terça-feira, 8 de agosto de 2017

British model kidnapping: new attempt to blame the Russians?

A modelo britânica Chloe Ayling resgatada após o sequestro, 8 de agosto de 2017

The 20-year-old British model hijacker attempted to sell information related to her disappearance to an English newspaper, blaming the "Russian mafia," reports the Daily Telegraph.

The model Chloe Ayling was kidnapped in Milan, where she had been invited to take part in a photo shoot marked by her agent. At the site of the photos she was assaulted, immobilized through an injection into her arm, closed in a suitcase and taken to a small village near Turin. Chloe Ayling was held hostage for seven days, handcuffed all the time to a mobile, and was put up for sale by the criminal through an auction, with a bidding base of 300,000 euros in the virtual currency bitcoin.

The kidnapper eventually released the model on July 17, when he discovered that she was the mother of a two-year-old child, which did not allow her to sell it, as it "contradicted her principles." The victim to the British consulate. This is Lukasz Herba, a resident of Britain and born in Poland.

According to the source, two days after the kidnapping, Herba sent a letter to the Daily Mirror entitled "British Model Kidnapped by the Russian Mafia," allegedly trying to sell information on the crime and photos of Chloe Ayling.

The man told Italian police that the "Russian mafia" was mentioned to "draw attention". The model itself said "know nothing at all."

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