quarta-feira, 16 de agosto de 2017

Former US Congressman: North Korea will cease to exist if it attacks Guam

Kim Jong-un observa míssil balístico de longo alcance Hwasong-12.

Former House Representative for the Republican Party representing the state of Florida David Jolly commented on the escalation of tension between the US and North Korea that, in his view, no other American president ever faced.

"To this day, North Korea did not have nuclear weapons capable of reaching US territory, but now Donald Trump will have to deal with that situation. If the need arises to employ force, the only acceptable option will be to follow the doctrine of 'Shock and awe,' as it did in Iraq, "Jolly told a live interview on the Politicking program on RT America.

In addition, he believes that North Korea will cease to exist if its leader Kim Jong-un comes to carry out an attack on the island of Guam.

"In that case, North Korea will cease to exist within a month, if there is a military conflict, that will be the only way to act." A single high-precision attack is not the solution: there is a very high risk that the madman Of Kim Jong-un lance against the world all the missiles it owns, and there will be attacks on Japan, South Korea and, possibly, the US territory, "Jolly added.

Earlier, the Chinese foreign ministry had seen signs of a tightening of tension around Pyongyang.

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