quinta-feira, 17 de agosto de 2017

Trump will not use nuclear weapons against North Korea without consulting Seoul, says Moon

Moon Jae-in

South Korean President Moon Jae-in said on Thursday that US President Donald Trump will seek Seoul's approval before using nuclear weapons against North Korea.

The Republican has increased the war rhetoric against Pyongyang and has already stated that "military solutions are now fully ready" and that "they [North Korea] will receive fire and fury as the world has never seen."

Moon, however, says the lines do not represent a real intention to take up arms. The South Korean president made the remarks at a news conference for his 100 days in office.

Moon has called for an end to North Korea's provocative actions - saying that the cost of pursuing such behavior will be even tougher sanctions. If the provocations cease, South Korea would be willing to send a negotiation mission to the northern neighbor, the president said.

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