terça-feira, 8 de agosto de 2017

North Korea promises 'physical' retaliation to its opponents

Lançamento de míssil balístico da Coreia do Norte
North Korea has vowed to take "physical action" on new sanctions against the country imposed by the UN Security Council, according to a statement from the North Korean Peace Committee in the Pacific Circle.

Pyongyang described the resolution itself as "gangster action, aimed at violating the sovereignty and right to the existence and development of North Korea."

"They must understand that North Korea will take inclement strategic steps, including physical actions, mobilizing all the powers of the nation," the KCNA quoted in the statement as saying.

On Saturday (6), the UN Security Council approved the extension of sanctions against Pyongyang. According to US forecasts, which have proposed the draft resolution, if fully implemented, the restrictions will reduce North Korea's three-fold income, which currently amounts to about three billion dollars.

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