sábado, 5 de agosto de 2017

Traffic sign in California makes 'unprecedented' accusation against Trump and viraliza in the network

O presidente Donald Trump falando com jornalistas na Casa Branca, em Washington, em 2 de maio de 2017

If they have not told you, the US president has herpes. At least according to a group of malicious cyclical pranksters who raided a California traffic sign Wednesday night.

Impossible not to notice the bright yellow letters on the digital message board, set to alert drivers about delays and construction projects, on California's Interstate 80. The reason, however, was not related to traffic jams or works.

Local authorities are not sure how they managed to change the text on the board, since the signs are "locked with a password."

The California Department of Transportation was not amused by the joke. In fact, officials are investigating the matter, as the handling of equipment is a crime, according to the International Business Times.

Although the signal has been corrected, this was not the first incident in which US President Donald Trump was slandered by road signs. Last year, several traffic signs along interstate 30 in Dallas were replaced to show messages like "Donald Trump is a lizard that changes shape."

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