quarta-feira, 16 de agosto de 2017

Where do women live happier with their sex lives?

Resultado de imagem para Onde moram mulheres mais satisfeitas com sua vida sexual?

A researcher at the University of California looked at the relationship between women's satisfaction with their sex lives and the political system, and concluded that women in Eastern Europe and the USSR were more satisfied with sex than those in Western Europe.

Kristen R. Ghodsee, a feminist and teacher, conducted a spicy study for The New York Times. In investigating women of various ages, from different cities and at different times, the author came to the conclusion that Eastern European women are happier with sex compared to those living in the Western world. However, the latter benefit more freedoms.

In addition, Kristen found that, at the time of German reunification, women living in East Germany experienced on average twice as many orgasms as those living in the West. And this despite enjoying much more comfortable living conditions.

Satisfaction with sexual relations has been found to depend not only on the youth and temperament of the partners, but also on the mentality and attitudes that change according to the political system.

One of the study participants, a Bulgarian woman who lived in the communist system for 43 years, indicated that men living in free market conditions are unable to give up completely when they have intimate relationships.

Another woman interviewed by Kristen shares her opinion on the subject. "Before the wall fell everything was easier. Women were responsible for motherhood ... but now I work and of course I do not have time to get pregnant," explained Daniela, who was born in East Germany.

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