereignty will eventually isolate the US itself and degrade its global influence. Russia, Iran, North Korea and now Venezuela - which is in the immediate aftermath of the 'empire' through a policy of regime change disguised as revolution - all [these countries] are examples [of resistance], "he explained.

Thus, trapped in the Cold War mentality, US "hawks" and neoconservatives continue to beat their war drums over fictional threats, he said.

"Some people in the Pentagon and in Washington, the so-called 'think tanks' have fallen into delirium, believing and speaking publicly that the US military can and does support both Russia and China. Rational, "Mercier said.

Meanwhile, European governments are frustrated by Washington's foreign policy that threatens to undermine the stability and prosperity of the European Union.

"The contested and reckless sanctions law was met with strong opposition from European leaders and could be a turning point to ultimately influence not only the opinion of politicians, but European public opinion," Mercier said.

According to the expert, if the EU gains geopolitical and military independence from the US, it could play a balancing act.

Mercier sees NATO as an "intelligent imperial tool to extort a tribute from the vassal states and justify the American military occupation," so Europeans need to reconsider their involvement in this military bloc, he opined.

Despite the stated goals of the Atlantic Alliance, it is in fact an American way of securing its military presence in a member country and promoting the sale of US arms to meet the interests of the arms industry.

"The inconvenient truth for the US establishment is that each empire has its end date, and Washington is approaching it," he said.

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