sexta-feira, 18 de agosto de 2017

New Star Wars franchise movie to feature Obi-Wan Kenobi as protagonist

According to anonymous Hollywood Reporter sources, Disney and Lucasfilm are planning to produce a new movie for the Star Wars franchise, but this one focuses on the story of Obi-Wan Kenobi, the Jedi master who mentored Luke Skywalker briefly before being Sliced in half by Darth Vader in the original trilogy.

The production of the new work would still be in the early stages of development, so much so that the writing of the script would not have begun yet. However, Oscar-winning director Billy Elliot, Stephen Daldry, was being tipped to play the production and supervise the creation of the script. But it seems the talks have not yet been completed.

Obi-Wan Kenobi by Ewan McGregor

As there is no script yet, there are no characters other than Obi-Wan Kenobi defined, and as a consequence, no actor has been quoted for possible roles. However, Ewan McGregor, who played Kenobi in the second trilogy, would have already shown interest in reviving the iconic character for the franchise. Originally, however, the role was of Alec Guinness.

Obi-Wan Kenobi by Alec Guinness

The return of Star Wars to theaters began with "The Awakening of the Force" and "Rogue One". There is yet another film focused on the Skywalker family story scheduled for 2019 and two spin-offs with independent stories, including one that will tell the Han Solo saga. It is hoped, therefore, that Kenobi's story will reach viewers after all of these. However, there is still no prediction as to when this might happen.

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