segunda-feira, 7 de agosto de 2017

What are the eight types of intelligence?

Get to know the eight profiles defined by the Multiple Intelligences Theory and learn how to identify your


It is the ability to develop equations, solve calculations, and solve abstract problems. Its manifestation is one that people regard as "traditional intelligence" - especially at school. She is typical of those who do well in accounts, logic and strategy.

Hobbies hanging out, playing chess, video games, computers, unraveling mysteries.

Careers indicated: sciences, computing, law, engineering, mathematics, medicine.

Geniuses of this type: Albert Einstein, Isaac Newton, Stephen Hawkin, Mark Zuckerberg.


Some people have a lot of difficulty dealing with words. They have a kind of intelligence that allows you to analyze information and develop written and oral language products, such as speeches and books, always finding the best way to communicate great ideas. It is highly requested (and appreciated) at school, since most tests and exercises are in writing.

Hobbies reading, writing, reading poetry, hobbies with words, reading, playing RPG.

Indicated careers: publishing, education, journalism, literature, translation.

Geniuses of this type: Cecília Meirelles, Gabriel García Marquez, William Shakespeare, Tom Wolfe.


The name already gives: it is one that allows a person to produce, remember and make sense in different patterns of sound. Musical sensitivity manifests itself by listening, singing, composing and playing instruments.

  Hobbies hanging out, singing, making rhymes, composing, joining a choir, listening to music, playing instruments.

Selected careers: singing, composition, musical criticism, musical direction, DJ, music teaching, sound engineering for films and plays.

Geniuses of this type: Ludwig van Beethoven, Tom Jobim, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.


Typical of those who have a strong connection with nature and an unusual ability to identify and distinguish animals, plants, climatic formations and other elements of the natural world. At school, those who have this bombing intelligence do well in biology and geography.

Hobbies: caring for plants and gardens, hiking and nature trails, walking with the dog.

Careers indicated: biology, ecology, geology, medicine, veterinary medicine, meteorology.

Geniuses of this type: Charles Darwin, Alexander von Humboldt, Aziz Ab'Saber, Chico Mendes.


It is the ability to use one's own body (and its movements) to solve problems or create products. It is the most requested, for example, in soccer stars, gymnasts, dancers and artists in general.

Hobbies hanging out, dancing, singing, dancing

Careers indicated: choreography, dance, dramatic arts, plastic arts, physical education, sports.

Geniuses of this type: Lionel Messi, Marta, Meryl Streep, Michael Phelps.


There are people who do not know how to orient themselves on a map, can not estimate measurements and can not put together a good look. On the other hand, masters of this intelligence have an extra ability to recognize space and think in terms of colors, shapes, and measures, manipulating both large and small images.

Hobbies hanging out, painting, photography, painting, sculpture.

Careers indicated: architecture, plastic arts, aviation, industrial design, interior design, graphic design, engineering.

Geniuses of this type: Coco Chanel, Oscar Niemeyer, Pablo Picasso, Santos Dumont.


Do you know that your friend is the best shoulder at the time you need to cry? Who understands easy everything you are feeling, knows to console you and knows to propose solutions to the problems? He is well developed in this type of intelligence: the one that recognizes and works the desires and moods of others. It is useful when it comes to studying in groups, for example, or managing a team.

Hobbies hanging out with friends.

Careers indicated: journalism, marketing, politics, psychology, human resources, public relations, theology, sales.

Geniuses of this type: Winston Churchill, Mahatma Gandhi, Marilia Gabriela, Papa Francisco.


It is the inverse of the interpersonal: the individual uses the intelligence to self-know. They are people with a great degree of autonomy, capable of recognizing their own intentions, motivations and opinions. This self-analysis can put them in a good position to reflect on the human condition, whether through philosophical texts or through great novels.

Hobbies hanging out: writing a diary, meditating, planning your life goals.
Careers indicated: philosophy, literature, psychology, theology.

Geniuses of this type: Ernest Hemingway, Machado de Assis, Friedrich Nietzsche, Simone de Beauvoir.

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