sexta-feira, 11 de agosto de 2017

Nazi salute posted on networks cost CNN employee expensive

A sede do canal CNN em Atlanta, EUA (foto de arquivo)

CNN has dismissed commentator Jeffrey Lord for having written a Nazi greeting on his Twitter.

Jeffrey Lord, who has conservative views, addressed himself on social networks to the leader of the liberal group Media Matters for America, writing a Nazi salute.

"Nazi greetings can not be justified. Jeffrey Lord will no longer work on the channel," the CNN statement said.

The commentator himself said that his message was misunderstood. According to him, he was playing with the Nazis and not following his example.

The Washington Post, for its part, writes that Jeffrey Lord is a supporter of President Donald Trump and defends his position on the channel. The commentator started working at CNN shortly after Trump was running for president in June 2015, appearing frequently on prime-time shows.

Jeffrey Lord's contract with CNN was due to expire in late 2017. He's the second Trump supporter to leave CNN this week. Earlier, one of the channel's officials also resigned, taking on the role of spokeswoman for the national committee of the Republican Party.

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