segunda-feira, 21 de agosto de 2017

Fox News shows 'extraterrestrial ship' flying over US Congress

Capitólio dos EUA

A recent Fox News video has fascinated UFO researchers who spotted an unknown object that passed over the US Capitol.

No, his eyes did not betray him. An object resembling an extraterrestrial ship actually flew over the American Capitol where the congressmen gather.

The ufologists failed to pass alongside this occasion and began an investigation to determine the origin of the mysterious object that passed before the cameras at great speed.

The video thickened the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) database accompanied by commentary from a Rolling Meadows viewer, a township in the state of Illinois that said virtually nothing: "This object flew over the Capitol building when I watched Fox News. "

The object shows to be cylindrical and bright when examining the video in slow motion. Therefore, the shape seen in the video may not match the actual shape because the object passed the camera at high speed, points out the Openminds portal.

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