sábado, 5 de agosto de 2017

What are the 5 mistakes that Donald Trump has not yet made? Specialist responds

Presidente dos EUA Donald Trump durante discurso na sessão do Congresso dos EUA

US President Donald Trump has not yet taken any dangerous steps in the foreign policy field, however, over time he can take such actions and thus make serious mistakes, says Harvard University professor Stephen Walt.

In the official website of Foreign Policy magazine, the author writes that after the inauguration, the US president has already made many mistakes regarding foreign policy. But in relation to a number of issues, Donald Trump has still been able to avoid flaws that can lead to serious consequences.

At the same time, Stephen Walt does not exclude that Trump is thinking of taking some dangerous steps to try to distract attention from his Administration's failures in domestic politics.

According to the professor's point of view, the biggest mistake of the US president will be the use of military means to solve the North Korean crisis. It is very likely that such actions by the US will lead to a large-scale war in the region.

Donald Trump's second flaw could be the output of the Joint Global Action Plan (the international agreement on Iran's nuclear program). The magazine recalls that this deal was heavily criticized by Donald Tump during his election campaign.

He said that in addition to a "normal" war, Trump must avoid leading trade wars and apply protectionist measures that, in his view, will have negative consequences for the world economy.

In addition, the introduction of additional troops into Afghanistan, backed by a number of US military personnel, could become more of a potential US leader's mistake.

Although during his election campaign Donald Trump has spoken out against any interference from the country in the conflicts in the Middle East, it now appears that his position is no longer so firm, says the professor.

Finally, the last of the biggest mistakes in the foreign policy area that Trump has not yet committed is the delivery of American arms to Kiev, Wolt believes. In his view, this will only result in escalating tensions between Washington and Moscow.

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