terça-feira, 8 de agosto de 2017

Game of Thrones - Find out who your boyfriend would be in the series according to your sign

The flirting in Westeros is already quite complicated, since there is no technology, and consequently relationship applications. Now imagine getting crows to distant lands hidden from your father just to exchange some messages with the crush that lives on the other side of the continent? And the situation would be even worse if during a meeting you discovered that the boy is cruel as Ramsay Bolton and Joffrey Baratheon. Have you thought?

That is why today we have come to give you a hard time and show you which suitor of the seven realms (or even from more distant places) would be your ideal match. You can rest assured that no one in our options will rape you or kill your father or any of your relatives. I mean .. We hope not.

1 - Aries (Khal Drogo)

Aries is a born leader: confident, enthusiastic, determined, who loves to work on their own ideas. Being faithful to their will makes Arians considered impulsive and aggressive. Because of this, his ideal match would be Khal Drogo: Remember when he decided to cross the sea and take the Iron Throne to Daenerys after an assassination attempt? What man! He would do anything for you, but he would not erase his brightness and respect his thoughts, just as he ordered that the women of the defeated were no longer raped because of how Khaleesi felt. And imagine only winning a beautiful mount to ride on the Dothraki Sea?

2 - Bull (Gendry)

Reliable, patient, responsible and creative are taurine characteristics, so nothing beats a partner who is so caring and considerate. And honestly: how could you not desire a quiet little life on the violent continent of Westeros? By his humble origins, raised as a blacksmith, Gendry, the bastard of King Robert, would not have so many ambitions to become a nobleman, but would lead a simple life by making armor and swords. Incidentally, who knows this blacksmith thing does not become a hobby for the creativity of taurine?

3 - Gemini (Jaqen H'ghar)

Geminians are known to be like two people in one. Calm! This does not mean that you are false, but that you can adapt well to the place or situation you are in. It's a quality! Do not let people tell you that you are indecisive or inconsistent because of this! His ideal partner would be the mysterious Jaqen H'ghar, who can also adapt. Surely he has several stories to tell his adventures like no one else, and will love dealing with all his personalities.

4 - Cancer (Gray Worm)

Oh, cancer ... There are so many emotions, fragilities, for good and for evil! Just like the other water signs, it is also known to give in completely when you are in love, plus you are sympathetic about the problems and stories of others. The ideal boyfriend for someone with cancer is Gray Worm. Although he has completely lost touch with sentimental issues, he is a wall to be undone, but when in love he is completely devoted to his partner. I told you to say so!

5 - Lion (Robb Stark)

Lion is a famous sign for his egocentrism, of whom he likes to be appreciated for himself and for his achievements. Do you know who else is like that and would suit you perfectly? Robb Stark. The older son of the Stark family is also feeling a lot of pressure, but he does not let himself down and shows everyone what he managed to achieve despite his young age. But if I can give a tip: avoid dinners with "certain houses" in Westeros.

6 - Virgo (Jon Snow)

Virgians are practical, hardworking, loyal, and somewhat timid people. These factors make Virgians cover a lot about their responsibilities, be critical and are always concerned about doing everything in the best way possible. In this vibe you would get along very well with Jon Snow and his quest for resources and alliances to fight the White Walkers. At the end of the battle, it's up to you to relax in a cave.

7 - Libra (Podrick Payne)

Libra is a very social sign and can connect with others easily, in other words, in order to accompany you, the ideal boyfriend should be friendly and not be a troublemaker. And you know who did not do any enmity in those seven seasons of Game of Thrones? Podrick. In addition to being trained by Brienne, Pod also has solid moral values and saved Tyrion's life.

8 - Scorpio (Daario Naharis)

Scorpio ... Oh, the seducers of the zodiac! Intense! And reserved. Surely the ideal crush of a Scorpio is Daario Naharis, a man who would fight for his cause, who would leave his allies behind to support you if they were against you. Aside from the physical connection Daario had with a scorpion, he would not mind having a more reserved relationship as well as what he had with Daenerys.

9 - Sagittarius (Oberyn Martell)

Sagittarians are known to be free spirits, travelers, detached and who love meeting new people. Oberyn Martell traveled through various places, including the Citadel, where he began his studies to become a maester. Besides, there would not be problems like jealousy, so besides traveling around knowing the world, there is even the possibility of rolling an open relationship and you meet other people for some adventures.

10 - Capricorn (Ned Stark)

Capricorns are more disciplined, responsible, honest, and have incredible self-control. For a person of this sign, Ned Stark would be the type of ideal man: he is controlled and extremely faithful to his moral values as family and tradition. In addition, Ned would not go into great wars because of ambitions and would only seek to live a quiet life following everything he believes to be correct.

11 - Aquarius (Tyrion Lannister)

It is said that the mind of the Aquarians is always long beyond that of people of other signs. So who would be better than Tyrion Lannister? The dwarf is known for his criticism, sarcastic opinions and for drinking a lot, but he is a big fan of studies, including, one of his greatest fascination are dragons and he knows a lot about these creatures! In addition to being smart and having high-content content of various themes, you would still do all this with good wine!

12 - Fish (Sandor Clegane the Dog)

Calm! I know it initially seems the wrong choice, but the Dog had an amazing redemption bow during the series! He ceased to look like a maniac killer and became someone who knows the meaning of life and its value to people. Piscianos are usually thinkers, gentle and can forgive the past of others, so give Sandor Clegane a chance!

Did you like your ideal partner or will not today roll? And in case of missing out on the presented suitor, what other Game of Thrones man would be the ideal boyfriend? Leave your opinion in the comments?

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