terça-feira, 8 de agosto de 2017

This is what the second man to tread on the moon thinks about the future of mankind on Mars

On July 20, 1969, humanity watched with amazement, staring at the television, a dream come true. Apollo 11 was parked on lunar soil, man finally conquered the moon and Neil Armstrong would say one of the most emblematic phrases in all history: "It is a small step for man, but a giant leap for mankind." Buzz Aldrin came soon after, was the second man to step on the moon. He left the marks of his boots on that barren, vast, empty ground. He still remembers his first words as his eyes touched the lunar surface: "Magnificent, desolation."

Aldrin referred to the inhospitable solitude of Earth's natural satellite. For him, the moon had a "bleak look".

"What we have seen has not changed for hundreds, thousands of years. No life. It was too hot during the day and very, very cold at night. Not a good place. There is no air. Sixty years after we reached the moon in the 1960s and 1970s, why would we want to go back there? "He questions, according to a report published online by G1

Buzz Aldrin is not a man attached to the past. At age 80, he shows that he has his eyes on the future, as well as the character inspired by his life, Buzz Lightyear and his famous phrase in the animation of Toy Story: "To infinity and beyond."

For the astronaut, tomorrow is on Mars, as is the future of mankind.

"I'm a big optimist about what can happen."

The human being takes slow and small steps toward space. But human hunger for the unknown has always been great and urgent. If we have reached the Moon, now the goal should be an even more ambitious project: the conquest of Mars.

The red planet that has so much instigated and continues to inspire our imagination, with the possibility of finding extraterrestrial neighbors, or simply to expand even more human territory.

NASA, the Chinese Space Agency, the Society of Mars and Space X explore the individual forces in this race to bring the first man to Mars.

Aldrin is at the forefront of this idea and has been dreaming about the Martian planet since 1985. He is responsible for sending projects to the US Senate, constantly encouraging the need for further research, as well as the importance of funding for the achievement of this new goal.

Buzz is in a hurry. In his project, the colonization of Mars would happen soon.

"On my timeline, which I submitted to the US Congress, we would have people treading on Mars to stay there in 2031," he says, and explains the need for this new space race:

"It is to ensure the survival of the human race. What could destroy us, a great asteroid. But if we have a growing civilization somewhere else, this is the time to make this move, start to settle down. "

Buzz plans a gradual colonization system. First the moons of Mars, Phobos and Deimos, and then finally Mars. The distance between the terrestrial planet and the Martian is 225 million kilometers. NASA estimates it would take nine months to get there. And that the astronauts who participated in the mission would probably never return.

But Aldrin goes further. He believes it is necessary to develop a model of a fixed bridge, a kind of circular transport to make constant journeys between the two planetary neighbors.

"We have to think about the future. Now is the time to be a kind of two planets, "said the astronaut as he published his book" Welcome to Mars "in London.

However, for the project to be possible, Buzz knows that it is necessary to change the "Cold War" mentality that was in the sixties when the Soviet Union and the United States were digrating to know who would conquer the Moon first.

In order for this new space dream to become reality, it is necessary to unite force, intelligence and investment among all nations.

"It is essential that we have cooperation, even if we have difficulties with partners like China," says Aldrin.

Is that you? What do you think about this? Do you believe that the colonization of the Martian planet is possible? Knowing that the costs for such an operation would be exorbitant, would it be worth for humanity?

Do not forget to leave your comment on the subject and take the opportunity to express your opinion about the possibilities and needs of this new human achievement.

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