quinta-feira, 10 de agosto de 2017

Specialist warns of US pre-emptive strike against North Korea

Os bombardeiros B-1B Lancer dos EUA
The United States has drawn up a pre-emptive strike plan against North Korea's missile launchers. However, Russian military expert Vladimir Bogatyrev warns that such actions could provoke a serious response.

The US military has drawn up a pre-emptive strike plan against North Korean missile launchers if US President Donald Trump orders it to be carried out, according to NBC television, citing sources in the country's military.

The crucial element of the plan, sources say, is an attack on North Korean missile launch platforms using strategic B-1B Lancer bombers from the US military base on Guam Island.

Relations between North Korea and the United States have deteriorated sharply in recent days. Pyongyang would be considering the possibility of a missile strike against the US military bases on the island of Guam. In response, US President Donald Trump threatened North Korea with "fire and fury as the world has never seen" in case the threats to the US persist.

The Guam region is an unincorporated U.S. territory in Micronesia, located in the southern part of the Mariana Islands in the Pacific Ocean. The military installations on the island are among the most strategically important American bases in the Western Pacific.

In the current situation, we can expect any steps on the part of Washington, the Russian service of Radio Sputnik retired major general and president of the National Association of Retired Officers of the Russian Armed Forces (MEGAPIR in Russian), Vladimir Bogatyrev.

Considering Trump's latest actions in Syria - a completely unexpected coup against structures allegedly linked to a suspected chemical attack, a series of other actions undertaken by him and the Pentagon to scare the world apart from his constant desire to show himself as a "Tough guy," we can expect any adventurous steps.

However, the military expert stresses that Donald Trump is becoming increasingly weak in the domestic political struggle. So, he points out, he needs some external factors and threats. Yes, North Korea behaves quite vigorously and defiantly in response to the actions that are directed against it.

But, in recent times, US rhetoric comes down to solving problems in all regions of the world through force, he added.

At the same time, the expert does not believe that North Korea will intensify tensions intentionally, these are actions of self-defense:

The only thing North Korea wants is to continue to exist as a state with its own peculiarities, regime, economy, citizens. You want to determine your destiny for yourself: if you leave us alone, we will not develop this program - that is your position. North Korea wants to securely protect itself as Pakistan and India did, obtaining nuclear weapons for self-defense.

The Russian expert agrees that "this is very dangerous but, regrettably, it is so."

"Limiting and, if possible, halting the development of North Korea's nuclear program is the task of the entire international community, in which all UN Security Council countries, including China and Russia, actively participate," Stressed.

In his view, "it is possible to achieve it only by using political means or, if necessary, economic means, and if military measures are taken, this could provoke a serious response." It is not acceptable to push a country towards self- ".

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