terça-feira, 1 de agosto de 2017

End of free movement of EU citizens after Brexit will have unpredictable consequences

The free movement of citizens of the European Union in Britain will no longer be allowed after the departure of London from the regional bloc, scheduled for the first half of 2019. The information was released on Monday by the British Prime Minister's office.

According to law professor at the University of Cambridge and doctor of EU legislation, Catherine Barnard, on the consequences of the restrictions that are to come.

"This is a very complex issue, which right now is causing a rift in the cabinet [of Theresa May]." The British government has made it clear that EU citizens who are already in [Britain] At least five years ago, will be able to file a claim after Brexit, but it is not very clear what will happen to people who come here after Brexit, that is, after March 29, 2019, "she said.

According to Barnard, British immigration legislation is very harsh, so the possibility of some transitional period or some specific commitment towards EU members would not be ruled out. Another problem would be cases of family reunion, said the lawyer. European legislation is much more flexible on this subject than the British one.

In any case, Catherine Barnard warned of the difficulty of making any kind of long-term forecast.

"Anyone who tries to predict the development of the situation in the long run would be a fool, because every day things change very fast. One can say that there is a predisposition of Britain to maintain close relations with the EU.

But right now there is a conflict in the Cabinet of Ministers, as well as throughout the country, about the nature of these relations. Today we speak of a 'deep and special partnership'. But what will be the format of this? Many problems have to be taken into account. For example, what to do with the Northern Ireland border? This will all be very complicated to solve. It will take years. And it certainly will not be resolved until March 29, 2019, "concluded the agency's interlocutor.

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