segunda-feira, 7 de agosto de 2017

Washington's 'nuclear chess' to move missiles to Europe

Explosão nuclear

The United States would be able to carry out a sudden nuclear attack on Russia, warns the deputy chief of the Central Department of Operations of the Russian General Staff, Lieutenant General Viktor Poznikhir, quoted by the Zvezda portal.

According to the military, quoted by the author of the article Dmitry Litovkin, the existence of US anti-missile defense bases in Europe and the presence of its ships in the seas and oceans near the Russian territory show a possibility of a sudden nuclear attack .

Viktor Poznikhir made the remarks when he was informed that the United States intends to abandon the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF), signed by Moscow and Washington in 1987.

The United States Congress is preparing a series of bills that will allow it to move unilaterally out of the treaty, as well as modernize its offensive potential.

The pretext to suspend and reformulate the INF Treaty by the Americans would be linked to the alleged violation of its clauses by Russia.

According to US analysts, the reach of the new Russian R-500 cruise missiles would have exceeded 2,500 km, an unacceptable indicator for missiles located on land, as indicated by INF.

However, Washington is unable to provide evidence of the alleged violation of the treaty by Moscow, which, in turn, has always rejected the allegations.

However, Washington's withdrawal from the INF will allow the US to move its short- and medium-range missiles to Europe, more precisely to Poland, Romania and the Baltic States, says Vadim Kozyulin, a professor at the Academy of Military Sciences.

In particular, such a step will allow Washington to control the entire European part of Russia as far as the Ural Mountains. The missiles will be able to reach their targets in minutes. This is in perfect harmony with the American concept of "Prompt Global Strike", a massive missile attack using land and sea systems capable of disarming any country in the world in an hour.

However, the expert believes that the beginning of a nuclear war is unlikely. Washington believes it will not win by destroying the European part of Russia. The country's main nuclear potential lies in the Ural Mountains in Siberia, where it is possible to destroy these targets only from the Arctic. But the entrance of American ships in this zone is currently blocked due to the installation of new Russian military bases.

In addition, by abandoning INF, Washington would be able to exert additional pressure on Russia, which would be forced to react and seek an asymmetric response to ensure balance of forces.

Amid economic sanctions and low oil prices, this could be a very effective tool to undermine the enemy's economy, which would lead directly to a new Cold War.

Washington's ambitions are to sacrifice Europe, where its military bases, nuclear weapons are located and where medium-range missiles will be installed if the US leaves the INF Treaty, the author concludes.

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