sexta-feira, 11 de agosto de 2017

Washington and Pyongyang 'are preparing for military action against each other'

Exercícios Foal Eagle com militares de EUA e Coreia do Sul (arquivo)

The United States plans to build fortifications around its military bases in South Korea, according to recent information. Military expert Konstantin Sivkov comments on the situation and believes that the conflict is entering a new phase.

Yesterday (10), it was reported that the command of US ground troops intends to erect moving and rapidly folding barriers around their military bases in South Korea to "protect troops from attacks by a potential enemy."

The order does not specify the bases to be protected, only informs that it is four installations.

Konstantin Sivkov, PhD in the military sciences, a member of the Academy of Missile and Artillery Sciences, underlines that such fortifications will not be able to protect the bases of missile attacks.

"These are blocks that are set up to prevent trucks carrying trinitrotoluene or terrorist bombs from entering the base." If we talk about missiles, notably North Korea's artillery, these walls will not help. A protection against North Korean sabotage forces in the event of a military conflict, "he said.

According to Konstantin Sivkov, the parties began to prepare for military action.

"Before, it seems, there was no direct threat of a conflict with North Korea, but now that threat is real, they are preparing for military action against each other, of course.Though these military actions may not get started "He stressed.

Last Tuesday (8), Trump further hardened his tone against Pyongyang, saying he would respond with "fire and fury" to the threats made to the United States.

In response, North Korea announced a ballistic missile strike plan to the island of Guam, a US territory in the Pacific that houses important US Navy and Air Force bases.

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