quarta-feira, 16 de agosto de 2017

Trump praises Kim Jong-un's 'very sensible decision' not to attack Guam

Resultado de imagem para Trump elogia 'decisão muito sensata' de Kim Jong-un de não atacar Guam

US President Donald Trump published a tweet Wednesday praising the North's leader's decision not to attack Guam.

The US president has addressed Kim Jong-un's apparent decision to turn back on his threat to conduct a ballistic missile test in the area off Guam, a US territory in the Pacific.

Kim Jong Un of North Korea made a very wise and well reasoned decision. The alternative would have been both catastrophic and unacceptable!

On Monday, the North Korean news agency KCNA reported that Kim Jong-un was discussing the launch of missiles toward the island of Guam.

Then the agency published the photo of the North Korean leader during the briefing.

At the same time the North American satellites would have detected the displacement of a North Korean rocket launcher.

On the same day the Korean leader expressed hope that the US will make the right decision to reduce tensions on the Korean peninsula.

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