sexta-feira, 18 de agosto de 2017

US augurs 'shadowy future' for Pyongyang

Rex Tillerson, novo secretário de Estado dos EUA

Rex Tillerson assured the press that his country would respond uncontroversial should Kim Jong-un decide to attack his territories in the Pacific Ocean or those of any of his allies. Japan reaffirms its military relations with the United States.

US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson reiterated Thursday that North Korea will face a "bleak future" if it refuses to negotiate disarmament. The announcement was made during a meeting of the Security Advisory Committee between Japan and the US.

"In close cooperation with our allies," Tillerson added, referring to the Japanese country, "if the DPRK initiates hostilities, this will have serious military consequences."

At the Tillerson conference he was joined by US Secretary of Defense James Mattis, and both were in charge of communicating that if North Korea launches a missile, the US will take immediate and concrete steps to overthrow it.

Earlier, President Donald Trump's chief strategist Steve Bannon publicly stated that there would be no military solution to what he considered a diplomatic conflict. This generated a controversy in which the Republican Administration contradicted his words.

Tillerson declined to mention Bannon's remarks, but asserted that the US "is very clear about North Korea's policy and stance," and said,

"Our approach has been approved by the president."

Tensions and the use of warmongering rhetoric have continued to increase since Pyongyang announced the possibility of its leader, Kim Jong-un, launching a missile attack on the island of Guam, a territory in the Pacific Ocean belonging to the United States.

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