sexta-feira, 11 de agosto de 2017

How to prepare for World War III and what to do in case of nuclear attack

Resultado de imagem para imagem de guerra nuclear

Taking into account the growing tensions in the world, the UK government is working on a new warning system to warn the British in the event of a nuclear war, reports the British newspaper The Sun.

According to the newspaper, the National Assault Alert System (NAWS) was developed in 2003, which allowed the government to warn the population by telephone, radio and television in the event of an attack. Now this system is being perfected.

What to do before a nuclear explosion?

If you believe that a nuclear attack is imminent, experts recommend defending both your family members and yourself as follows:

- Prepare an emergency kit that includes non-perishable food, water, a battery radio or crank, extra lanterns and batteries.

- Create a family emergency plan. It is possible that your family members are not all in the same place when the disaster strikes, so it is important to know how to contact them to meet.

- Check for shelters in your surroundings. If there is not, it is necessary to choose some place that can serve as a refuge.

What to do during a nuclear explosion?

- Listen to the official information through the Internet, radio or television and follow the instructions, indicated by the emergency services.

- If an attack warning is issued, seek shelter as soon as possible underground, if any, and remain there until directed otherwise.

- Find the nearest building, preferably made of brick or concrete, and enter to avoid contact with any radioactive material from outside. Then hide in the deepest part of the building.

- Stay at least 24 hours inside, before the authorities tell them they can leave.

What if an explosion caught them by surprise?

- Do not look at the fire, which can make them blind.

- To seek shelter behind anything that can offer protection.

- Lie on the ground and cover your head.

- Refuge as fast as possible, even when they are a great distance from the place where the attack took place, since the radioactive precipitations can travel hundreds of kilometers.

- Take a shower with soap and water as soon as possible. Take off all the clothes with which you were dressed, put it in a plastic bag and close it.

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