terça-feira, 8 de agosto de 2017

US air strike against Iraqi militia leaves dozens dead and wounded

Milícia Hasdi Sabi luta contra o Daesh no Iraque

United States aircraft launched an attack on positions of the Iraqi militia Hasdi Sabi on the Syrian-Iraqi border around 8:00 am today, according to sources.

According to the information, 35 militants died and 25 were injured. Among the victims are Hasdi Sabi commanders.

One of the militia commanders, Ali Hasim Huseyni, said that "US airplanes attacked militants from the Seyid Şuheda [Hasdi Sabi militia] unit."

The wounded were taken to several hospitals in Iraq, some of them are in very serious condition, the commander said.

According to him, the region hit by the attack is situated on the Syrian-Iraqi border, 20 kilometers from the city of Al-Ba'aj.

The members of the militia condemned in a decisive way "this purposeful attack".

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