sexta-feira, 18 de agosto de 2017

202 Japanese settlements prepare for possible North Korean missile strike

Resultado de imagem para 202 povoados japoneses se preparam para possível ataque de mísseis norte-coreanos

Eight Japanese prefectures underwent training aimed at verifying the functioning of the emergency alert system in case North Korea launches a ballistic missile.

According to NHK channel, trainings covered 202 villages. In some prefectures, defects were detected in the warning system: transmission of an extemporaneous signal or incorrectly interpreted text. For example, in the prefectures of Shimane and Okayama the text was received written in symbols impossible to read.

Authorities are studying the causes of failures.

North Korea has officially declared that, in case of launching of Hwasong-12 ballistic missiles against Guam, they will fly over the Japanese prefectures of Shimane, Hiroshima and Kochi. However, the Japanese authorities decided to carry out training in the zones coinciding with all the possible trajectory of the missiles.

Last week, Pyongyang pledged to finalize by the end of August a plan to launch four mid-range missiles toward the island of Guam in the Pacific Ocean, home to US military bases. The idea has raised tensions between the two countries.

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